Psychokinesis, or telekinesis, is the ability to transport and control objects with the power of the mind without applying any evident physical force. Directory: Techniques → Supportive Techniques → Restraining Techniques Telekinesis (超能力 Chōnōryoku, lit. Parapsychology researchers have described multiple cases of psychokinetic/telekinetic effects within their laboratory and a few cases outside of the lab. Psychokinesis is an umbrella term for any ability that involves manipulating matter with the mind. Psychokinesis can be affected by strong emotion; both times Gillian used psychokinesis, she was feeling extremely angry and distressed. Psychokinesis can be used to manipulate the physical world without having to physically touch it. Mind-Over-Matter 2. Psychokinesis (念動, Nen Dō), Is a Psychic ability that grants a user Mind-Over-Matter Abilities, granting the user the power to manipulate particles of Matter and Energy. Hierbei unterscheidet man in verschieden Arten, wie zB. … Jeder Mensch hat diese Fähigkeit, nur muss er sie antrainieren, da diese Fähigkeit vom Gehirn geleistet wird. Psychokinesis is quite a potent ability, as even untrained witches, such as lost witches, are capable of using it; it can also manifest involuntarily. It is highly possible that with training, witches are able to use psychokinesis intentionally and direct it as they please. It is a matter of applying psychokinesis in a certain way to get the intended result. Psychokinesis is the magical ability to move objects that are not in visual range with the mind. It is unclear how common psychokinesis is; thus far, Gillian is the only witch who notably demonstrates psychokinesis and its relative abilities. Abilities with the term "kinesis" after them are simply an application of psychokinesis. Objects may be far away or inside the body. "Supernatural Power"), also called Psychokinesis (サイコキネシス Saikokineshisu), is a technique that allows the user to manipulate objects and other people with the power of one's mind. Across space, Psychokinesis is known by many names such as Magic, Sorcery, Mysticism, Fragments of Creation, and so on, though Psychokinesis is the most widely accepted by the majority of … The word psychokinesis is created by taking the prefixes "psycho" and "kinesis" from Greek to mean literally "mind movement". Psychokinesis is a Fragment which allows the user to control the movement of any substance at a molecular level, just by thinking about it. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. It can also be channeled through the eyes or hands. If you control a Psychic - Type monster: Target 1 card on the field; destroy it, and if you do, take 1000 damage. Hence, it is important that lost witches receive training to control their abilities, lest they inadvertently cause an accident or endanger those around them. Psychokinesis is a sensory or manipulative ability belonging to certain individuals and species that allow the user to create energy that can be used to manipulate objects or the immediate area around them. Psychokinesis was the paranormal ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy without the use of any known type of physical means. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Je schneller sich Moleküle bewegen, desto heisser ist es. Psychokinesis 6. Characters with this ability can manipulate something at a distance while others can create the matter that they manipulate. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection"), Some Vorta also had this ability, such as Eris. However, it also included a number of powers which were displayed in the PK Menu that was available in all Destroy All Humans! (lat. Upgrades. It can also be channeled through the eyes or hands. Psychokinesis is a power possessed by witches. Ash and Mary-Lynnette: Those Who Favor Fire, DC Database is a FANDOM Movies Community. If you are able to perform one of them, you are able to perform all of them. Users can freely manipulate the movements of all matter with their thoughts. TK Some Vampires have this ability but their usage is very limited. There were various forms of Psychokinesis ranging from the ability to control the elements to the art of mind over matter. After unshielded exposure to the barrier at the edge of the galaxy, Gary Mitchell developed this ability, among others. It is possible that witches who are turned into made vampires retain this ability, though this has not been demonstrated in the series. Abilities with the term "kinesis" after them are simply an application of psychokinesis. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock) Vulcans had traditional exercises for practicing with such abilities by meditating on a lamp-flame. Objects may be far away or inside the body. The abilities below are applications of psychokinesis. Diese Seite beschäftigt sich mit Kinesen. (VOY: "The Gift"). Psychokinesis. Mold these techniques to fit your need and to suit what best works for you. There were various forms of Psychokinesis ranging from the ability to control the elements to the art of mind over matter. Psi Wiki ist eine FANDOM-Lifestyle-Community. PSI 5. Psychokinesis was the paranormal ability of the mind to influence matter, time, space, or energy without the use of any known type of physical means. Psychokinesis includes moving objects with the mind that may in close vicinity to the person using the power. Trapped in an observation bay, the "children" (who appeared to be in their early 20s) would play three-dimensional chess with their telekinesis. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Je langsamer sich Moleküle bewegen, desto kälter ist es. Interestingly, when Gillian smashed the mirror with her powers, there was no noticeable point of impact, the mirror's surface having cracked evenly. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Balunians possessed psychokinetik powers that they referred to as teleportation.[2]. Creatiokinese/Materialisation Objekte erstellen, Aggluokinese sich mit Objekten verschmelzen, Hormokinese Hormonen und Pheromonen zu manipulieren, Hypnokinese Gedanken durch Hypnose ändern, Energiemanipulation Energie manipulieren, Technokinese Technische Geräte/System manipulieren, Gravitokinese Anziehungskraft manipulieren. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar"), Centuries ago, the Ocampa naturally had this power, but after years of care from the Caretaker it fell into disuse. Hence, psychokinesis can be regarded as an 'umbrella' term which includes telekinesis. The Psychokinesis is a Penta Shot with homing bullets and the ability to freeze any tanks. (VOY: "The Gift"), The remote Federation outpost Darwin Genetic Research Station on Gagarin IV experimented in genetic engineering, which included making all of their "children" telekinetic, as well as telepathic. This can be useful in manipulating objects from a distance, or manipulating objects if a person is physically incapable of doing so. It may help to have a foundation in energy manipulation before beginning to work with psychokinesis. Gillian Lennox is shown to be able to shatter a mirror and smash a large window using psychokinesis without meaning to, or even realising what she had done: these occurrences came a shock to Gillian and she even initially suspected Angel of doing them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. unbekannt. Telekinesis is closely related to psychokinesis, but slightly differs in that it specifically refers to mentally moving objects from a distance. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren"), The mute humanoid known as Gem, in addition to being an empath, was able to induce physical healing in other lifeforms, at the cost of causing similar damage to herself. Evidence obtained from the SS Valiant's disaster recorder suggested that at least one individual in that crew developed the same or similar capabilities. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit steht zu 50:50. Characters like Static use Electrokinesis to create electricity and manipulate it. Because kironide must be processed by the pituitary gland, individuals with glandular defects, like Alexander, could not process the substance and therefore did not develop the power. SuperFriends Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The Arabic, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official. The term can be applied to something as simple as Pyrokinesis or as complicated as Psychometry. Characters with this ability use psionics to affect their space around them. Depending on the Level of Mastery this power can vary between individuals. Sometimes called "telekinesis" or "mental manipulation", Psychokinesis is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to use their mind to manipulate matter, time, space and /or energy without any physical means. It … Telekinesis is closely related to psychokinesis, but slightly differs in that it specifically refers to mentally moving objects from a distance. Untrained or involuntary psychokinesis is not so much a limitation as it a hazard, as it can cause unintentional damage or even serious injury, both to the witch themselves and to others - for example, when Gillian unknowingly caused the cafeteria window to shatter, the broken glass fell right into the path of several students, including Gillian herself, and could've caused serious harm. Some users may be able to levitate themselves, or very large items. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"), The Platonians acquired the ability after settling on Platonius, thanks to an unusual substance named kironide. Telekinesis also called Psychokinesis is the paranormal ability to move things with one's mind. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mikro-Psychokinese. It is a matter of applying psychokinesis in a certain way to get the intended result. Psychokinese ist die Fähigkeit, mental Materie zu beeinflussen. This is not the only way to practice psychokinesis, as these are only step-by-step guides with information. It was first seen used by Riru Rokakuji.It is a Missing Link type Fragment, Statistics. Psychokinesis, as all psionic abilities, requires the use of energy. Characters like Mera need water around her to use her Hydrokinesis. The effect was also near instantaneous, as if Gillian had physically struck it. It was first seen used by Riru Rokakuji. Das ist schon kleine Telekinese bzw. Denkt in Mensch, dass die Kugeln immer rechts runterfallen sollen, dann verschiebt sich die Quote. After unshielded exposure to the barrier at the edge of the galaxy, Gary Mitchell developed this ability, among others. (TOS: "The Empath"), Vulcans in the monasteries of Mount Seleya may possess this ability. Night World Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. PK 4. Bewegung) Diese Fähigkeiten werden auch als Psychokinese bezeichnet. Psychokinesis, also called PK or Telekinesis, was an ability which, in its basic form, allowed for control over matter using a Furon's capable brain. Psychokinesis is a Fragment which allows the user to control the movement of any substance at a molecular level, just by thinking about it. One example is when Captain Spock's body was brought for the fal-tor-pan ritual, priestesses carried his body by holding their hands above him (assuming that no anti-gravity technology was being used). According to the novel The Battle of Betazed, some hidden mental teachings are able to unlock the ability of telekinesis in Betazoids. These pages contain techniques that can aid in your practice, but these are not the only techniques available. Telekinetic/Psychokinetic Power 7. Telekinese: Bewegung von Gegenständen und Pyrokinese: Beeinflussung von Feuer. Strategy As the Psychokinesis See the Micro-Psychokinesis page for more information. Micro-psychokinesis (Micro-PK) is a term used to describe the manipulation of events or probability (things that are not seen with the naked eye itself). Psychokinesis, or telekinesis, is the ability to transport and control objects with the power of the mind without applying any evident physical force. The term can be applied to something as simple as Pyrokinesis or as complicated as Psychometry .