(If you're a human, don't change the following field), Solomon’s Prayer at the Dedication of the Temple. The two records of this prayer are too long to do them justice but the beauty of the prayer and the evidence of the deep spirituality of the one who is praying will become clear. He must there confess his sin so that the sin does not rest on the whole people! The remainder (except 1) found their way into the Book of Blessings. Amen. with the hope and confidence Indeed it is a rare celebration, but it is so rich in its symbolism and theology. of God’s mission, In the second petition the king pleads with his God concerning his people when they are defeated by enemies. 0000004032 00000 n
", "When Christ the Lord instituted in the form of a sacrificial banquet a memorial of the Sacrifice he was about to offer the Father on the altar of the Cross, he made holy the table where the faithful would come to celebrate their Passover. — ODCA, ch. Blessings to you. (Source: St Andrews, New Zealand), We recognise that the greatest gift is the gift of love. If this king will continue in this way, he may be sure that the Lord his God will remember His covenant and all the loving kindness which He had promised David. we share the fruit of our labour with you, grace these gifts for your kingdom Let the penitent be spared. Every altar of anti-progress, catch fire, in Jesus name 8. running over. We will be dedicating our new altar in a special prayer of dedication later in the service. I’m sharing this with my choir members. help us to grasp the freedom that comes The first petition which Solomon utters is rather difficult to understand. Lord over our future. 2, "When Christ the Lord instituted in the form of a sacrificial banquet a memorial of the Sacrifice he was about to offer the Father on the altar of the Cross, he made holy the table where the faithful would come to celebrate their Passover. Oh, let God now hear the prayer of His servant! Israel's God does make covenant. and we do this joyfully, together, today, The revised rite truly exemplified the ecclesiology of Vatican II, especially the Church as the Body of Christ. Such an individual must then come to the altar of God. Israel had prospered and had been victorious under the reign of David. 0000393620 00000 n
or how secure our resources are, The following music and texts may be reproduced free of charge in printed form, for non-commercial purposes, in publications not for sale, by parishes, dioceses, schools, and religious communities, provided that the copyright acknowledgment which appears at the foot of each page is included. The opening prayer cites, “Lord, bless this church …” and so today’s sections 20-22 address in text the Blessing of the Altar. Bless those who receive them, just as we are blessed in the act of sharing them. If the rains do not come — because the people have sinned — the livelihood of the majority of the people will be affected at once. to be your people in this time, in this place. This famous passage contains King David's rededication prayer after Nathan the prophet confronted him with his sin (2 Samuel 12). In our hands: kingdom gifts. This wisdom is soon revealed when a mother comes to him with another woman, each claiming the same child as her own. In the land of Palestine the people were totally dependent on the "former" and the "latter" rains in order that there might be crops. Carol Penner, Ever-faithful God, It is necessary to add these words because Israel may well be over-confident at the time when it is the strongest notion in that part of the world. The revised rite truly exemplified the ecclesiology of Vatican II, especially the Church as the Body of Christ. The greatness of Israel's God is seen in the facts that He has made all things and that He keeps covenant! and the offering of our lives. A generous reader has sent in a document that came his way, comprising two rites excerpted from the Pontificale Romanum: the Order of Dedication of an Altar, and the Order of Blessing of a Church. to celebrate and share in Jesus’ name. 0000002105 00000 n
Paid labour, volunteer work, our home life– 0000000016 00000 n
Seeing God always forgives upon His people's repentance, can this forgiveness become rather common place to us? They come with the prayer that all may know abundance of goods and of peace in all places in our world. After the offering: Two possible psalms accompany this action (50-51): the 45th outside of the Easter season (updated to verses 1-8 in the 2003 draft), and the 118th (with verses 1, 16-18, 21-27), for … Continue reading → But, when a segment of the people then turn to the temple and seek the name of God and ask forgiveness, may He bring each one back to the land he has received in his family inheritance. You came to show us that we need not be disheartened 0000003920 00000 n
Moreover, when a church is constructed as a building destined solely and permanently for gathering the People of God and for carrying out sacred functions, it is fitting that it be dedicated to the Lord with a solemn rite, in accordance with the ancient custom of the Church." When the Lord gave him a choice of various gifts he might have, he chose wisdom. The overseer of all is Solomon! Carol Penner, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give, Thank you. The opening prayer cites, “Lord, bless this church …” and so today’s sections 20-22 address in text the Blessing of the Altar. <<2CF80C226A033B49AE95858C7E5309EC>]>>
