Best Places to Live in Portsmouth (zip 03801), New Hampshire Regional center/Capital city - Central Massachusetts coast at the head of Boston Bay. Find More Cities in New Hampshire that start with P . The location Ranked # 1 has the highest value. State Name: Address: Zip code Number: New Hampshire(NH) At your own home, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH) 03801: New Hampshire(NH) 79 Congress St, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH) 03801: New Hampshire(NH) One New Hampshire Ave, … The location Ranked # 1 has the highest value. Other result of Zip code 03801. Zip code number of 2 Mill Village Road N, Goshen, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 126 Hall St. Unit I, Concord, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 60 Main Street # 250, Nashua, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 22 Boulder Way, Merrimack, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 121 Lafayette Road # 10, North Hampton, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 22 Shady Lane, Keene, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 277 Route 125, Brentwood, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 11 Blossom Road, Plaistow, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 25 Scott Drive, Merrimack, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 235 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack, New Hampshire (NH), 157 Ces De 302 N Mrkt Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), Pease Ang Base Building 16, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH). This page shows a map with an overlay of Zip Codes for Portsmouth, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. 03801 is a ZIP code of , Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH) and list of areas associated with same ZIP code are shown below. For your convenience we have also indicated if that zip code in Portsmouth … The table below compares 03801 to the other 243 ZIP Codes in New Hampshire by rank and percentile using July 1, 2020 data. New Hampshire Census Data Comparison Tool, Top 20 Most Popular Places Near ZIP Code 03801, Get Current Demographic Data for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, View Boundary Maps, for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, Locate Physical, Cultural, and Historical Features, 2-Minute Introduction and Concise Guide to Big Data. Additional comparisons and rankings can be made with a VERY EASY TO USE New Hampshire Census Data Comparison Tool. Advertisement. Zip code number of 26 S Main Street # 102, Concord, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 5 Elm Avenue, Hudson, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 20 Dunklee Road # A, Bow, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 1 N Broadway, Salem, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 101 International Drive, Newington, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 55 Maynesboro Street # 1, Berlin, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 38 Porter Road, Alstead, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 10 Scarborough Lane, Milford, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 22 Perkins Road, Rindge, New Hampshire (NH), Zip code number of 510 Hall Street, Bow, New Hampshire (NH), At your own home, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 11 Pine Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 280 Hertiage Ave, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 50 Fox Run Rd Suite J-5, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), Marine Officer Selection Office, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 125 Aviation Avenue, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 136 Sloat Avenue Building 130, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 79 Congress St, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), One New Hampshire Ave, Suite 125, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH), 11 Sheafe St, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH).