It can be. Burger Chef was a fast food chain that went defunct in 1982; their eponymous mascot, voiced by Paul Winchell, was described by his sidekick Jeff as "incrediburgible". 1 person watching this episode right now. Mitchell Froom (who has produced albums … My email address is in my profile. Drop me a line! November 26, 1992, 2am Episode Guide: 403- City Limits Posted by Sampo, on October 15th, 2015 Movie: (1984) In a bleak future, teen biker gangs and a sinister corporation battle for control of an abandoned city. Actor Gary Busey suffered severe head injuries in a motorcycle accident in the late 1980s. June 20, 1992 John Stockwell Darrell Larson Rae Dawn Chong James Earl Jones Kim Cattrall Robby Benson ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama 2: Electric Boogaloo, Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume XXXVI, Flying Leathernecks was a 1951 movie about Marine aviators in World War II. Robbie Benson's business (the Sunya corporation) comes under attack once cow-skull guy convinces the assorted biker types to team up with James Earl Jones and fight back. Prologue: Joel says "ping-pong balls" just like Captain Kangaroo, with similar results., Actor/stuntman Kane Hodder (who later played the murderous Jason Voorhees in four of the. ", The AV Club did a piece on this episode for their "A Very Special Episode" feature. 403 - City Limits First Broadcast - 10 am Saturday, June 20 1992 Excellence Level: Tin-Foil Movie Pain: High - Vapid and unengaging Riffing: Good at start, fades quickly Skits: Chuckle-Fest at best An unholy mess of a movie... Did I mention that I cried while watching it? Joel shows off his Mr. Meat & Potato Head toys. A reference to the short-lived TV series T.H.E. At one point Joel stands up with an umbrella which he uses to block a, "Hey! Though this is the first episode without a "Turn Down Your Lights (Where Applicable)" screen before the opening credits, it's not the first to regularly feature a title slate instead. The title slate did air for it at least once on a later repeat, and is featured on the DVD release, but the vast majority of airings of this episode cut straight to the opening. Preferably March 1991 and earlier or February 93-October 93. 179 laughs. Said of the logo seen on the back of a gang member's jacket. The 1984 post-apocalyptic episode #403, in the words of Dr. Clayton Forrester, “comes from that shameful decade known as the eighties. Followed by 1. In Deep 13, the Mads have had enough of "Morrissey". Written by Big Bambu was a comedy album by Cheech and Chong. Produced by Aaron Lipstadt The film's hero is a motorcycle cowboy with a cow skull helmet who becomes a pawn in a battle between biker gangs. Roger Ramjet was a 1960s Saturday-morning satirical cartoon about a comedic superhero. Segment Four: Tom, Crow, and Joel invent even more superheroes. This is from the second year of Comedy Central. 404 - Teenagers from Outer Space. This feature is not available right now. This is a parody of a line from the Desiderata. Tom is quoting Mr. Burns in the Simpsons episode "Treehouse of Horror II". In its prime. Don't smoke.". Stalag 17 is a 1953 war film about a group of allied P.O.W.s trapped in a German prison camp. Best of all, this site is updated by MST3k's greatest asset, the fans (you!) I'll even pay for the things. Referring to the toll booth scene from The Godfather where Sonny Corleone is brutally gunned down. Cast Run time Segment Three: Tom, Crow, and Joel invent comic book superheroes. BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) is the official name of the San Francisco subway system. MST3K-Broadcast Editions: 403-City Limits 06/20/1992 - YouTube This line is a subtle nod to fans of Morrissey and The Smiths; Meat Is Murder is the name of one of their albums. Meanwhile Kim Cattrall and Robbie Benson attempt to … This one started off promising. American Hot Wax was a 1978 movie about Alan Freed, the Cleveland DJ who first coined the term "rock 'n' roll". A reference to an ad campaign in which Heston endorsed Continental Telephone. Listen for the husky, bloated voice of Penn Jillette talking loudly during the commercials and maybe even over the credits! Tom is quoting the Prince song "Take Me With U". Jim Mallon Fifteen years from now the world is a dystopia. Please try again later. A reference to the short-lived TV series Then Came Bronson. Dean Devlin, who went on to co-write and produce blockbuster films such as Independence Day, plays the character Ernie in this movie. Year Stinger: Remote-controlled airplane attack! Dr. Forrester may be referring to The Monkees episode "Captain Crocodile", in which the band met an amoral children's TV show host who was a parody of the wholesome Captain Kangaroo. ... 