She was born on October 26, 1982, in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England. She made heads turn when she successfully defended her Olympic title, winning a second Olympic gold at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games after beating Sarah Ourahmoune in the final on 20th August. With her high score, things are looking good for Nicola’s Strictly journey. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Lorsqu'elle a 18 ans, elle est enfin invitée à boxer pour son pays et ne regardera plus jamais en arrière. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click here. She is openly bisexual, and was named the most influential LGBT person in Britain by The Independent in 2012 and has been included in the annual Powerlist, recognition as one of the most influential people of African/African-Caribbean descent in the UK. En 2001, elle peut s’entrainer aux côtés du champion du monde professionnel des poids lourds David Hayes lors d'un camp d'entraînement et de sélection en Angleterre. Demdem se filme à Dubaï le 6 novembre 2020. Ce n’est pas facile quand on a déjà souvent combattu avec une même adversaire. Nicola said: “She’s going to show me really hard dances. #StrictlyComeDancing, — Nicola Adams (@NicolaAdamsOBE) October 25, 2020. Une médaille d'argent suit en 2008 aux Championnats du monde à Ningbo en Chine. Nicola Adams made headlines after she won a gold medal at 2014 Commonwealth Games, held in Glasgow. « Tu as pris un très grand départ ! A coups de jabs incisifs avec sa droite, matraquant sa rivale des deux mains, follement soutenue pat le public qui rugit à chacun de ses coups portés, Adams compte déjà une avance de 4-2 au premier round. Nicola Adams ne va pas s’arrêter en si bon chemin. Four years later at Rio 2016, she became double Olympic champion following her second gold medal win, as well as being the first boxer in history to retain an Olympic title. Nicola said: “My mum is really proud and excited but she’s had underlying health conditions so I don’t think she’ll be able to come and watch. She’s been telling me we’re going to do lifts at some point, too. C’est un rêve qui devient réalité. Adams has said that acting figures into her post-boxing plans, the craft … Nicola Adams made headlines after she won a gold medal at 2014 Commonwealth Games, held in Glasgow. Nicola Adams Twitter:, Quetta Gladiators beat Islamabad United by 3 wickets, Karachi Kings beat Peshawar Zalmi by 10 runs, Multan Sultans beat Lahore Qalandars by 5 wickets, Peshawar Zalmi beat Quetta Gladiators by 6 wickets. Si elle traverse actuellement un chagrin d'amour, Nicola Adams entend bien rester au top en se consacrant pleinement à sa carrière sportive. “Ella’s really supportive of me doing the show. Name: Nicola Adams A Rio, Nicola Adams est entrée de plein pied dans la légende des Jeux Olympiques. She, at last, received funding from International Olympic Committee for women’s boxing in 2009. Strictly Come Dancing stars Nicola Adams and Katya Jones reduced fans to tears with their stunning dance on Saturday night. Last year, she appeared on The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up To Cancer, and in 2018, she became the face of sensitive skincare brand E45. Suite à cette annonce inattendue, des rumeurs avaient commencé à circuler, affirmant que Marlen Esparza avait quitté Nicola Adams pour se recaser avec un homme. She suffered a back injury thus staying away from the sport for several months In 2009. She’s the best dancer I could have got. To mark the occasion, her partner, Ella Baig, … “I want young kids watching the show to think, ‘Oh, wow, that could be me one day’. « J’ai la tête dans les étoiles ! Elle va en fait tout gagner chez les mouche. It certainly sounds like Strictly could have winner on their hands with Nicola! She is the daughter of Innocent Adams and Denver Adams. 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Nicola continue avec nouvelle médaille d'argent en 2010 aux Championnats du monde de Bridgetown (Barbades), puis remporte en 2011 les Championnats européens de boxe amateur à Rotterdam (Pays-Bas) et les championnats de l’Union Européenne à Katowice (Pologne). Post the split-up, Nicole lived with her mother. Nichole’s parents parted ways when she was only eleven years old. Primal Information is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. The former Olympic champion retired from boxing a year ago today. « C’est dur à croire, non ? 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. When I was growing up there were no role models on TV so I wouldn’t have known it was even an option for me.”. She was crowned as the English amateur champion for the first time in 2003 and had in fact retained the title for the next three championships. Birth Sign: Scorpio Her mum, Dee, is also excited about Nicola taking part. 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