Orcus from the Orcus is the Prince of the Undead, and it is said that he alone created the first undead that walked the worlds. Orcus spends most of his days in his palace, rarely leaving its confines unless he decides to leads his troops into battle (which has happened on more than one occasion). Orcus stands 15 feet tall and weighs nearly 6,000 pounds. Shop the Open Gaming Store! His priests favor heavy, dark hooded robes and ornamental maces stylized to represent his skull-tipped wand. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. | Dungeon World SRD Orcus's Abyssal home is desolate Thanatos, an undead-haunted, ruined city where life is all but unknown. He has been featured as the BBEG of multiple adventures, campaigns, and campaign settings, where he usually plots to "kill" all ghosts and living beings in the setting and asc… | FateCoreSRD Recent Changes | Fudge SRD Orcus wurde am 17. Die Entdeckung wurde am 19. Check out our other SRD sites! Ihm wurden allerdings auch Eigenschaften eines Psychopomp zugeschrieben, als welcher er die Seelen der Verstorbenen in die Unterwelt führte. FAQ. | OGN Articles Flauros • Gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws against death and negative energy effects. Mit Orcus wird seine böse, bestrafende Seite bezeichnet, der Gott, der die Toten im Jenseits folterte. His symbol is either a demonic ram-headed skull (the most common), a representation of himself seated on his throne, or a depiction of his skull-tipped wand. Zura, Aldinach • Baphomet • New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy, Demon Lord, Baphomet (3pp; Demon Lord of Beasts), Demon Lord, Caizel (3pp; Deposed Queen of Succubi), Demon Lord, Dagon (3pp; Demon Prince of the Sea), Demon Lord, Fraz-Urb’luu (3pp; Demon Prince of Deception), Demon Lord, Jubilex (3pp; The Faceless Lord), Demon Lord, Kostchtchie (3pp; Demon Prince of Wrath), Demon Lord, Maphistal (3pp; Second of Orcus), Demon Lord, Orcus (3pp; Demon Prince of the Undead), Demon Lord, Pazuzu (3pp; Demon Prince of Air), Demon Lord, Sonechard (3pp; General of Orcus), Demon Lord, Tsathogga (3pp; The Frog God), Slaad Lord of Entropy (Chaos Lord of Entropy), Slaad Lord of the Insane (Chaos Lord of the Insane), Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Aegis of Empires 4: Legend of the Burning Star (PF1), Arcforge Campaign Setting: What Lies Beyond. It is not uncommon for Orcus to give relatively low-level priests command of vast numbers of undead to do his bidding. | d20HeroSRD He fights a never-ending war against rival demon princes that spans several Abyssal layers. Traveller SRD Further, the wand has the following powers (Caster Level 20th; save DC 25 + spell level): 3/day—animate dead, deeper darkness, desecrate, fear, unhallow2/day—blasphemy, unholy aura, Environment any (Abyss)Organization solitary or troupe (Orcus plus 1–2 mariliths, 1–3 glabrezus, and 4–20 zombies or shadows)Treasure triple standard. Large powerful arms wield a wicked skull-tipped wand. Andirifkhu • This site is an SRD (System Reference Document) for the Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Evil, ruination and wanton destruction are his only goals. This demonic humanoid is squat and bloated, standing nearly three times as tall as a normal human. Orcus • Orcus) war laut römischer Mythologie der Herrscher der Unterwelt. Rappan Athuk © 2012 Frog God Games; Authors: Bill Webb, Matt Finch, Clark Peterson, WDB Kenower, Greg Raglund, Greg Vaughan, and Skeeter Green. | 13th Age SRD Mighty Orcus wields a huge black skull-tipped rod that functions as a Large +5 unholy greatclub. Mazmezz • | d20PFSRD The only places where Orcus has any real cults (rather than the lone madmen who typically turn to demon worship) is in Geb and some of the isolated, backwater areas of shadowy Nidal. It slays any living creature it touches if the target fails a DC 