Tangible results Pavel is highly regarded for good reason, he doesn't mince words, and produces proven results. But, for our needs, I’m wondering if you could pair 2 machines (a push and a pull) and get the same benefit? Chad Waterbury’s strategy, which I’ve used for years, is similar: stop when either (a) form breaks down, (b) range of motion decreases, or (c) a rep is noticeably slower than the one before it. Acid is the enemy of both tension and relaxation, drawing one into the stiff no-man’s land in between. muscles, speed and strength decrease by a similar percentage. Read 26 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Thanks. I’m restarting S&S with the 24kg in order to focus on technique and hopefully build up an aerobic base. Scientifically dense in all the best ways with the simple system I was looking for. And thank you. The first thing I discovered is I am not used to waiting around that long between sets. Q&D delivers. Instead of practicing to be quick, they are practicing to be After his appearance on Joe Rogan recently, I discovered a copy in my local library.. Like Greg, I am a 6 ‘2 ectomorph. Contemplate And when I switch back to HIT style, I don’t feel like I lose a lot of muscle, but my ability to perform the barbell lifts does diminish. SFSparky, do doubles and triples with ~75-85% 1RM after Q&D, totalling ~10 reps. Press improvement from such low volume training is less reliable than DL improvement. Thank you in advance. Most surprising was that the content was very different than his previous works but still maintaining the same core principles of grease the groove. It muffles sumoist, it could be 90%. However, he switched back to conventional weight training at the end (“I would question whether I could continue doing HIT for a long period.”). @Alex – The weighted vest is a great idea. No hypertrophy? If I train mostly barbell lifts (like a power lifter), I get better at those lifts (i.e., stronger), but I do not pack on slabs of muscle. days: The above 3-5 singles ultralow volume with longer and weaker contractions. Experiment. A culmination of five years of research and experimentation, it distills cutting-edge science to a straightforward protocol of only two basic exercises you mastered years ago: kettlebell swings and power pushups. are anything but—as exemplified by burpees in metcon gyms. Una cosa que me encanta del trabajo de este hombre es que siempre busca el mínimo en tiempo, número de ejercicios y el máximo en sencillez. I know there are some readers of this site that know more of the under-the-hood details of HIT that might be able to defend it against Pavel’s characterization, but it rings true to me. Please try your request again later. I’m suspicious of both. When I needed to workout at home and had limited time, I found that alternating 12 week cycles of regular PttP (not “the Bear”) using a DL/military press combo and “Program Minimum” was effective and allowed me to make good progress. The Quick and the Deadis designed for an advanced minimalist like you. E.g., sprinters with a 2xBW 1RM would use only 50% BW or less. You are serving your country, raising a family, training for a sport… You have been around too long to be fooled by pop fitness "high intensity" fads. Due to this protocol I am now back at karate full time and feel great. The first major flaw of this routine is the high deadlift volume. HIT has fewer workouts, so you can go deeper below your baseline. In all a interesting book about a training programme with science quotes to back it all up but no reflection or talk about draw backs. Even if you The routines are slightly more complex than simple and sinister and still written in Pavels laconic take it or leave style. The theme of the Q&D is how to develop explosive strength. So I’ve concluded that, from a health perspective, I don’t need to do a lot, and I have a lot of options available to me. The perfect blend of science, explained simply and real world application - Possibly Pavel’s best work yet. Conduct Even better, since there is very little time in Q&D to get the bar placement right, goblet squats to parallel. the Evaluation. Even then, it’s still not better than some basic upper body pushing (any press), pulling (row or pull-up), squat (any squat or lunge variation) and hinge (deadlift or swing). Thank you for your kind words and your service, Joey! @MAS Yeah, I will probably never leave HIT, sometimes there will be long stretches of once a week training (or no training at all) with a condensed routine, sometimes more bodybuilding attempts – twice a week, more variety – possibly A/B, more volume…but I haven’t seen other methods that would be practical for me to try. A must read for anyone in the sport science industry. Any questions?”. workout that made you very sore. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. have avoided such a fate, you are learning slowness and poor form for the next As an experienced lifter, you know The rest periods are based on the Soviet @ZAP – I’m on week 4 now and I already know you are correct. His allegedly explosive movements People here have great results with two of his programs, Grease The Groove and the Fighter Pull-up Program. If you are a firefighter, cop, soldier, or in-season athlete, you probably should not be doing exercise routines that leave you wiped out the next day or longer. You have been around too long to be fooled by pop fitness "high intensity" fads. only seen incredible “what the hell” results with Pavel’s Quick and the Dead, Think this time round I will flick between 6 weeks Q&D and 6 weeks A&A protocol. Both are valid paths to get stronger. … i’m tinkering with Q&D myself and like it. How does one know where failure is unless they experience it occasionally? the power drop-off, since power is an offspring of both. In this book, Pavel reveals a minimalist program that will benefit any human.” (The 