I went to a drama school that was and still is very much associated with musical theatre, but I have never felt very comfortable with singing. 1:00. I am trying less hard to please others and more to say what I have to say in a part. O.T. They aren’t arrogant, they are confident, and if they don’t agree with a director or a designer, they keep a tight hold on everything and they fly everywhere. : I actually wanted to ask where you have filmed. O.T. And when I did that, I had that moment of identifying with the character. : Well, it is up to Eliza now. And it is amazing watching the younger ones and observing how they develop after such a production. : Tell us a bit about how everything started, would you? : It is very hard, theatre takes more energy to do every night and to do it well, but the shared experience and to inspire the imagination of the people in the room is the most amazing drug and I long to go back to New York. Game of Thrones S06E02 - Jon Snow Resurrection. O.T. : That is true, I just didn’t click with it over the years and I am not a big musical fan, and it is probably because I find that most of the time they tend to become generic, with some exceptions of course. 5 years ago. : It really is my first love and I would say I’ve had more success in theatre. O.T. No no, seriously now, I think he is doing a job that he sees as a very difficult one, and there was a time when probably honourable men were signing to be up the wall to protect, but right now he is surrounded with, let’s say, less inspiring characters, but the one that is genuinely inspiring is Jon Snow who has all his life before him and he has built everything from within and hasn’t been influenced by being the bastard. : How much does that matter when you accept a role? D.N. O.T. It’s a father and daughter relationship and it is a very forward character, and it’s about a journey that they have to take together. D.N. And I remember filming the first series and thinking “I don’t think this is going to work!” because it was too big and I thought it would be hard to take in all these stories at once. Owen Teale Interview // Hibrow Literature. : The Broken Heart is actually quite a good example here. : Yes, from Wales, which is even smaller than London. D.N. Plus, there has been an overkill of medieval fantasy. That would the best, not to have to choose and do both! : If however you would have to choose one, which would be your favourite? 4:29. : Best from both worlds in a way, isn’t it? HiBrow. And if I like the script, I am more than happy to do that. Apr 29, 2015. Fans would come and talk to me and ask “How do you feel now that he is dead?” and I used to just go “But is he?” because you only saw him being dragged away shouting. And it would be filmed in Greece. When you don’t have such a well-known play and you come out on that stage, it takes a lot of concentration. 1:07. I think the whole game is changing. D.N. O.T. I met Owen in a cosy place in south London and I am glad I actually got to do this interview in person as it allowed me to discover a truly wonderful and full of good energy human being. They managed to give honesty to it, even if it’s a fantasy. So I wasn’t available then and they weren’t happy about it, so they told me a bit about how things will develop and I became much more intrigued as I looked more into it. But, I still wanted to go back to theatre, so I joined up with the Royal Shakespeare Company and stayed for 4 years and Sean became a huge movie star. This way helps him to be bleak. O.T. He was on a losing side of a battle, we however don’t see that. And that I find surprising and almost ironic that in America, which is associated with free markets, they have these clear boundaries and unions and they have the Screen Actors Guild that is incredibly strong. It’s a real buzz being part of something like that. : How did you manage to identify with Alliser? When I came to London…. When we go on the set, yes, it is a quarry, but it’s massive, and too much excitement is not right for my character. : Yes, it is. I love it in all forms, I love poetry and I get invited to do the most amazing things, one of them would be for the Prince of Wales, and I just think how wonderful that is. So the next day the chance of seeing someone that would go “Oh my God, you are that guy”, were so big, as it was a massive and heroic part. When you are in one that is world known and people are fighting for tickets, you just have to come and put your costume on, get on that stage and you will find yourself in the middle of such amazing energy. I mean, I do know that eventually they will see it and face that, I just want them to do it when it’s right. D.N. And after I got a call for the second season and I couldn’t do it, because I’d moved on and was on another project…. [Video] An Interview With…Tom Green (Director of Monsters: Dark Continent), An Interview With… The Arthur & Merlin Team. : So, I went to Guildford for 3 years, and then I came out and got my equity card which in those days was a very difficult thing to do. O.T. Certain theatres would have these things called assistant stage management, which would come with a card, so you would have to do that in order to get it. Now, because the actual interview is quite long, I believe it is best to leave it to speak for itself. Some of you might know Owen Teale from his most recent play, some might know him from the various movies and plays in which you have seen him along the years, but, most probably, a lot of you know him for his Game of Thrones role. : Company. The last few days have been a process of eliminating things that I don’t want to do. D.N. Owen Teale, Actor: Game of Thrones. And it’s remarkable, because it reminds us what we are capable of doing, but we choose not to do this, we choose to live very civilised lives instead. Probably if you would be in America you would think more in a filmic way. I think that if he is going to die, we will see him die. Some of you might know Owen Teale from his most recent play, some might know him from the various movies and plays in which you have seen him along the years, but, most probably, a lot of you know him for his Game of Thrones role. Probably now he regrets not choosing the death penalty. By. I like the script and I know the director. : I read somewhere that you don’t allow your girls to watch it? O.T. : Eliza, and she is very good actually. And you can’t take anything for granted. Game of Thrones 6x01 Alliser Thorne Jon Snow was going to destroy the Night's Watch. One of the reasons I often blame is that I was at school with a very famous singer and when he used to sing you used to think “Oh well, what’s the point?!”. D.N. And it all happened really fast for me, as I wasn’t even in the pilot, so I had no chance to read ahead or understand the full picture. : Yes, it was a dancer role in “Cabaret”, don’t know if you know it. And, sometimes, they would just look at you like they wouldn’t believe that you are actually there. : What if I would say you would have to choose between movies and theatre? I just moved on. : I would do it just to have a change of scenery.