40 Fortitude save. | The Modern Path SRD | Dungeon World SRD [2], Abraxus • Zevgavizeb. Orcus has a fearsome appearance, though he certainly looks more human than some of the other demon lords like Dagon and Zevgavizeb. Deskari • | OGN Articles Boons - Demonic Obedience He wields the “Wand of Orcus,” a legendary skull-tipped obsidian rod that is rumored to slay any living thing it touches. | d20HeroSRD He has a strange fascination with humans and their desire for power, possibly because it is this very flaw that causes them so frequently to seek that which he controls: power over death. He fights a never-ending war against rival demon princes that spans several Abyssal layers. Im Deutschen dient der Orkus als Synonym für die Unterwelt respektive das Reich der Toten. Downloads https://pathfinder.fandom.com/wiki/Orcus?oldid=48106. | Starjammer SRD Orcus war die fünfte Entdeckung eines großen TNO und wahrscheinlic… Orcus is the lord of all undead and he resides in the Abyss in his Palace of Bones surrounded by a legion of vampires and liches. | 3.5e SRD Kostchtchie • | FateCoreSRD Shop the Open Gaming Store! | Here Be Monsters | PF2 SRD. Haagenti • Areshkagal • Kabriri • Favored Weapons: Ornamental heavy mace (spiked or skull-tipped). | Swords and Wizardry SRD | PF2 SRD. Orcus also wielde… Generally he avoids direct combat with powerful foes preferring to hang back and pepper them with an array of spells and effects. Angazhan • | Starjammer SRD Worship usually involves grave robbery and the animation and conscription of the newly dead to the forces of evil. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Grind a half-pound of bones from the skeleton of a sentient creature, mix with water to create a gray paste, and then eat it at the end of a long recitation of prayers to Orcus. Evil, ruination and wanton destruction are his only goals. Bill Webb, Matt Finch, Clark Peterson, WDB Kenower, Greg Raglund, Greg Vaughan, and Skeeter Green. Jezelda • Typical Worshipers: Monsters, undead and evil humanoids. | 5th Edition SRD | Fudge SRD Socothbenoth • Sell at the Open Gaming Store! | Design Finder 2018 One of his most identifiable symbols was the artifact known as the Wand of Orcus, a skull-topped wand with the power to slay any living being. Mestama • Orcus is the lord of all undead and he resides in the Abyss in his Palace of Bones surrounded by a legion of vampires and liches. Orcus is the Prince of the Undead, and it is said that he alone created the first undead that walked the worlds. From his great bone palace he commands his troops as they wage war across the smoldering and stinking planes of the Abyss. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Aegis of Empires 4: Legend of the Burning Star (PF1), Arcforge Campaign Setting: What Lies Beyond. Check out our other SRD sites! Orcus (deutsch: Orkus) war in der römischen Mythologie einer der Namen für den Gott der Unterwelt. Orcus prefers to conduct battles using his Wand or natural weapons (tail and fists). Etwas weniger dramatisch kann der metaphorische Abgrund gemeint sein, auf den jemand oder etwas zusteuert. XP 52,480,000CE Huge outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., life sight 40 ft. (20 rounds), true seeing; Perception +65; Aura destructive aura (30 ft., +7 damage, 15 rounds); fear (60-ft., Will DC 44, CL 35th), unholy aura (DC 30), AC 55, touch 35, flat-footed 49 (+6 Dex, +20 natural, –2 size, +9 insight, +12 profane)hp 742 (45d10+495); fast healing 5Fort +37, Ref +21, Will +35Defensive Abilities death’s embrace; DR 25/cold iron and good; Immune electricity, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 46, Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)Melee +5 unholy greatclub +62/+57/+52/+47 (2d8+26 plus death) or 2 slams +57 (2d6+14), sting +52 (2d4+7 plus poison)Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.Special