It has taken only twenty-two years to make Nice proud of being the French Brooklyn of a gambling hell. The New York Times. the harvest in california. The Emporer of Austria has gone to Munich, from which point he will proceed to visit the Kings of Wurtemberg and Saxony and the Grand Duke of Baden. Browse 1881 New York Times at the world's leading resource of historical newspaper archives in 1881! PRICE FOUR CENTS. The Emporer of Germany subsequently accompanied the Emporer of Austria to the railway station, and bade him a hearty farewell. The above is in conection with the recent disturbances in Rome on the occasion of the removal of the remains of Pius IX. A splendid boulevard has been laid out along the shore, so that the sea may have, as far as possible, the air of an artificial pond, which is expected to respect the proprieties of its curbed or sodded borders, and this boulevard is lined with cottages belonging to ces petites dames. View Full Article in Timesmachine », See the article in its original context from. © Copyright 2020 3799days since la France a annoncé qu'elle enregistrerait le traîté de Turin à l'ONU. -- A dispatch from Rome to Reuter's Telegran Company says: The Online Books Page. To a large part—probably the majority—of the visitors Monte Carlo is the real attraction. In the centre of the town arose a precipitous hill crowned, with the ruins of an old fort, from which a magnificent view could be had. Copenhagen, Aug. 5. Twenty-two years ago Nice was annexed to France in part payment for the services rendered to Sardinia by NAPOLEON’s army. new-jersey. No one goes to it in search of health, for its old-time quiet has utterly disappeared. It is clear from the Envoy's account that the Ameer begain to lose heart when he heard the news of the British evacuation of Kandahar. The patriotism which now rails against German occupation will vanish before increased facilities for money-making. Read New York Times Newspaper Archives, Feb 28, 1881, p. 1 with family history and genealogy records from new-york, new-york 1857-1919. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Publication History. He comes at the suggestion of the Viceroy of India, and bears a message wherein the Ameer reminds the Viceroy that he had earnestly and repeatedly begged the Indian Government to hold Kandahar for a year, in ordre to enable him to make his position secure. On Sept. 19, 1881, President James A. Garfield died 11 weeks after being shot. 1883 April 13 Charles Ransom Miller becomes editor in chief. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. It was a picturesque place, with the exception of the two or three streets that formed what was called the English quarter. THE NATION VL COMMITTK- TO DEVTJE A PLAN FOR THE OF THE CONVF.hTIO.V OK 1 Nv 1 -V LA HOE NCM- HFK OK 81 or.FVTIONS AI.HF.A.DY mvoTov.