I do go plan to $5 modern once I finish the deck (just need more [[Angel's Grace and [[Phyrexian Unlife]]) but i have a while to wait until I absolutely need them. Press J to jump to the feed. It is worse. Therefore, it's worse than any card that you can put in your deck in Modern. Well, Visions can be better if you have Delver of Secrets, but it's usually worse. When I didn't have Serum Visions in my Ad Nauseam Deck I ran 3 Peek and 1 Telling Time. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, cosplay, and more. It's a good cantrip. Gitaxian Probe does not fall into the same category as Serum Visions. Preordain is much better, because you get to pick one of two known cards and a third unknown card. Serum Visions is one of the weaker draw spells printed, but apart from Gitaxian Probe, is the best one to use. Is Chain Lightning better than Lightning Bolt? See cards from the most recent sets and discover what players just like you are saying about them. Search for the perfect addition to your deck. Scry 2. Ad Nauseam plays up to 8 scrylands so that the "random card" from Serum Visions is often not that random. They were left with Serum Visions, which they threw away ages ago. Probe is used to gain information that informs your plays, Visions is about setting up your draws. But the best card for the job (which, of course, is not Modern-legal) is Brainstorm. Serum Visions and Sleight of Hand are similar cards but fill different roles. Serum Visions Sorcery. Anticipate is not as good, but if you have them, you might as well. This only compares Visions and Preordain. Trade. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. Really, I would consider your best option to be Peek, but Serum is miles better than anything you can run in it's place. Preordain and Ponder are banned in modern. However, the Scry 2 is something that is relevant for Ad Nauseam because it has the ability to scry relevant cards. "Drink more, and open them all." The improvement of Serum Visions when you add more scry effects is probably what has elevated the deck to a competitive Tier 2 deck. Scry 2. Draw a card. Oh wait, the art is hideous and it isn't going to effect the price at all. This question again? You play Sleight of Hand when you are more looking for some kind of card selection, which could be relevant for playing Ad Nauseam. Press J to jump to the feed. Preordain is banned in Modern. Thanks! Serum visions is already the very worst of the one mana, 3 card dig, cantrips. Gatherer is the Magic Card Database. Sleight of hand is the next best replacement but it is worse. How long can you wait? Are there any? serum is at $10 as we speak. (Serum visions can have you draw something you like then leave something else you like on top.). Anticipate is already run in many newer versions of the deck, Thought Scour is just not playable in Ad Nauseam, Sleight of Hand is already in the deck, Gitaxian is worse than Peek IMO. is [[Anticipate]] a good alternative? Set Price Alerts Price Chart SLD. Thing is, it is not close to the best ever printed, even 2 best printed in Modern (ponder and preordain). Anticipate doesn't sculpt your deck, and neither does sleight of hand. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the Magic: The Gathering's Modern format! It would be nice to have them now, I just feel like shelling out $40 for a common playset. This only compares Visions and Preordain. Prints Available. I never realized how bad SV was until I played Legacy. 031/82. I've failed you. However, the Scry 2 is something that is relevant for Ad Nauseam because it has the ability to scry relevant cards. That makes a lot more sense. I run 4 serum visions, 4 sleight of hand, 2 anticipate, 2 peer through depths and 3 peek. There's a reason it's a $10 common cantrip that's worse than brainstorm, ponder, and preordain - it's the only thing still legal and worth playing in modern. It's a lot but for whatever reason I can never have it easy and have to always dig for both combo pieces. Serum Visions is much better in decks in which getting a random card is not a problem, like Twin and Delver. In combo decks its important to find the pieces you need so you need to determine if minimal selection from Sleight of Hand is worth more than random card plus scry 2. I will pay $8 for Serum Visions, but I don't really want to. A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Then Modern banned Ponder and Preordain. I'd say your best bets are Sleight of Hand and Thoughtscour. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/misc/16281-Insider-Trading-How-Tarmogoyf-Became-a-50-Card.html. "Why stop at the third eye?" It's the best cantrip legal in Modern, that's it. Serum Visions is terrible, people used to either rip it off or throw it away somewhere. With sleight of hand, you don't have the option of keeping the other card. Thoughtscouring yourself is a great way to lose the game as Ad Nauseam. Yes, if the second card down is a card you don't want in hand that can't flip Delver, then Visions is better than Preordain at setting up Delver. There are no other like it, since Ponder and Preordain are both banned. Honestly, at U, why bother with selection when you could just run Ancestral Recall? But Preordain is banned in Modern... Ah, okay. Just like how Goyf was initially a terrible $2 card where it might only see fringe play as random dredge deck fatty, but then people found out if you open with a Fetchland to a Sorcery speed discard, discarding anything but a Sorcery, you can have a very fat 2 mana 3/4, which grows further with each spell casted. Sleight of Hand - Gatherer, MC, ($)[[cardname]] to call - not on gatherer = not ^^^fetchable, Unfortunately there really isn't one. Now people are looking for them. Yes, if the second card down is a card you don't want in hand that can't flip Delver, then Visions is better than Preordain at setting up Delver. You gotta play it. Has an FNM promo ever really helped the price of a card? Add to collection Browse Alters View at Gatherer. came a whisper from the cup. Honestly, they are both equally bad. (To scry 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.) The fact that planeswalkers didn't exist at the time was really one of the main downsides on top of the fact that there really wasn't any decks at the time that would want to use it. Here's some interesting history on its rise: http://www.starcitygames.com/magic/misc/16281-Insider-Trading-How-Tarmogoyf-Became-a-50-Card.html. Now, drawing 1 before I get to see my top cards is feelsbadman. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. With serum Visions, yes you may draw an unwanted card but it improves your 2 next draws. I don't think the scrying ability is that strong however, because getting a random card from your deck is just so incredibly weak. However, Ponder is far better than Serum Visions at that job. Problem is, Serum Visions is a "necessary evil", in a way. I can wait long enough for a PPTQ in two months, but that is my maximum waiting period. You still have Sleight of Hand, Gitaxian Probe and Thought Scour for 1 mana cantrips but none of those do what you want from Serum Visions which is to manipulate the top of your library. I don't think the scrying ability is that strong however, because getting a random card from your deck is just so incredibly weak. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The only upside is that you get to dig three cards deep every time. Remember, budget means it will, in many cases, be just worse. $4.99 CardKingdom Foil. Serum Visions is much better in decks in which getting a random card is not a problem, like Twin and Delver. It's an FNM promo soon, and that should help the price. However, Ponder is far better than Serum Visions at that job. Luck is not in my favor but cantrips are. We got that super sweet reprint though! Serum Visions isn't a bad card. Art by Lauren YS. I'd say in ad there could be a case for slight of hand, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ModernMagic community. In the meantime, Ad Nauseum plays like a combo deck, so I'd look at comparable draw spells in Storm and get to testing. I don't know how to link the card images, sorry reddit. Show All Prices. Serum Visions. Sorcery. Draw a card.