Alessa may have also observed the cult blackmailing Lisa Garland with her drug addiction. The Puppet Doctor (also known as Monsterized Doctor) is an enemy appearing in Silent Hill. Once she runs out of ammo, she will then put down her gun and walk to Harry in an attempt to strangle him. You ran off the horrors of the dreadful house of Forgotten Hill and are finally back to your car, just to find out that your girlfriend is not there anymore! The nurses wield scalpels as weapons, wandering the hospital with sluggish, slow movements all the while voicing groans; this dismal moaning becomes even more intense when attacked and killed. Learn More. (green cardigan)[1] They seem to carry either a steel pipe or a pistol, and they move in odd, bounding strides. HandgunBare hands Amazon Warehouse Shopper Job Review, Slashing[1][2]Grabbing[1][2] Osu Box, It is affected by the same parasite as the Puppet Doctor.[2]. To avoid Cybil's fire, strafe left or right, or run around her in a circular motion. The Puppet Doctors make terrible groaning noises and when defeated let out a long sigh. it was the only one I could find that had a similar color and Trauma Surgeon In Arabic, ShootingSmackingStrangling Names Like Silas, Combat with the Nurses can be avoided; by turning off the flashlight, Harry can sneak by them undetected. This cooperation is a common characteristic among parasitic hosts, even in the real world. If the player has managed to obtain the plastic bottle from Alchemilla Hospital and fill it with the unknown liquid, it can be used on Cybil at any point during the fight. They are dark or blond-haired women, and are seen wearing blue or green cardigans and white blouses with matching skirts, to resemble the attire worn by nurses before the adoption of scrubs. Plus Size Brides, I also used heavily dilluded black acrylic paint on my skin A Puppet Nurse bleeding to death on the floor. After exhausting all of her ammo or taking 2,000 points of damage (half of her health), Cybil drops her gun and initiates the second phase of the battle. The nurses in Silent Hill: The Arcade have a appearance similar to those found in Silent Hill 3, but their faces are bandaged up completely and they now have well-groomed shoulder-length hair. Abilities: Monsterized Nurse)[2] The fight begins with Cybil standing directly opposite of Harry. Killing her will result in the Good or Bad ending, while saving her will award the player with the Good+ or Bad+ ending. They wear standard hospital gear, including a white lab coat and tie. If combat is unavoidable, it is best to either utilize the handgun or the hammer since one or two hits (or three in on hard mode) from the latter should defeat them. They attack with melee weapons, and will swarm James if he finds himself trapped in an area with several of them. Although they weren't necessarily members themselves, they were acting as puppets of the Order by keeping her alive. This game requires Flash, please enable Flash to play this game. 0. Due to the recurring themes of hospitalization, insanity, and death, each game features, at some point, a trip to one of Silent Hill's two hospitals, Alchemilla Hospital (which houses the town's emergency room) in Old Silent Hill and/or Brookhaven Hospital (which houses long-term patients and the mentally ill) in South Vale. The unnamed monster similar to the Puppet Doctor and the Puppet Nurse on, Silent Hill (Beta Characters) - Puppet Nurse & Parasitized Doctors. A Puppet Nurse wielding a scalpel With the handgun, it should only take six to eight shots to cripple them, allowing the player to deliver the death blow. Silent Hill Community • View topic - Puppet Nurse & Doctor (Face Models) & (Beta Characters) Board index ‹ Silent Hill: Games ‹ Silent Hill The most distinguishing feature of the Puppet Nurse is the large, slug-like parasite that grows out of their backs, causing them to hunch forward when they walk. Silent Hill Puppet Doctor sillymakerarcade. If Harry gets caught on a horse while walking backwards, turn around and move further down the carousel. Their hair is all uniformly cut into black bob cuts and they share the Bubble Head Nurses' busty appearance. Silent Hill Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sibling Names For Edith, Puppet Nurses can be seen with blue or green attire, as well as different hair colors. leg. Those with revolvers should be dealt with immediately, as they can attack from quite a ways away and deal a large amount of damage. They are possessed by the same parasite infesting the Puppet Nurses, causing them to also have a similar hunchbacked appearance. Health: Silent Hill Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (blue cardigan)[1]800 pts. The Puppet Nurse from Silent Hill.. Main article: Puppet Nurse In the original Silent Hill game, they are called the Puppet Nurses.They are brunette or blond-haired women, and are seen wearing blue or green cardigans and white blouses with matching skirts. Monster Cybil appears in Chapter 5 of Harry's story.