Great post! I can see other people’s comments have been approved. Learn how your comment data is processed. OP Cultured Raw Butter is made from cold-churned Heavy Raw Cream that has been cultured with a European-style b I really want to thank you for all your work, 2 years ago I would have been eating Flora because I had fallen for their marketing, what a joy it is to slosh my beautiful yellow butter around on everything and do so knowing I am giving my family a health food. Organic Natural Goats Milk Butter imported from England. I am currently living in a state that is just starting to promote organic so I am quite new to all of this. Contains milk. It can also be used to moisturize and soften the skin and hair. Everything tastes better with butter. I try and stock my freezer, but now we are eating into that stock, so I have been wondering where to get pasture butter from! Do they feed them regular…perhaps even non organic.. grains all winter and then put them back out to pasture in May? At about $9.50 per pound, i’ts quite a bit more expensive than Kerry Gold, so I haven’t tried it yet. they are the seeds of grass-family plants! Thank you for this info! I guess think pete bogs? Do you use your stick blender often? This unsalted European Style vegan butter, tastes and performs like traditional fine dairy butter. I have been reading a book entitled Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox. There is even a butter museum in the city of Cork. But, if you see it in your grocery store, you can trust it’s a great brand. This grass-fed butter is imported from Iceland. The digestibility of cultured butter is one of it’s best features, having beneficial gut bacteria or microflora to aid digestion. For those of you who are irked by butter that sits on your bread in a lump, Horizon smears pretty well, even out of the refrigerator, even on butter that isn’t toasted. I bought some butter from a local farm that was trying out selling butter and it was VERY funky. In the WINTER. The only other one of the listed brands I’ve ever seen is the Organic Valley Pasture Butter, but that’s $$$$ in the one store where I found it. I am using Organic Meadow at the moment can you suggest any other brands that I can use and where to buy? Organic Ghee is good fat and is rich in essential fatty acids (including MCT), vitamins A, D, K, and E, and antioxidants. Find a local store that proudly carries Organic Meadow dairy products. hi i live in southern ireland so dont have a problem getting butter most of the cows here eat silage wth grain in the winter so it is still mainly grass i strive to be self sufficient my own pigs,poultry lambs,i always know how lucky i am and thank my own god for the gifts i get. I am so thrilled and only go to the city (350 mi. Because the Weston A Price Foundation is a strong advocate for raw milk from grass-fed cows, your local chapter leader will probably know of just about every available local source. Butter, on the other hand, tends to be more acidic by nature. I’m not quite sure where what you’re saying has been discussed here, but I do know that sometimes people get the terms “pastured” and “pasteurized” mixed up. Like Anchor butter, it is not certified organic by the USDA, but the cows are out on pasture the majority of the year. Due to COVID we are 2 to 3 weeks behind. It costs around $10 lb. Organic Ghee Butter that has been clarified. Some of the most important sets of nutrients found in abundance inside grass-fed cows milk are essential fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid, which promotes ‘good cholesterol’ and decreases triglycerides. Agreed, Keagan. This product is 100% Certified Organic and made with the purest non-homogenized cow’s milk from free-range grass-fed cows. The production of the lindane isomers α- and β-hexachlorocyclohexane was also banned. Here below we have a list of some of the best organic butter available online. I have not tried the salted versions of KG and Vital Farms. Creamy Mexican Cheese Dip — Without Velveeta! The German Allgau is by far the best butter but it’s nearly 3 times as expensive as the Irish one. Who knew!? I use Kerrygold right now. This product is 100% Certified Organic and made with the purest non-homogenized cow’s milk from free-range grass-fed cows. Find a local store that proudly carries Organic Meadow dairy products. I couldn’t believe an Irish woman was getting her grassfed butter from another country! And yes, there is sometimes a minimal amount of fertilizer or pesticides sprayed on said fields to protect the ranchers investment. When the ground is covered with snow, cows are not out eating grass. Why do you allow people to print complete rubbish as fact and destroy the good name of an industry in the process ?? Whether you're getting all the kids off to school or scaling a peak in the Andes, you know clean foods help you perform at the highest vibration. These gingerbread cookies are a crispy AND chewy delight for paleo, vegan and gluten-free folks alike. These nutrients are then ‘gifted’ to us in the milk and butter produced. We get the big package at Costco! This clarified butter (ghee) is made from milk produced by grass-fed cows and is 100% organic. We recently ran out of cream, so we used our stick blender to whip OVPB into our morning cup of coffee. We were told to ingest more corn oil and safflower oil to combat cardio concerns, although this may not be the case. I love to use butter for whipping up great recipes. Thanks for linking that! I like Organic Valley but not as much as kerrygold. The salted also lists sea salt. no, they LOVE them and seek them out… the difference is that, in the wild, these animals would not eat anywhere near the *quantities* of grain that most commercial dairies will feed… though, on the other hand, in the wild these animals would also never ever make as much milk as their domesticated counterparts have been bred to do for generations… animals producing this much milk *do* actually need more support nutritionally, usually in the form of concentrates like grains… however, i think that the amount of grains should be limited to just what the animal needs in terms of nutritional support, and that grass and forage (both fresh, and dried as hay) should be the bulk of the diet… it’s just not quite as black-and-white as many folks think, though… no grains at all is not necessarily healthier or better for the animal… THIS is why it’s important to know and trust your farmer, whenever possible…. It’s about pasture with as diverse a mix of herbs as possible so that the animals get a nutrient dense diet and that goodness and flavour is passed through in the milk of beef. Because these brands are certified organic, however, you can trust that the grains do not contain GMOs. Do you know of anywhere to buy grass fed heavy cream online??? In those cases, you’ll simply have to know how to make butter from cream. They are still an amazing resource, and I highly recommend you check them out for everything from dairy-free ice cream to pasture-raised chickens to gluten-free breads! It is made using milk from grass-fed cows that are pasture-raised on farms in northern California. ORGANIC GRASS FED MILK ORGANIC MILK ORGANIC CREAM ORGANIC BUTTER ORGANIC YOGURT ORGANIC KEFIR ORGANIC CREAM CHEESE ORGANIC SOUR CREAM ORGANIC COTTAGE CHEESE ORGANIC CHEESE ORGANIC ICE CREAM. This has been common practice to boost the winter nutrition in a grass-fed cow herds diet for hundreds of years. I find it in my local Super Walmart in Indiana. It sounds as though you have been listening to someone who is making excuses because they can’t produce to the required standards. You need to be a part of a contest for one of the finest sites on the net. Ghee has a higher burning point than butter, increasing the cooking time required before it becomes carcinogenic. Agree with Kerrygold. Is the Kroger ‘simple truth organic’ butter grass fed? Is buying certified organic butter enough? I don’t like to call ours grass fed because broadening the range of herbs in our pasture is our mission – so pasture fed or herb fed is more accurate. What about Presidents Butter from France? You can use perfectly-monitored ingredients and the results are amazing! Suitable for consumption by vegans and contains no additives, preservatives, salt or animal products. This link takes you to my favorite online marketplace for grass-fed and pasture-raised meats, bone broths, and dairy, US Wellness Meats. Also, please make the extra effort to obtain high-quality organic, raw butter. (If you can find Smjor, try it! When I started changing my diet some six months ago I switched from margarine (which I had always heard was healthier-and from my mom, that it tastes better and butter was “gross” and “fattening”) to Land O Lakes whipped butter. I am almost always able to find this year round at my local grocery store, although it’s also available for purchase online. Forgive me…just trying to unserstand this better…you can buy this butter from May-Sept because their cows can be grass fed, but then what do they do with the cows after Sept? do you think they avoid these seeds when they happen in nature? I have the same question. I’m not sure how this is relevant to the US version of the Anchor butter? Hey get your facts right and STOP scaring people ,Lindane was banned in the EU on 31st December 2007 and as you know Ireland is a member of the EU (European Union ) Why do people like you talk before engaging their brain ????? Did I say something wrong? Do you have a directory that isn’t run by a bunch of anti-vaccine nutjobs? All comments with two or more outbound links are automatically filtered for approval in an effort to prevent spam. X. When I checked it the other day, “natural flavor” was listed in the ingredient list. Oh, good question! . January now and there’s loads of bright green grass out in the field behind our house! I imagine others agreed because they dropped the butter PDQ. Miyoko's organic cultured vegan butter is a culinary game-changer that brings plant-based buttery goodness to your morning toast & beyond.