Attacks channel negative energy 15/day (DC 19, 8d6), channel negative energy to command undead 12/day, (DC 32) destructive smite 12/day (+7 damage), scythe of evil 2/day (7 rounds)Spell-Like Abilities (CL 35th), Constant—speak with dead, true seeing, unholy aura (DC 30)At will—animate dead, blasphemy (DC 29), charm monster (DC 26), deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 25), fear (DC 26), greater dispel magic, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), lightning bolt (DC 28), polymorph, read magic, suggestion (DC 28), symbol of death (DC 30), symbol of pain (DC 27), tongues (self only), true seeing, unhallow, unholy blight (DC 26), wall of fire3/day—summon (level 9, 1d4 mariliths, 1d3 nalfeshnees, or 1 balor 100%)1/day—feeblemind (DC 29), summon (level 9, 90 HD of undead 100%), 12/day—bleeding touch (7 rounds), touch of evil (7 rounds), 8th—cloak of chaos (DC 27), create greater undeadD , mass inflict critical wounds (DC 27)7th—destructionD (DC 26), mass inflict serious wounds (DC 26), repulsion (DC 26), word of chaos (DC 26)6th—geas/quest (DC 25), harm (DC 25), harmD (DC 25), mass inflict moderate wounds (DC 25, x2)5th—break enchantment, dispel good (DC 24), dispel goodD (DC 24), dispel law (DC 24), slay living (DC 24, x2), scrying4th—death ward, death wardD, dimensional anchor, divine power, inflict critical wounds (DC 23, x2), spell immunity3rd—bestow curse (DC 22, x2), blindness/deafness (DC 22), contagion (DC 22), inflict serious wounds (DC 22, x2), magic circle against goodD, protection from energy2nd—bull’s strength, death knell (DC 21), inflict moderate wounds (DC 21, x3), shatter (DC 21), shatterD (DC 21), silence (DC 21)1st—bane (DC 20), cause fearD (DC 20), command (DC 20), detect undead, doom (DC 20), entropic shield, inflict light wounds (DC 20, x3)0 (at will)—bleed (DC 19), guidance, light, resistance, D domain spell; Domains Death, Destruction, Evil, 9th—energy drain (DC 28, x2), meteor swarm (DC 28), soul bind (DC 28), wail of the banshee (DC 28), wish8th—create greater undead, horrid wilting (DC 27, x3), iron body, polar ray7th—control weather, finger of death (DC 26, x2), limited wish, spell turning, waves of exhaustion6th—acid fog, circle of death (DC 25, x2), create undead (x2), eyebite (DC 25)5th—blight (DC 24), cloudkill (DC 24, x2), cone of cold (DC 24), magic jar (DC 24), symbol of pain (DC 24), waves of fatigue4th—animate dead, bestow curse (DC 23), enervation (x2), ice storm, shout (DC 23), wall of fire3rd—gaseous form, gentle repose, halt undead (DC 22), haste, ray of exhaustion (DC 22, x2), vampiric touch2nd—false life, flaming sphere (DC 21), ghoul touch (DC 21), gust of wind (DC 21), scare (DC 21), scorching ray, spectral hand1st—cause fear (DC 20), chill touch (DC 20), grease (DC 20), hold portal, obscuring mist, ray of enfeeblement (x3)0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue (DC 19), Str 38, Dex 22, Con 33, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 34Base Atk +45; CMB +61; CMD 98Feats Alertness, Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Command UndeadB, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Critical Focus, Deceitful, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Heighten Spell, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Maximize Spell, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Sickening Critical, Staggering Critical, Stunning CriticalSkills Bluff +64, Diplomacy +60, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +51, Fly +50, Heal +54, Intimidate +60, Knowledge (arcana) +57, Knowledge (history) +54, Knowledge (nobility) +54, Knowledge (planes) +57, Knowledge (religion) +54, Perception +69, Sense Motive +61, Spellcraft +57, Survival +54; Racial Modifiers +8 PerceptionLanguages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.SQ planar omniscienceGear Wand of Orcus.