If you are visiting our non-English version and want to see the English version of Michigan Privatization Report, please scroll down to the bottom and you will see the meaning of Michigan Privatization Report in English language. The national American Polish Festival takes place there every year, at which the Polish community comes together and celebrates its culture. Sterling Heights (Taken from https://www.cooley.edu/library/research_guides/Legal_Citations.pdf). Michigan Resource Center for Health and Safety, Inc. Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association, Michigan School Board Leaders Association. Option 11. Ann Arbor Chicago Mercantile Exchange v. Deaktor, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. CLIA: Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment – includes regulation of federal standards of U.S. facilities or sites that test human specimens for health assessment or to diagnose, prevent, or treat disease. Wondering how to create the section symbol – § – in Microsoft Word™? The decline of Detroit began with the oil crisis in the 1970s and the rise of Japanese cars in the United States, which increased from 2009 as a result of the economic and financial crisis. Detroit Bluebook abbreviation (Michigan Uniform abbreviation) Am. Michigan covers an area of 250,494 km² – with around 10 million inhabitants. Remember that shorthand familiar to specialists in a given field (or to longtime university employees) could confuse non-specialists, non-university readers and new employees. Note: When spelling out degrees, use lowercase: bachelor of science, master of business administration, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctorate. 705, 35 L.Ed. NSTIC: National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (a proposal to create secure online identities), OBX: an HL7 message segment; Observation/Result segment is used to transmit an observation, ONC: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, ORU: Observational Results Unsolicited /Observable Record, PCI DSS: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, PD1: an HL7 segment that carries additional demographic information, PGIP: Physicians Group Incentive Program (BCBS), PI: Promoting Interoperability. ), NACK: negative acknowledgment (negative response/error), NCQA: National Committee for Quality Assurance, NK1: an HL7 message segment, contains information about the patient’s other related parties. Warren became particularly famous for the rapper Eminem, who in his film and in many of his songs drew attention to the dilapidated 8 Mile Street and thus its origins. 2 vehicles were involved in the accident with no injuries or fatalities listed. the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (hyphen), the University of Michigan-Dearborn (hyphen), the University of Michigan-Flint (hyphen). The water area of the state is 103,372 km² and the land area is 147,122 km². MiPCT: Michigan Primary Care Transformation Project – the largest of 8 multi-payer Patient-Centered Home pilots in the U.S. MI*STARR: MHA readmission project to improve quality, MOAC: MiHIN Operations Advisory Committee. It was accepted into the Union as the 26th state in 1837. CTC: Care Team Connect- a technology vendor, a web-based care navigation platform, DTMB: Department of Technology, Management & Budget, DURSA: Direct Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (a framework for exchange), GLBA: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act – aka – The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. Detroit used to be a thriving town where Henry Ford founded his Henry Ford Motor Company in 1903 – General Motors opened 5 years later. Businesses can get ITIL training courses from places like itsm.zone. Impact Factor. Option 21. With approximately 114,000 inhabitants, it is the fifth largest state in Michigan and the only capital that is not the seat of her county (Ingham County). It can be hard to keep up with the acronyms and abbreviations that naturally arise as different organizations create shorthand designations for concepts and activities that are helping make health information exchange a reality. Although U-M is usually pronounced “U of M” when spoken, this abbreviation should not be used in written text. West publishes seven (7) regional reporters as part of the National Reporter System. We are the world's largest and most comprehensive directory and search engine for acronyms, abbreviations and initialisms on the Internet. Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. Michigan Recreation and Parks Association, Michigan Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf. Nowadays, after the decline of the automotive industry, only about 700,000 people live here, of which about 40% live below the poverty line and are dependent on social assistance. Instagram, Library Web Discrimination Policy, state and federal education cases from 1982 to present, cases from United States Courts of Appeals, official decisions of Michigan Supreme Court, official decisions of Michigan Court of Appeals, Compilation of all adopted rules and regulations in effect in the state of Michigan, official codification of statutes for the state of Michigan, public and local actsf of the legislature of the state of Michigan, regulatory information that supplements the Mich. Admin. U-M (hyphen) UM-Ann Arbor (hyphen) While holding down the key, type in 0167 on the number pad. Promoting Interoperability is the use of a certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of healthcare. Special sights are e.g. Tourism is now the largest industry in Michigan. 