Once you gave me the name I checked IMDB and I saw what show I remembered her from. Marie McCarthy’s Omnibus continues to go from strength to strength. company – I’d love to have met him – it would be a shame if we Opportunities worth taking rarely come without their challenges and Barrett faced the formidable task of reading all nine volumes of Benn’s transcribed diaries before offering a convincing retrospective. The episode has a good and satisfying ending helped considerably by the wonderful portrayal by Peter McEnery as the slimy Donald Phillipson as he tries to talk his way out of a very sticky situation. Originally aired in the UK on 8th March 1988. Polly, one of my readers, noticed on the wall a poster of the 1962 French film version of Nabakov’s book, Lolita. Similarly, her Mother and Stepfather are Catholics, so she cannot go to them for assistance. Morse than muttered something about Catholics and masks; and when they went to the Acum house next, Morse called to Valerie upstairs, realizing that she was there.) We had to adapt certain things so there was no direct lifting from the diaries themselves. I’m just surmising though based on that evidence; the episode didn’t explicitly reveal who the father was. However, I suppose Acum weakly gave into temptation and fell for this schoolgirl, when he should have known better, and obviously caused all the further dramatic ramifications in the rest of the episode. Is it an error or is there a third child? and he actually went to office and became more left wing. On the shelf of the desk is a postcard; Thank you to Polly, one of my new readers, who correctly identified the postcard as being a Modigliani, ‘Portrait of a Girl.’ Thank you Polly. Nottingham Playhouse was putting together some one-person shows on political themes (just three performances each). Would he really have cared so little for convention or practicality that he would still not have replaced a 1987 calendar some nine months into 1988? – as “the most dangerous man in Britain”. You're always trying to pace it to keep the interest going, linking one section into the next. She is now an actress turned producer. I am not Alastair McGowan but there are certain things about the Yes, this is the correct explanation, it is backed up by what Morse mutters at the end of the episode. Hiya Chris. Could it be that she knew of his cocaine habit and held that over him? But, this is just my opinion and as such can be ignored. In this episode there is no love interest for Morse and though he does appear to have a little liking for Cheryl Baines he is proverbially barking up the wrong tree. Gaitskell, Wilson, Jim Callaghan, Margaret Thatcher of course, Neil Kinnock, Tony Blair (inevitably), are all name checked. In London theatre, Opinion, Plays, Reviews, Ticket recommendations by Carole Woddis8th April 2019Leave a Comment, Omnibus Theatre, London – until 20 April 2019. Any chance you know the location of the Phillipson House? The Korean War, and a long lost letter, separate the lives of young lovers Jean Pargetter and Lionel Hardcastle, whose paths cross again by happenstance. We consoled ourselves by saying that he had an untidy desk and if I got lost, we could have bits of script hidden amongst the papers or in the filing cabinet drawers. Like others, I enjoyed reading your blog on this Morse episode I just happen to be watching. | MorseandLewisandEndeavour, Endeavour and its connections to Morse and Lewis. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. subject of a new play, Tony’s Last Tape, written by Andy Barrett. Tony's Last Tape is at the Clapham Omnibus Theatre 2-20 April. “The best known property though is at 28 Castlebar Park […]” at Ealing, “a boarded up, derelict building and former squat awaiting redevelopment. Does Philip Bretherton Smoke? Audiences found it funny and touching, with certain aspects that bring out his quirky sentimentality - not something that you associate with the swivel-eyed madman as portrayed in the right-wing press.