2-handed kettlebell more than the 1-handed, as it has a lower skill component.). I can’t believe there is a whole book about this. One of my trainers used this to pass two of her StrongFirst certifications, one having a one arm push-up as a strength test. I don’t play any sports or do martial arts, so I initially thought this book would be of no interest to me. I would do incline pushups for awhile (ROP type loading but with a lower volume), then switch to one-arm pushups. I tried the Q&D program for a couple of days and already brought me very good results. To E.g. Another effective method for rowing is a type of A+A: rowing against 60-70% 1RM resistance at a low tempo (8-10 reps per minute). old-timer with a whistle and a stopwatch telling you that lactic acid makes you Thank you sir. ... Pavel's books are full of science and practical advice sprinkled nicely with his irreverent humor. Complex concepts explained simply. In his “Volume and Frequency” video, McGuff says “It’s absolutely fine to go up in volume and frequency.” Making trade-offs between intensity, volume, and frequency might yield a routine that works better for you. These results are even more striking once we learn If the Amazon.com.au price decreases between your order time and the end of the day of the release date, you'll receive the lowest price. I have followed Pavel Tatsouline for some years, and followed his advice in a number of areas of training. seen it time and again: Fighters who abuse metcons lose speed and sharpness in His model suggests that spreading the sets out uniformly in time would be less effective for both hypertrophy and endurance. I recently completed a 8-week deadlifts singles program before restarting S&S and achieved a 1RM of 425lbs. No Anyway, there are many more on HITUNI channel by Steele/Fisher who have in my opinion the most accurate science backed info in HIT sphere. I’m already feeling my shoulders are getting over worked on the Q&D, whereas my back and legs are under worked. I look forward to your 12 week report. Lift Heavy. Great to hear, Dave! @MAS – Thanks. Peter Park, strength and So either consciously or subconsciously started reducing my interpretation of “intensity”. However after 10 reps of 2H swings, I still feel it takes a while to pass the talk test. I am 200 pound not much fat and my push ups and swings loose Speed after 10 reps. Learn how your comment data is processed. The book has a lot of supporting science and charts. Accustomed Perhaps this explains why the samurai were equally proficient at war and poetry.”, Mariah Carey Is Telling Her Own Story (and Recommending Books). B: Traditional style, barbell focused, three working sets: deadlifts, chest press or bench press, row. percent. Now to apply. The 50-70% 1RM range for the first Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. I use two different bands, on heavy day I’ll use band that allows me to do 5-7 pushups, I’ll try to build up to 2-3×5, on medium day I’ll use band that allows me to do 8-10 pushups, I’ll build up to 5×5, on easy days I’ll just do few sets of 5 without bands. By Pavel Tsatsouline 28/11/2019. I’ve been in pain ever since. Truly minimalist training programs are pretty rare to find, and this one is well-researched and clearly laid out. Fisher and Steele seem to concede that point, or at least the possibility of it, in their 2018 paper. Post: The Quick and The Dead (Topic#36832) Kiwi5 Total Posts: 252: ... Pavel is trying to get people to do the opposite: Do a couple of exercises with crisp form, think hard about your rest periods and train calm explosivity. I just recently returned to the gym but I’m still worried about aggravating my issues. Please try again. by StrongFirst, Inc. C: Traditional style, barbell focused, three working sets: barbell back squats, standing overhead press, pullups. But you still need to develop the strength, so Pavel in the Q&D and some of his other work builds programs that increase strength but not at the expense of being wiped out for your task the next day. proudly powered by weebly. But even if your kettlebell swing and deadlift Pavel published a new book last year titled The Quick and the Dead – Total Training for the Advanced Minimalist. But this book has been more than a pleasant surprise. Your email address will not be published. shown that it can be enough. They investigated three different cadences: 2s concentric:4s eccentric; 10s:10s; and “super slow,” 30s:30s:30s (see paper). more than plenty of rest. Pavel had a bunch of pages that were too deep into the details for my interest level. “Point fighters avoid significant acidosis is based on the experience of extreme minimalist lifters like John McKean who have the reasons for big jumps. The Quick and the Dead, by Pavel Tsatsouline. There is not much time left. Art DeVany was always a proponent of using explosive movements. I don’t want to use push-up bands, but I suspect I’ll need them soon. hoping you can outlast the opposition! I swapped back to S&S after the 3 months. Tom, yes—but high bar squats and very light. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. In this post, I will give a review/summary of the book and my initial experiences with the workout plan. And in barely 2 months! I've been training with my kettlebells for quite some time now, but I do still count myself a beginner. Get the benefits of each plan without burning out on the other. coaches knew what they were talking about: Lactic acid makes you sore. 10 swings, 1 TGU, one strength set, repeat 10x. So yes, he encourages anyone to experiment, specifically mentioning that if you dial back the intensity a bit – like dropping trying to “beat failure” for another 10 seconds – you can move from once a week 5 exercises to twice a week 8 exercises. Mike maintains that the one-set-to-failure conclusion was based on early research on beginners, where that is indeed the case.