4. Inc. G Force Customs (Orange County Choppers dealership in Jackson, Michigan, James Clements Municipal Airport, Bay City, Michigan, USA, Lake Michigan Monitoring Coordination Council, Learning Disabilities Association of Michigan, Malmo Modified Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, & Letters, Michigan Administrative Information Services, Michigan Agricultural Aviators Association, Michigan Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Association, Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program, Michigan Alliance of Direct Support Professionals, Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center, Michigan Alternative Athletic Association, Michigan Association for Children with Emotional Disorders, Michigan Association for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Michigan Association for Deaf, Hearing and Speech Services, Michigan Association for Openness in Adoption, Michigan Association for Professional Psychology, Michigan Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Michigan Association of Administrators of Special Education, Michigan Association of Centers for Independent Living, Michigan Association of Code Enforcement Officers, Michigan Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Michigan Association of Community Arts Agencies, Michigan Association of Concerned Veterans, Michigan Association of Conservation Districts, Michigan Association of Consumer Health Information Specialists, Michigan Association of Continuing Education and Training, Michigan Association of Convenience Stores, Michigan Association of County Treasurers, Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals, Michigan Association of Educational Broadcasters, Michigan Association of Environmental Professionals, Michigan Association of Learning Disabilities Educators, Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools, Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Michigan Association of Paddlesport Providers, Michigan Association of Railroad Passengers, Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches, Michigan Association of School Administrators, Michigan Association of Service Coordinators, Michigan Association of Staffing Services, Michigan Association of Township Supervisors, Michigan Automated Response Voice Interactive Network, Michigan Breast Reconstruction Outcome Study, Michigan Business and Professional Association, Michigan Cable Telecommunications Association, Michigan Center for Biological Information, Michigan Center for Career and Technical Education, Michigan Center for Geographic Information, Michigan Chapter of Meeting Professionals International, Michigan Chiropractic Pediatric Association, Michigan Civil Rights Initiative Committee, Michigan Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program, Michigan Conference of Teamsters Welfare Fund, Michigan Council of Directors of Volunteer Services, Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency, Michigan Dairy Queen Operators’ Association, Michigan Department of Management and Budget, Michigan Diabetes Research and Training Center, Michigan Directors of Services to the Aging, Michigan Distributors & Vendors Association, Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Educational Research and Information Triad, Michigan Educators Apprenticeship and Training Association, Michigan Electrical Contractors Association, Michigan Electronic Medical Record Initiative, Michigan Emergency Management Association, Michigan Employment Security Board of Review, Michigan Environmental Health Association, Michigan Exploratory Center on the Demography of Aging, Michigan Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation, Michigan Federation of Teachers and School Related Personnel, Michigan Forestry and Park Association, Inc, Michigan Foster and Adoptive Parent Association, Michigan Foundation for Education Leadership, Michigan Great Lakes International Draft Horse Show and Pull, Michigan Grid Research and Infrastructure Development, Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association, Michigan High School Baseball Coaches Association, Michigan High School Football Coaches Association, Michigan Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, Michigan Housing and Community Development Fund, Michigan Independent Automobile Dealers Association, Michigan Independent Power Producers Association, Michigan Institute of Aviation and Technology, Michigan Institute of Laundering and Drycleaning, Michigan Interfaith Council on Alcohol Problems, Michigan Internet Cooperative Association, Michigan Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association, Michigan Migrant Legal Assistance Project, Michigan Minority Business Development Council, Michigan Ohio Telecommunication Association, Michigan Organization of Nurse Executives, Michigan Orthotics & Prosthetics Association, Michigan Press Photographer’s Association, Michigan Promotional Products Association. Cases are published in reporters. LIS: Laboratory Information Systems – a laboratory management system that offers features that support modern laboratory operations. Unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of an official title, ‘the’ should not be capitalized in running text. NOT John attends The University of Michigan. A data structure is a way of storing data in a computer so that is can be used efficiently. RCP: an HL7 response control parameter segment, used to restrict the amount of data that should be returned in response to a query, RDF: an HL7 segment which represents a table row definition. ), PID: an HL7 patient identity message; used primarily to communicate patient identification information, PIT: Prototyping and Interoperability Test [the sand box], PQRI: Physician Quality Reporting Initiative, PV1: an HL7 patient visit segment, used by registration/patient administration applications to communicate information on a visit-specific basis, PV2: an additional HL7 segment used to give admission reason, QBP: an HL7 message segment, query by parameter, QCK: an HL7 query general acknowledgment segment message.