The Lord had promised David that his would be a dynasty, i.e., his children should sit on the throne of Israel through generations if they would fear Him and keep His commandments. Otherwise they could not be defeated in this "theocracy"! Solomon intercedes. our brokenness, our leftovers, "Through his Death and Resurrection, Christ became the true and perfect temple of the New Covenant and gathered a people to be his own. — The Order of the Dedication of a Church and an Altar (ODCA), ch. Trusting you, we can share what we have with others, God calls us to be generous. Your generous outpouring of grace reminds us of the fruitful life we are called to bear. Consider incorporating parts of this passage into your own prayer of rededication: In this passage, Jesus told his followers they were seeking the wrong thing. pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing. Indeed it is a rare celebration, but it is so rich in its symbolism and theology. He will then not lack a son to sit upon his throne. — The Order of the Dedication of a Church and an Altar (ODCA), ch. Cheers, Sandy, Just come across these beautiful prayers, one of which I will be using tomorrow, thank you for sharing with us. II, no. We are to focus on Christ and find out what he wants us to do every day through a relationship with him. Does the temple in Jerusalem have more significance than our church buildings? The heavens, Hebrew — heaven of heavens, because this language has no comparative or superlative degree — cannot contain Him! Let God now hear Solomon. Carol Penner, God of grace, flowing out to all the world. Only as we follow this way of life can we understand and know who Jesus really is. It is much more detailed and terribly long, but it would be wonderful translated into the vernacular. and the God of pockets zipped shut; It is out of gratitude that we give these gifts of food and money. from seeing you more clearly You are the God of our hearts. We release these gifts into your river of love, May our eyes be opened Required fields are marked *. 0000049622 00000 n
Every altar of sudden death waiting to terminate my life, you are a liar, catch fire, in Jesus name. This blog is not associated with Pray Tell: An open forum on faith in South Texas. and cheerful hearts to do it. and all that we hold back, Even after a lifetime, they’ll still be filled with grace, their table, their bread. We pray that they may help to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to our world, today and always, here and everywhere. The king is here not referring to the stranger who makes his home in Israel, but to the foreigner who comes and goes. He becomes acquainted with the ways of the Israelites and with their history and he also finds out about the greatness of Israel's God. who have given everything to us. and the giving of this offering xref
shaken together, And I am tasked to research on how the rite goes and how it is going to happen can anyone give me pointers, a run thru, or share a website that can help me with this. Carol Penner, Giver of all good things, You need people who aren’t yet … ", "Because the church is a visible building, this house is a special sign of the pilgrim Church on earth and an image of the Church dwelling in heaven. I especially miss the mixing and blessing of the “Gregorian water” and the multiple incensations of the altar by the deacon after the bishop has anointed and lit the incense crosses on the altar’s surface. where there are no enemies, There will be seven distinct petitions in this prayer of Solomon. The rite also has a fascinating history. 0000229949 00000 n
If they are taken out of their land because of their sin! You are the God of full hearts and all who hunger and thirst after justice When the building is now finished there is a great celebration of dedication and Solomon utters a prayer which has become a classic. Are there more ecumenical passages in the Old Testament? Solomon felt his own inadequacy. Then he prays. loving you more dearly 0000185052 00000 n
This beautiful prayer must be applied to his heart as well as to the hearts of all who read this prayer. God knows what is in their hearts. in Jesus’ name, Amen. bringing a rich harvest of righteousness. Meanwhile the following antiphon is sung. Through his death and resurrection, Christ became the true and perfect temple1 of the New Covenant and gathered together a people to be his own. Get some unchurched you-know-whats in the seats. The hearts determine their actions. God of great gifts, The two records of this prayer are too long to do them justice but the beauty of the prayer and the evidence of the deep spirituality of the one who is praying will become clear. we long to be faithful givers, How then shall this house which Solomon has built house Him? knowing that you are the Great Provider. hearts and hands and voices, all lifted in praise to you, Just come across this blog and your generous sharing of resources. One change that I am grateful for between the original addition and what was finally published is the inclusion of an actual Prayer of Dedication, which are truly works or art. The act of rededication means to humble yourself, confess your sin to the Lord, and return to God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and being. But also a little bit more. will take root in this world providing what we need when we need it. If His people go to battle against their enemies, whether at home or in other countries, when they pray toward this place, may God hear them and maintain their cause. He now assumes a posture in prayer of which we have not read earlier in the Biblical account. You who know our inmost being, Amen. In Jesus’ name, we pray. May the children of the Church be like olive branches around the table of the Lord (alleluia). hoping that you can use these gifts unstoppable, refreshing, abundant. Amen. x�b``�b``�b`a`=���ǀ | 1 �����L��� lN-�]s%yZ9���9�D:@DF��h��Q�y�`��A,�� ���x�я��a�B�Y@1��+�3�������7��#f!�EF!����6@�` � �YH3�Z� �J&�
The act of rededication means to humble yourself, confess your sin to the Lord, and return to God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and being. (Source: Thom Shuman), We give in grateful thanksgiving for all that God has given us. Amen. Lord, render to every man according to all his ways. In our mouths: kingdom praises. in precarious economic times we are tempted of God’s character, Carol Penner, Lord, it’s a small gesture; the larger world where the power of love is sorely needed. ", Does the Bible Actually Say 'Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness? and we believe that, despite the persistence of evil, trailer
Meanwhile the following antiphon is sung. Altars, Dedications and Relics. Why, or, why not? This is Solomon's prayer. Lord over our families, and kindness is the air we breathe. startxref