And even now, the county has a Triple-A bond rating. Absentee votes reversed Freitas' early lead. The County’s diverse nonprofit community has joined the call to oppose Question B and released a public statement with over 25 nonprofit signons. Ballotpedia features 318,742 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Questions A and B address property taxes and questions C and D address the number of people on the County Council. “Question B would severely restrict the County’s ability to support critical services. Nearly $50 toll projected in draft study of I-270 project, How a Yes vote on Question 1 of the Maryland ballot would impact state finances. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan tells the state to expect a fall surge and urges everyone to follow safety protocols. Now, he said it hinders economic development. Ballot access for candidates | Public pensions | House of Representatives | The president of the group that brought the ballot question, Kim Persaud, is … Suzie Harvey Elections Administrator/Voter Registrar 9159 Airport Road, Conroe, Texas 77303 (936) 539-7843 Question B limits how much revenue Montgomery County could bring in from property and strips our elected councilmembers of their power to override the imposed limit, even if an emergency or some essential public services required an override vote. Largest counties | Orphans' Court, Budget and finances | The stricter revenue cap Montgomery County would face if Question B passes is similar in many respects to the so-called “Taxpayer Bill … To see the full list of Nonprofits that have signed onto the letter against B, click here. Montgomery County ballot: Explaining questions A and B #TheQandA. From leading business groups to anti-hunger activists and local Democratic clubs, Montgomery County’s community leaders agree on one thing: Ficker’s Question B is a dangerous idea. There are two topics for the county-specific questions on this year’s ballot in Montgomery County. Healthcare | Federal courts | For additional information, please contact Daniel Koroma at or at 240-424-0405. Montgomery County Question B was on the November 4, 2008 ballot in Montgomery County, Maryland, where it was approved.. So what would a yes vote on Question A mean? State constitution, Courts in Maryland | So if you vote no on Question A and no on Question B, it maintains the status quo. Redistricting, List of Maryland ballot measures | Court of Appeals | The 2020 election is fast approaching and early voting starts in Maryland on Oct. 26. Local measures | Montgomery County Question B was on the November 4, 2008 ballot in Montgomery County, Maryland, where it was approved.[1]. Right now, any increase beyond the rate of inflation requires a unanimous council vote. You can also see the validator image of all organizations Against Question B here. | League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, MD Call the English VOTER HOTLINE (301-984-9585) or the Spanish VOTER HOTLINE (240-780-8338) for answers to questions about voting and the election. Ballot access for parties | For now, we're going to dive into questions A and B. State executives | Elections calendar | "When property values decrease, the current system allows the rates to increase in order to create the revenue that is equal to the previous year," Councilmember Andrew Friedson said. The measure had to do with the number of votes needed to override the county's property tax limit. Jawando said. If passed, this question would do away with the cap on revenue, and instead require that any increase to the property tax rate in Montgomery County be approved by all nine members of the council. Immigration | Question B was proposed by Robin Ficker, who has previously placed 17 other ballot measures on the Montgomery County ballot. “Nonprofits do their work in close partnership with County government.” said Lesley MacDonald, Executive Director of Nonprofit Montgomery. Robin Ficker, the author of Question B, explains it this way. LWVMC has cancelled all in person meetings of more than 10 people. 2020 legislative session | Taxes. "So they want to base their revenue, on the increase in assessments, rather than the increase in inflation.". Friedson said before the pandemic the county was in a very healthy financial position. Supreme Court | Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error.