But as of June 20, protections under that order narrowed. Sponsored by: FTI Consulting
ELECTIONS IN COURTS — Courts stressed by COVID-19 now face a new conflict to resolve: elections. Uncertainty lingers over the exact criteria tenants must meet to qualify for protection under the governor’s second executive order. Your article was successfully shared with the contacts you provided. The New York Law Journal honors attorneys and judges who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession in New York. Meryl Schwartz, president of the Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association, added that everyone is very anxious to get back to work. Eleven things to consider before choosing your new home, Landlords Lose Fight Against Rent Protections, Hotel Chelsea’s Latest Tenant Battle, and Other News, City Hall Park Is Still Under Lockdown, the MTA Has a Man Cave, and Other News, Bill de Blasio’s Plan to Close Rikers Is Crumbling, NYC Delays In-Person Learning (Again) for Most Public-School Students, Sky-High Yoga, and Other News, Bloomberg Keeps ‘Tribute in Light’ Shining Through the Pandemic, Cops Save Opossum, and Other News, Rents Are Down in Manhattan, But Up in Neighborhoods Hit Hardest by COVID-19. Daniella Vega has called every tenant hotline she could find, but she still doesn’t know if she’s on the cusp of being evicted. event : event, Throughout the pandemic, New York State Chief Judge Janet DiFiore has given weekly updates in which she has often reiterated that the courts will follow the guidance of public health officials and the governor while explaining each step the court system took in opening virtually. |
Get out of town and into nature by visiting one of these hiking spots near New York City—all of which are easily accessible without a car. The legal community is eager for new case filings. November 17, 2020 The state’s court system will begin to reopen in areas that are given approval by Gov. | “While the government has told us to stay in our homes, they’re now refusing to protect our ability to actually do that,” Kim Statuto told the crowd outside the Bronx courts. While more than half of the state’s 62 counties are re-opening, New York City has only hit four of the seven benchmarks. This is perfect for attorneys licensed in multiple jurisdictions or for attorneys that have fulfilled their CLE requirement but need to access resourceful information for their practice areas. Click here for data and a virtual tour of a Tompkins Place treasure. But new guidance from the Office of Court Administration has temporarily put a pin in the issue by pausing all new eviction cases and the execution of warrants until at least July 6. $("#sub2").append( pday );
on getting selected as a New Leader of the Bar, LERNER DAVID CONGRATULATES ALL THE HONOREES OF THE 2020 NJLJ PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS. listeners: [], Advertise With Us/ on: function (event, callback) { New York Courts Reopen Months Into Lockdown With Rush of Lawsuits May 28, 2020 May 29, 2020 NICK RUMMELL. Larry Neumeister and Tom Hays Associated Press, October 27 | Vega has yet to receive a notice from her landlord, but she is bracing for the possibility that she may be among the proverbial “tidal wave” of new eviction cases — at least 50,000 — that housing advocates estimate New York landlords will file in the coming weeks.
PUBLISHED 7:54 AM ET May. The New York State Court System announced this week that it will follow along with Gov. Election lawsuits have always been a huge part of New York politics, but it mostly involved challenges to candidates’ eligibility to run. Larry Neumeiser Associated Press, Click the link in the bio to read our conversation, Most New Yorkers have to go shopping outside their, Fashion designer Helena Eisenhart (shown) is part, “Crossing the empty overpass truly opened my eye, Click here for the latest Coronavirus news, Commemorative MetroCards will honor veterans, Brooklyn artist to exhibit at Native American-owned gallery, Asian, Pacific Island art displayed in subway station, Brooklyn College dean gives advice on cybersecurity, Brooklyn jerk chicken destination to expand to Manhattan.