1.Colin Mcleod2.Tony Anverdi3.Greg Wilson4.Brent Braun5.Max Maven6.Gregory Wilson7.Ammar8.Nicholas Lawrence9.Michael Ammar10.Chad Long11.Juan Tamariz12.Reynold Alexander13.Dan Harlan14.Richard Turner15.John Bannon16.Greg Gleason17.Peter Eggink18.David Regal19.Masuda20.Yigal Mesika, Categories a DVD is good because it is more visual. Transformation, Dime and Penny for the Wiseacre, A Novel Vanish and Reproduction, Splitting the Atom, Die to Dime. T. Nelson Downs' Original Version, The Elusive Pass, New Change-Over Palm, Downs' New "Click" Pass, Downs' New Fan Pass, Money & Coin Tricks This product was added to our catalog on Friday 01 January, 2010. DVD Set- Modern Coin Magic. Coin Concealments, The Classic Palm, The Edge Palm, The Thumb Palm, The Downs Palm, The Finger Palm, The Front Finger Hold, The Back Palm, The Back, Finger Clip, The Back Thumb, The Bobo Switch, Utility Switch, One-Hand Switch, Shaw-Judah Coin Switch, The Click Pass Paul Morris Click Pass, The Coin Flip, Change-Over Pass, The Bottom Steal, Producing a Coin from a Spectator's Clothing, Taking Advantage of a Fumble 1 & 2, Standard Vanish, Simple Vanish, Over the Top, The Tunnel Vanish, Thumb Palm Vanish, The Drop Vanish, The Bobo Coin Vanish, The Slide Vanish, The Illusive Coin Pass, A Coin Vanish, The Pinch Vanish, Gone The New Era Coin, Go, The Flyaway Coin, Behind the Back, The French Drop (Le Tourniquet), The Reverse French Drop, The Wrist Watch Vanish, The Pulse Trick, The Cranium Vanish, Vanish with the Aid of a Handkerchief, The “Head” and “Tails” Vanish, A Vanish for Several Coins, A Trio of Vanishes, Spellbound (Vernon), Edge Grip, Curl Palm, Muscle Pass, French Drop Switch, Jimmy Wilson Vanish, Ramsey Subtlety, Kaps Subtlety Spider Vanish, Tenkai Pinch, Kaps Palm to Palm Switch, Strike Vanish. On this DVD you find all the very best sleights that are necessary for performing powerful close up magic with coins. Quick View. DVDs Modern Coin Magic - 4 DVD Set $49.00. PICK IT UP NOW! Then, learn step-by-step from the performer’s view, how you too can execute these staggering coin moves! Description Description. Share this A comprehensive educational approach to learning coin magic. Then, learn, step by step from the performer's view, how you too can do these amazing coin moves! NEW:Premium Decks reference it is wonderful. Penguin LIVE This 4 DVD Set is OVERLOADED with more than 170+ sleights and trick using coins… The Classic Course in Coin Magic Is Here! In addition to learning the best sleights you will also learn 4 awesome routines including 1 routine that combines several sleights that you will learn on this DVD. If you have ever wanted to get into coin magic and don't know where to start, the best of modern coin magic is the perfect DVD to start learning coin magic today. The best of modern coin magic is a collection of sleights and routines from the classic book of coin magic by J.B. Bobo. The classic course in coin magic. Magic Books, Other Stuff this, it's a must have for anybody who likes coin magic. Add to cart. Then, learn, step by step from the performer's view, how you too can do these amazing coin moves! Quantity: Add to cart Unavailable Email us about this product. The quality is great and the angles are exactly right for learning. EIGHT awesome ways to win a bet with nothing but your wits! There are some good routines as well. Its really based on the lights with some classic effects...if you Coffee Shop Magic, DVDs + Books THIS ITS THE BIBLE OF COIN MAGIC ON DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On the ART OF SLEEVING...Delayed Action Sleeving Improved Method, The "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish, Reverse "Pumpkin Seed" Vanish, The Catapult, Judah Method, A Unique Sleeving Move, The Throw, Kort Method Kirk Stiles Method, A Method of Sleeving one of Several Coins, Dr. E. M. Roberts' Method, Loading, Tricks Using Sleeving, Migration, Transposition, Devaluation, Inflation Transformation, Dime and Penny for the Wiseacre, A Novel Vanish and Reproduction, Splitting the Atom, Die to Dime. Coins Across, Copper and Silver Transposition, The Curious Nickel, Two Pennies on the Leg, The Inseparable Pair, Coins in the Teeth, The Drop Pass, The Hippity Hop Half, Rapid Transit, Winged Silver, The Flying Eagles, Three and Three, Chinese Money Mystery, Four Coins to a Glass, Coin Through a Ring, Silver or Copper Extraction, The Expansion of Texture Expanded, The Gadabout Coins, The Three Coin Trick, The Bent Penny, The Ghost of a Coin, Coins Through the Table, Frank Garcia’s Version, Magical Filtration of Four Half Dollars, The Sympathetic Coins, The Changing Change, The Coin Roll, The Downs Coin Star, Roll Down Flourish with Four Coins, Downs Eureka Pass & Routine, Rattle Box Routine, Thieves and Sheep, Just Pretend, The Free and Unlimited, Coinage of Silver, Coins and Cards. only on magic video out of 100's I would pick this. I just got this for Christmas and boy am I happy! If I had to keep Poster Store NEW:Subscriptions, Top Inventors Modern Coin Magic - 4 DVD Set quantity. Best price around the world wide web.Read More ->, Jeff and his team are incredible.