5. 2. Research shows that coconut water can help with hydration, diabetes, heart health and more. All times on this site are AEDT (GMT +10). In contrast, the milk is a processed byproduct made out of coconut meat. It is an alternative to artificial drinks. This article tells you everything you need to know about coconut meat, including its nutrients…, Electrolytes are minerals that are involved in many essential processes in your body. 2. However, it also comes with some drawbacks that you should consider before making it a staple of a drink. A serving of pure coconut water contains around 46 calories, making it a much lower in calories beverage than the average sports drink. Coconut water provides mostly carbs and water, while coconut milk provides primarily fat. It is even said that it can alleviate hang-overs! However, they’re two very different coconut byproducts. 3. Further research in rats shows that coconut water may support heart health by lowering blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (bad) cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels (9, 10). 1. Coconut water’s potassium levels may help lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Coconut water and coconut milk have very different nutritional profiles. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Coconut water can be good for digestive and urinary health. The health-boosting nutrients of coconut water may have diminished or be no longer active. 10 Celebrity Fitness Trends You Can Try Too! This means that it is particularly beneficial after workouts and any physical activities to replenish the body fluids you will lose through sweat. Coconut milk is continuously being researched for potential health and beauty benefits, including hair health. Coconut milk contains about 50% water and is very high in coconut fat. 3. Coconut water has high levels of potassium compared to other electrolytes. Coconut water is a rich source of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants which help to cure dehydration and constipation. • Contains Protein … It is also high in potassium. Cons of Drinking Coconut Water. Pros and cons of drinking coconut water … A glass or two after a tough workout, however, could be what is needed to start feeling better. Coconut water can be a good supplement for other fluids, but unless there is a potassium deficiency, consuming high levels of it rapidly is not generally recommended. 5 Popular Different Types of Yoga, Top 10 Ways to Reduce Stress in Your Life, Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. Electrolytes: Definition, Functions, Imbalance and Sources, Can’t Believe It’s Not Water — 5 Hydrating, Post-Workout Drinks, Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS. The water from a single coconut provides enough Vitamin C to meet the daily requirements for the average person. Control your potassium levels if you take in coconut water and potassium supplements, as too much potassium can impact on the heart. Once exposed to air and warm temperatures, it rapidly ferments and loses its nutritional value. An impaired renal function often leads to hyperkalemia — elevated blood potassium levels — due to the kidney’s inability to excrete potassium. If you are living an active lifestyle and do not mind the taste of coconut water, then it could be a great choice for an after-workout drink. 4. HOUSTON – Coconut water is a rich source of nutrients, minerals and antioxidants which help to cure dehydration and constipation. Lastly, whether you choose to drink packaged coconut water or coconut milk, always check the ingredient list and avoid those with added sugars. Therefore, consuming too much of this mineral may have harmful effects (16, 17). Coconut water is a sweet, translucent fluid that you may drink straight from young green coconuts. Also, research in rats with diabetes suggests that coconut water may help lower oxidative stress, blood sugar levels, and A1c hemoglobin, an indicator of your blood sugar over the last 3 months (6, 7, 8). The mixture is then strained to remove any solid remnants. If it is the primary beverage that is consumed by an individual, then it may cause a condition called hyperkalemia, which means there is too much potassium in the blood. It might seem so traditional, but why are so many people drinking it? It can act like a diuretic. Some research shows that coconut water can improve blood circulation, lower elevated blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Thus, you should avoid drinking coconut water and milk if you’re allergic to coconuts (22, 23). This would be especially troubling if you have diabetes, and the potassium is not good for patients with kidney problems. Coconut water does have calories — 45 to 60 calories in an 8-ounce serving… Not to be confused with the high-fat coconut oil used in cooking or coconut milk from a traditional brown and hairy coconut, coconut water is a low-cal, fat-free, cholesterol-free beverage that not only hydrates but also packs a major potassium punch. As for their composition, it’s no surprise that coconut water contains mainly water — about 94% — and carbs while having virtually no fat and proteins. Advocates say coconut water can promote smoother, more youthful-looking skin. However, the maturation process doesn’t fill the entire coconut cavity with the meat, so you may still find some coconut water in mature coconuts. Coconut water does not improve markers of hydration during sub-maximal exercise and performance in a subsequent time trial compared with water alone. Coconut water can impact blood sugar levels and weight gain. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. bodyandsoul.com.au may receive an affiliate commission if you buy through our links. The coconut fruit consists of 38% shell, 10% water, and 52% coconut flesh — also called coconut meat (1). 1. Dirty vegan might be for you if you can’t give up meat entir... Find out about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. A low-FODMAP diet can reverse these problem. These great-tasting fluids will rehydrate and power your body — no water required. Learn about its uses and how it benefits weight, metabolism and heart health. 1. If you need help with the Public File, call (713) 778-4745. List of the Cons of Drinking Coconut Water Daily. A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. It's a natural diuretic and is said to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney stones. “People on certain medications that can elevate potassium, some people who have naturally higher levels of potassium, some people who have stomach issues may be a little bit more sensitive to high potassium,” Harris explained. Even professional athletes, such as tennis player John Isner, drink it after a match. Athletes who sweat abundantly during long workouts might not find coconut water very useful. 1. However, you may prefer one over the other depending on your nutritional goals and needs. Both coconut water and milk offer plenty of health benefits. At the same time, sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and other needed nutrients are available. Coconut water is ultimately popular because it has a nice, subtle flavor to it. There may be antioxidant properties. To help you make the best decision when it comes to evaluating the healthiness of coconut water, here are the key benefits of coconut water and its cons: Pros • Low Calories – Pure coconut water (that hasn’t had additives or sugar added) is relatively low in calories. 3. Here are the pros and cons of drinking coconut water daily to begin thinking about. Coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is a common tree found in the tropics that yields many food and beverage products, including coconut water, oil, milk, and cream. Now, you might be wondering if these claims are true or not. Also, while coconut allergies are usually rare, coconuts are an emerging allergen in the United States. 5 Pros and Cons of Closed Circulatory System, Alaskan Shepherd Guide: 29 Things Every Owner Should Know, Blue Heeler German Shepherd Mix: 26 Things Every Owner Should Know, German Shepherd Chow Mix Guide: 27 Things to Know Before Getting One, Bulldog Shih Tzu Mix Guide: 27 Things to Know About a Shitzu Bulldog, 500 Cutest Shih Tzu Names for a Boy or Girl Puppy Dog, 500 Most Unique Chihuahua Names for a Girl or Boy Dog, German Shepherd Beagle Mix: 27 Things Every Owner Should Know, Golden Retriever Chow Mix Guide: 27 Things to Know Before Getting One, 201 Coolest Black and White Dog Names (Female and Male), Catahoula Lab Mix (Labahoula): 28 Things Every Owner Should Know. Coconut coir pros also tout its ability to soak up 10x its weight in water. Yet there is the potential that drinking this beverage daily is just a marketing scam to purchase an expensive product that is equivalent to water. The average fruit juice has twice as many calories as an unflavored coconut water beverage. It comes naturally within the fruit and is referred to as the liquid endosperm (2). Coconut water can be beneficial when trying to rehydrate. Still, research in humans is needed to confirm these claims. According to them, this drink is able to keep them going during long matches and prevent them from cramping in the most humid conditions. Research from the Philippines found drinking coconut water up to three times a week may reduce stone size and the need for surgery. In fact, sports nutrition experts do not also suggest sports drinks for these individuals, stating that they actually need supplements and other rich sources, such as bananas, raisins and pretzels, to replenish your stores. Pros • Low Calories – Pure coconut water (that hasn’t had additives or sugar added) is relatively low in calories. This natural drink contains much lower in calories compared with many other commercial sports drinks, which means that it should be a great option for those who need extra hydration for a variety of health reasons, but do not want to gain extra pounds from extra calories. What Is Coconut Meat, and Does It Have Benefits? This is due to its medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) content, which may even aid weight and fat loss (12, 13). Coconut water and milk are two different coconut beverages. 10 Easy to Follow Tips for Saving Big at the Grocery Store, 10 Tips for Staying Fit Once You’re Retired, Dogs for People with Allergies: The Top Non-Shedding Dog Breeds, How to Lower Your Cable Bill: 5 Tips that Work, Is Soda Bad for You? Coconuts grow on large palm trees known scientifically as Cocos … They claim it's a natural source of cytokinins, a group of plant growth hormones that help regulate cell growth, development and ageing. Keep in mind that too much of anything, even coconut water, can cause health problems. When coir is used in hydroponic systems with nutrient solution, the roots uptake those nutrients more quickly than in soil mixes. Coconut water and milk are often confused because they’re both popular coconut beverages. Here are 8 science-based benefits. However, you may wonder what sets apart coconut’s main beverages. This article…, Coconut meat is the white flesh inside a coconut. Log in, 10 Cheap Family Fun Activities You Can Do This Weekend, Child Internet Safety: 5 Crucial Tips for Protecting Your Child Online. Some are mixed with plain water to create a 75/25 ratio.