Making the Call: Why Media Outlets are Showing Different Electoral Vote Totals, Biden Elected as Pennsylvania Puts Him Across 270 Electoral Votes, Wisconsin Called for Biden; ME-2 for Trump: Remaining Paths to 270 Electoral Votes. Gravis Marketing has quickly become the leading provider of comprehensive database records of registered voters in Pennsylvania and has offered direct access to the most accurate marketing tools designed to achieve success in the highly competitive political landscape we live today. Visit us at, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Barack Obama (D) carried Pennsylvania in both 2008 and 2012, defeating John McCain (R) in 2008 54.5-44.2 percent and Mitt Romney (R) in 2012 52-46.6 percent. Writer for the court’s majority, Justice Max Baer said: The high court declined to bar officials from rejecting mail-in ballots submitted without secrecy envelopes (sometimes referred to as “naked ballots”). This partisan balance came about after court-ordered redistricting was put in place for the 2018 elections to reduce what was determined to be an illegal gerrymander. To date, we have tracked 314 bills that make some mention of both election policy and COVID-19. © 2020 Electoral Ventures LLC. ABOUT US Our team takes tremendous pride in our open and transparent communication with every interaction. These modifications can be divided into the following five broad categories: Since our Sept. 9 edition, we’ve tracked the following redistricting-related developments. We take pride in providing our clients with complete access of detailed voter files in Pennsylvania inside our comprehensive database that includes millions of individual and household contacts. In response to the ruling, Maggie Sheehan , a representative for LaRose. Our political database is highly customizable and frequently updated with voter data that gives your political campaign a blueprint to streamline the ability to fundraise, poll, survey and gain valuable insights into the thoughts of your voters; saving you time, money and resources. On Sept. 16, Gov. People living in Pennsylvania love winners. POLITICO's coverage of 2020 races for President, Senate, House, Governors and Key Ballot Measures. 2020 will be the final election with this map, as redistricting will occur in 2021 after the 2020 Census. Let Ballotpedia deliver the news straight to your inbox. This partisan balance came about after court-ordered redistricting was put in place for the 2018 elections to reduce what was determined to be an illegal gerrymander. Democrats represent the other three. The Quaker view from Pennsylvania on how to wait patiently for election results by Ellen Gray , Updated: November 5, 2020 The Arch Street Friends Meeting in Philadelphia, where a group of 40 ROTC cadets from Villanova and the University of Pennsylvania appeared at first light to celebrate the Marine Corps founding day. Under our Extraordinary Jurisdiction, this Court can and should act to extend the received-by deadline for mail-in ballots to prevent the disenfranchisement of voters. A Republican represents the 1st District. Since our Sept. 9 edition, we’ve tracked the following absentee/mail-in voting modifications: To date, 38 states have modified their absentee/mail-in voting procedures for the general election. From the sport teams they are passionate about, to the people they choose to support during an election, the voting segment in Pennsylvania is one that anybody seeking political office needs to connect on a one-to-one basis. Saylor and Mundy are Republicans. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump (R) defeated Hillary Clinton (D) in Pennsylvania 48.2-47.5 percent. SITE MAP. In each issue of The Ballot Bulletin, we shine a spotlight on what we consider one of the more interesting recent developments in this area. To accomplish this goal, Gravis Marketing continually updates the voter files we’ve compiled over the years and can enhance your current voter database lists in Pennsylvania by matching data: We Offer You More Ways to Use Voter Lists in Pennsylvania. Chief Justice Thomas Saylor and Justices Sallie Mundy and Christine Donohue dissented in part from the majority opinion. © 2020 Gravis Marketing 920 Belle Ave STE 1330, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Email: Toll Free: 1800-371-3129, Political Campaign Logo Design – Business Cards – Brochures – Bumper Stickers, Political Consulting Firm That Helps You Win, IVR Polling | Automated Telephone Surveys | Patch Through Telephone Calls, Telephone Townhalls: Safe, Effective Messaging with Gravis Marketing, Voter Lists | 50 State Political Voter Database, Political Robocalls – Automated Robocall Software, Get Your Message Out With Political Robocalls, Political Mailers Are Still Alive And Well, Gravis Marketing Provides Political Consultants Wholesale rates, Political Campaign Management | Political Strategy, Using Robo Dialer Software: Top 10 Best Practices, Complete access to all counties in Pennsylvania and a quick, 24-hour turnaround, Detailed demographic information including ethnicity, race, religion and income, Phone numbers of registered voters in Pennsylvania – both landline and cell phone, Voter interest groups and memberships (including club, animals, hunting, etc. The margin is the percentage difference between the top two vote-getters in 2018. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (D) signed into law legislation postponing the state's primary election to June 2, 2020. Pennsylvania is a key battleground in the presidential contest. Pennsylvania has 18 congressional districts, split 9-9 between the two parties. State directs counties not to reject ballots due to signature mismatch, State supreme court extends mail-in ballot receipt deadlines, authorizes drop-box returns, Absentee/mail-in voting modifications since our last issue, Redistricting developments since our last issue, Frye’s preliminary injunction and stay order. Overall, Pennsylvania’s current U.S. House delegation is split evenly between Democrats and Republicans. A statement of fact is that in Pennsylvania, the winner of most elections is the team that has the best pulse of the voting segment and is best able to connect with those millions of registered voters on a personal level. More recent results (i.e., special elections held in 2019-20 for vacancies) are not displayed. Pennsylvania is a key battleground in the presidential contest. In the last two weeks, a court order and a settlement have resulted in modifications to several mail-in voting procedures in Pennsylvania. The following races are rated as safe for the incumbent party. To date, we have tracked 236 lawsuits and/or court orders involving election policy issues and the COVID-19 outbreak. Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. PRIVACY Presidential Results 2016 Election - 2000 Primary.xlsx Please note the top two links lead to Excel documents with several worksheets that show data on a week by week basis. The margin is the percentage difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Mail-in ballots postmarked on or before Nov. 3, and ballots lacking any indication they were sent after this date, would be accepted if received by 5 p.m. on Nov. 6. In states shaded in white, we have tracked no relevant bills. The tabs appear at the bottom of the document. † Race was uncontested | ^Top two vote-getters were from the same party. All Rights Reserved. Detailed Voter Lists in Pennsylvania – Comprehensive Voter Contact Information. (b)Source: Daily Kos. State authorities had previously advised counties that they should count naked ballots. Jerrick Adams is a staff writer at Ballotpedia. If the Voter’s Declaration on the return envelope is signed and the county board is satisfied that the declaration is sufficient, the mail-in or absentee ballot should be approved for canvassing unless challenged in accordance with the Pennsylvania Election Code. Filtered list below matches districts currently visible in map window. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump (R) defeated Hillary Clinton (D) in Pennsylvania 48.2-47.5 percent. Baer, Donohue, Wecht, Dougherty, and Todd are Democrats. It was originally scheduled for April 28, 2020. On Sept. 14, the League of Women Voters and the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh dropped a lawsuit against the state after election officials issued guidance directing counties not to reject a mail-in ballot due solely to a perceived mismatch between the signature on the return envelope and the signature on the voter’s registration record. States with higher numbers of relevant bills are shaded in darker blue on the map below. The guidance, released Sept. 11, lays out the following directions for county officials (emphasis added): On Sept. 17, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued an order extending the mail-in ballot receipt deadline and authorizing the use of drop boxes for returning mail-in ballots in the general election. Ballotpedia has identified four of Pennsylvania’s 18 congressional districts as battlegrounds in the general election: the 1st, 7th, 8th, and 17th districts. Write in the name of someone not on the ballot for that position, but who has residency qualifications. This week, we turn our attention to Ohio Democratic Party v. LaRose. By directing the Secretary to provide two sets of numbers, one derived from the decennial census and one not, and announcing that it is the policy of the United States to use the latter in connection with apportionment, the Presidential Memorandum deviates from, and thus violates, the statutory scheme.”, “Second, the Presidential Memorandum violates the statute governing apportionment because, so long as they reside in the United States, illegal aliens qualify as ‘persons in’ a ‘State’ as Congress used those words.”, On Sept. 16, the Department of Justice filed its. From the sport teams they are passionate about, to the people they choose to support during an election, the voting segment in Pennsylvania is one that anybody seeking political office needs to connect on a one-to-one basis. The legislation also established Oct. 5 as the start date for in-person absentee voting (i.e., early voting). (a)Source: Daily Kos, 270toWin research. Click here to view the complete list of lawsuits and court orders. We understand that the best way to ensure political success is to fine tune and customize your message. On Sept. 10, a three-judge panel of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, “First, pursuant to the virtually automatic scheme established by these interlocking statutes, the Secretary [of Commerce] is mandated to report a single set of numbers — ‘[t]he tabulation of total population by States’ under the decennial census — to the President, and the President, in turn, is required to use the same set of numbers in connection with apportionment. Contact us at … We additionally conclude that voters’ rights are better protected by addressing the impending crisis at this point in the election cycle on a statewide basis rather than allowing the chaos to brew, creating voter confusion regarding whether extensions will be granted, for how long, and in what counties.