403 - City Limits. "Morrissey" quotes a line from a real song- "Is it wrong not to always be glad?" Segment Two: Deeply smitten, Crow sings an ode to Kim Cattrall, appropriately titled "Oh, Kim Cattrall!". Beverly Hills, 90210 was a television drama which aired on the FOX Network from 1990 to 2000 about high schoolers in an affluent California city. 86 minutes. The New Power Generation was the name of Prince's backup band in the early 1990s. Fifteen years from now the world is a dystopia. Segment Five: Joel and the bots try to play the City Limits trivia game, but they can’t remember anything about the movie. Cast Plot. It's called "Hairdresser in a Coma": "City Limits? The Roger Ramjet theme is set to the tune of Yankee Doodle. City Limits The music playing in the background during the scene is similar to the music in the song. In a post-apocalyptic dystopia, rival gangs of youths fight for dominance. Link 2. Sounds like a clothing store for high school girls. Cat. 1. Full Episode: Link 1. Mel Tillis is a famous country singer who spoke with a stutter due to a case of malaria he caught when he was sixteen. It’s a film called “City Limits” and it stars James Earl Jones at the low point in his career and Kim Cattrall at a high point. Character actors Tony Plana (Ugly Betty,Miami Vice) and John Diehl (Miami Vice,The Shield) also have small supporting roles. Turkey Day(s) Aired June 20, 1992 at 10:00 am.Check back here roughly every week-ish for more broadcast versions of MST3K episodes.FYI, I'm always on the look-out for taped episodes with their commercials intact. Tom, Crow, and Joel invent comic book superheroes. Breakfast, actually. Interested? It also has Robbie Benson and Rae Dawn Chong doing things they’re not happy with either.” Best of: Link 1. Tom Servo's hands aren't painted white (they're Caucasian flesh-tone) from this episode through. 1984 Film Ventures International Warren GoldbergRupert HarveyBarry Opper 1 reply Report. Year Dr. F’s name is still spelled "Forrestor" in the credits. 403 - City Limits The only actual line from a song written by Morrissey in the Invention Exchange, from the song "Sheila Take a Bow" (there's a Smiths song called "Girlfriend in a Coma" and a Morrissey solo song called "Hairdresser on Fire", but no Smiths or Morrissey song called "Hairdresser in a Coma"). The Mads demo Pop Star Tupperware - currently featuring "Morrissey". At about 10:54 minutes into the episode the sound of a page being turned can be heard. With the help of Joel, Tom Servo, and Gypsy, Crow them attempts to re-enact a sequence from Cattrall's 1987 film Mannequin, with predictably shambolic results. It also references Jim Henson's Muppet Babies. Uh, ping-pong balls...The world premiere! 402 - The Giant Gila Monster 1985 This is a song that I wrote in a time in my life when I was very, very, very sad. A reference to an anti-smoking PSA that actor Yul Brynner filmed shortly before his death from lung cancer and had aired posthumously, in which he said "I'm dead now. Meanwhile Kim Cattrall and Robbie Benson attempt to exploit the gangs for commercial profit. They read some letters instead. The made-up song "Hairdresser in a Coma" would seem to be a combination of the Smiths song "Girlfriend in a Coma", and a song Morrissey recorded as a solo artist called "Hairdresser on Fire". 2. Sonny Corleone's final destination!". Comments (76) Best Riffs (263) Comment and riff once you sign in with: or Gal Dagon - about 8 years ago 3 laughs. Kim CattrallRae Dawn ChongJames Earl Jones is from the song "Sheila Take a Bow" by the Smiths. Poor Joel! Aaron LipstadtDon Keith OpperJames Reigle Air Date Preceded by Online videos come and go. The film's hero is a motorcycle cowboy with a cow skull helmet who becomes a pawn in a battle between biker gangs. It might also be a reference to Uncle Croc's Block, a comedic Captain Kangaroo parody starring Charles Nelson as a cynical and acerbic kid's show host. A reference to the Pink Floyd song "The Happiest Days of Our Lives," from their 1979 album The Wall. MST3K Director Studio He-Man and the Masters of the Universe was a popular toy line and children's cartoon from the 1980's. Directed by Probably one of the cast. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Aaron Lipstadt For the episode, see MST3K 403 - City Limits. Segment One (Invention Exchange): Tom Servo's head is full of ping-pong balls, and he has somehow acquired Crow's eyes. Movie Director