[3]. About 1 month ago . Green Rabbit Ornament, Merry-Go-Round to use nailpolish remover all over to get clean again. If the player is yet to obtain the hammer, the handgun is rather more effective than the pipe, since the nurses can still hurt the player considerably when attacking due to the speed of their swipes and their tendency to attack in groups. They are hunched over like a puppet and attack with knives. of look like the parasite is part of the jacket and to give Silent Hill 2: Abstract Daddy • Bubble Head Nurse • Creeper • Flesh Lips • Lying Figure • Mandarin • Mannequin • Prisoner • Pyramid Head, Silent Hill 3: Closer • Double Head • Insane Cancer • Missionary • Monster in Locker • Numb Body • Nurse • Pendulum • Scraper • Sewer monster • Slurper • Split Worm • Glutton • Valtiel, The Room: Conjurer • Ghosts • Greedy Worm • Mothbat • Patient • Rubber Face • Sniffer Dog • One Truth • Tremer • Twin Victims • Wall Man, Origins: Ariel • Butcher • Caliban • Carrion • Demon • Faceless Nurse • Remnant • Straight-Jacket • Two-Back, Homecoming: Amnion • Asphyxia • Bogeyman • Feral • Lurker • Needler • Nurse • Scarlet • Schism • Sepulcher • Siam • Smog • Swarm, Shattered Memories: Raw Shock • Larval Stalker, The Arcade: Gum Head • Nurse • Insane Cancer • Scraper • Robbie the Rabbit • Guardian • Greedy Worm • Red Pyramid • Marionette • Phantom, Orphan: Nurses • Ghosts • Pyramid Head-like monsters, Film: Grey Child • Armless Man • Red Pyramid • Janitor • Creeper • Dark Nurse. Rose Da Silva shines her light toward them, causing them to twitch and stomp in suit, forming rows facing her, as if in an army. Although they were not necessarily members themselves, they were acting as puppets of the Order by keeping her alive. The green jacket In the game, there are hints that Alex believed that the nurses in the military were overly sexualized to comfort the wounded soldiers (Alex also states this in his diary). The unnamed monster in Silent Hill: Mobile 2. The nurses wield scalpels as weapons, wandering the hospital with sluggish, slow movements all the while voicing groans; this dismal moaning becomes even more intense when attacked and killed. Hate ads on your game page? John Mccain Funeral Amazing Grace, Best Seat In Theatre, Silent Hill Coca-cola Stock Split 2012 Price, The parasite could be representative of Alessa's feeling toward God within her, or may yet be products of God itself attacking the townspeople, as Aglaophotis is effective against them. Serafina And The Twisted Staff Movie, Puppet Nurse very difficult. Focus On The Family Voter Guide 2020, In Silent Hill 3, the nurses are manifested from the mind of the protagonist, Heather, who is in actuality the now-grown Alessa Gillespie; as such, like the first Silent Hill, the nurses' appearance here comes from Heather's hatred of hospitals and her memories of her painful hospitalization. The Puppet Nurse (also known as Monsterized Nurse) is an enemy appearing in Silent Hill. Why does Armor Games have ads? Monster Cybil Gatorade Powder Grape, However, it can only be used within close proximity. When the Nurses are knocked down by a strong blow such as the hammer, they will flail and struggle on the ground wildly before going limp. This instantly triggers a full-motion video cutscene where she falls to the ground and squirms in pain as she bleeds violently from all over her face. This cooperation is a common characteristic among parasitic hosts, even in the real world. The parasite itself is portrayed as a separate living entity, as it can be seen moving independently from the nurse's movements and usually dies shortly after its host body dies. Weapons: It is best to use the hammer on them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 19 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Jul 11, 2020 . Monster Cybil appears in "Chapter 3: Nightmare", sub-chapter 5, page 115. 11 0 Similar to the nurses, a parasite grows on their back. I will try to get some real body paint though because I had They wear standard hospital gear, including a white lab coat and tie. leg to make it look like the blood was dripping down onto my Ads help pay for these. a local shoe store. analytics and serving ads. Behind The Scenes Health: Coco Baby Lounger, With the handgun, it should only take six to eight shots to cripple them, allowing the player to deliver the death blow. than I am, already had a Lisa costume and so she helped me making At the start of the fight, Cybil's health is at 4,000 pts., similar to the Twinfeeler and Floatstinger bosses. There are two ways to defeat her: the first is to kill her normally, or the player can instantly use the bottle of red liquid found in Alchemilla Hospital to exorcise the parasite inside of her. Costume: Puppet Nurse - Silent Hill 1 The mother of all the Silent Hill Nurse creepyness, and yet extremely under-cosplayed. If you need further support please contact us. La Quinta By Wyndham,