In November 2012, Philadelphia voters approved an amendment to the Charter to allow City Council to establish, by ordinance, an independent rate-making body responsible for fixing and regulating rates and charges for water and sewer services. We are continuing to monitor the situation for any further issues. | Bridesburg (Philadelphia) (5 mi.) Privacy Notice |  Water Works famously maintains its own “water bar,” a Philadelphia first, which is complete with a water sommelier and a water list of over 20 varieties – domestic and international. | Trenton (27 mi.) The waves you will find on the shore can be slightly affected by the orientation of the coastline and the seabed of the beaches, although in most cases they are usually equivalent. 6 Post-Construction and Operations and Maintenance Guidance, 1.2.1 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements, 1.2.2 Erosion and Sediment Control Requirement, 1.3.1 Retrofit Project Applicability and Initiation, 1.3.2 Retrofit Project Requirements and Guidance, 2.4 Expedited Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan Reviews, 2.6 PWD’s Role in Philadelphia's Development Process, 2.7 PWD and Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, 2.0.1 Understanding PWD’s Stormwater Review Process, 2.7.1 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits, 3.1 Site Assessment and Stormwater Management Strategies, 3.3 Infiltration Testing and Soil Assessment for SMP Design, 3.5 Integrated Stormwater Management Examples, 3.0.2 Integrated Site and Stormwater Management Assessment and Design Process Overview, 3.0.3 Interactions between Design Strategies, Stormwater Regulations, and Review Paths, 3.1.1 Background Site Factors and Site Factors Inventory, 3.1.7 Pollutant- Reducing Practices and Roof Runoff Isolation, 3.1.8 How to Use SMPs to Comply with the Regulations, 3.2.2 SMP Hierarchy and Selection Process, 3.2.4 Stormwater Management Banking and Trading, 3.2.5 SMP Design Guidance and General Requirements, 3.3.1 Infiltration Testing and Soil Characterization Plan Development, 3.3.6 Evaluation of Infiltration Testing Results, 3.4.1 Regulatory Compliance Documentation Requirements, 3.4.3 Calculation Methods and Design Tools, 3.5.1 Commercial Office Building Development, 3.5.2 Residential Multi-Family Development, 4.1.1 Bioinfiltration/ Bioretention Introduction, 4.1.2 Bioinfiltration/ Bioretention Components, 4.1.3 Bioinfiltration/ Bioretention Design Standards, 4.1.4 Bioinfiltration/ Bioretention Material Standards, 4.1.5 Bioinfiltration/ Bioretention Construction Guidance, 4.1.6 Bioinfiltration/ Bioretention Maintenance Guidance, 4.2.5 Porous Pavement Construction Guidance, 4.2.6 Porous Pavement Maintenance Guidance, 4.4.1 Subsurface Infiltration Introduction, 4.4.3 Subsurface Infiltration Design Standards, 4.4.4 Subsurface Infiltration Material Standards, 4.4.5 Subsurface Infiltration Construction Guidance, 4.4.6 Subsurface Infiltration Maintenance Guidance, 4.7.3 Pond and Wet Basin Design Standards, 4.7.4 Pond and Wet Basin Material Standards, 4.7.5 Pond and Wet Basin Construction Guidance, 4.7.6 Pond and Wet Basin Maintenance Guidance, 4.8.3 Subsurface Detention Design Standards, 4.8.4 Subsurface Detention Material Standards, 4.8.5 Subsurface Detention Construction Guidance, 4.8.6 Subsurface Detention Maintenance Guidance, 5.1.1 Coordinating Inspections with Other PWD Units, 5.2.1 Erosion and Sediment-Related Construction Issues, 5.2.2 Stormwater Management Practice-Related Construction Issues, 6.2 Stormwater Management Practice Inspection Guidance, 6.1.1 Maintenance Requirements for Property Owners, 6.1.2 Operations and Maintenance Agreements, Table E-1: General Plan Sheet Requirements, Table E-2: Existing Conditions Plan Requirements, Table E-3: Conceptual Stormwater Management Plan Requirements, Table E-4: Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Requirements, Table E-5: Standard Erosion and Sediment Control Notes, Table E-6: Standard Sequence of Construction Notes, Table E-7: Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan Report Requirements, F.2 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plan, F.5 Infiltration Testing and Soil Assessment, F.6 Hydrologic Model and Calculation Methods, Philadelphia Stormwater Management Guidance Manual, Version 3.2.