Berliiniin sijoittuva tarina perustuu Adam Hallin romaaniin Berliinin muistio, jonka pohjalta käsikirjoituksen on laatinut Harold Pinter.Pääosia näyttelevät George Segal, Max von Sydow ja Alec Guinness.. Juoni. He first meets with Pol, who explains that each side is trying to discover and annihilate the other's base. Altri progetti [modifica | modifica wikitesto] … No no no, he is not horrified at all - he remains self-controlled, his face and voice expressing no concern or emotion, and he pretends to remain disinterested in her fate (a pretence echoed in the film's closing scene in the school). Quiller Memorandum (The Quiller Memorandum) è un film britannico del 1966 diretto da Michael Anderson. When Quiller passes out at a traffic stop, the other car pulls alongside and abducts him. Oktober reveals they are moving base the next day and shows that they have captured Inge. In Wikipedia. PDAWSON3 (talk) 21:18, 6 January 2018 (UTC). -- Beardo (talk) 03:39, 20 April 2010 (UTC) They are all members of Phoenix, led by the German aristocrat code named Oktober. The Berlin Memorandum (UK title, published by Collins; published as The Quiller Memorandum in the US by Simon & Schuster), is a 1965 spy novel written by Elleston Trevor (under the pseudonym Adam Hall). … With George Segal, Alec Guinness, Max von Sydow, Senta Berger. Indeed, this may mean that he has not carried one since World War II, reasoning that if he were caught, he would be able to explain anything he was carrying except a gun. When Quiller decides to investigate the building, Inge says she will wait for him, while Hassler and the headmistress leave one of their cars for them. In Wikipedia. It was nominated for 3 BAFTA Awards, while Pinter was nominated for an Edgar Award for the script. The whole thing, including these two actors, is as hollow as a shell. [3], In a contemporary review for The New York Times, critic Bosley Crowther wrote: "Clearly, 'The Quiller Memorandum' is claptrap done up in a style and with a musical score by John Barry that might lead you to think it is Art. [2], Brittihallitukselle työskentelevä miellyttävä amerikkalaisagentti (Segal) tutkii 1960-luvun Länsi-Berliinissä uusnatsien toimintaa paikallisen brittipäällikön Polin (Guinness) avustuksella. At the 1967 BAFTA Awards the film had nominations in the best Art Direction, Film Editing and Screenplay categories, but did not win. He finds that a bomb has been strapped underneath and sets it on the hood of the car so it will slowly slide and fall off due to vibration from the running engine. Second, there is nearly always an explosion somewhere in the novel. Quiller enters the mansion and is confronted by Phoenix thugs. [4] During times of extreme stress, he develops a nervous tic in his left eyelid. Natsijohtaja Oktoberia näyttelee Max von Sydow. Trama. Some element of interpretation is needed in the article too. Quiller Memorandum (The Quiller Memorandum) è un film britannico del 1966 diretto da Michael Anderson. The Quiller Memorandum is a 1966 British neo noir eurospy film filmed in Deluxe Color and Panavision, adapted from the 1965 spy novel The Berlin Memorandum, by Elleston Trevor under the name "Adam Hall", screenplay by Harold Pinter, directed by Michael Anderson, featuring George Segal, Alec Guinness, Max von Sydow and Senta Berger. --Uncle Ed (talk) 15:27, 24 February 2012 (UTC), Having also just watched the film (and having seen it several times before) I agree with the above point about Phoenix and SIS being overstressed. August 2019 um 10:13 Uhr bearbeitet. lícula de 1966 dirigida per Michael Anderson (ca); Film von Michael Anderson (1966) (de); filme de 1966 dirigido por Michael Anderson (pt); film (sq); film út 1966 fan Michael Anderson (fy); film din 1966 regizat de Michael Anderson (ro); film från 1966 regisserad av Michael Anderson (sv); סרט משנת 1966 (he); film uit 1966 van Michael Anderson (nl); 1966 film (en); cinta de 1966 dirichita por Michael Anderson (an); film del 1966 diretto da Michael Anderson (it); filme de 1966 dirixido por Michael Anderson (gl); فيلم أنتج عام 1966 (ar); filme de 1966 dirigit per Michael Anderson (oc); Film vum Michael Anderson (1966) (lb) Меморандум Квиллера (фильм) (ru); Le secret du rapport Quiller, Secret du rapport Quiller (fr); A Morte não Manda Aviso, O Processo Quiller (pt); Quiller Memorandum (en); The Quiller Memorandum, Das Quiller-Memorandum - Gefahr aus dem Dunkel (de).