Break a Leg - Ramona breaks her plans with Bobby in favour of a possible trip to Japan for helping Kimmy with a presentation for Steve. Kimmy is mad that Ramona would rather confide in Stephanie over her. D.J., Stephanie, Kimmy, Jackson, Ramona, Max, Tommy Jr., Fernando, Steve, Jimmy and Joey play and hug in the snow as it falls. Jackson and Ramona have Max put his hair in a bowl of ice for five minutes to get the gum out but it doesn't work. Jackson tries to tell Ramona appearances aren't everything, they're monsters. Max was the too mature for his age little kid. Vlogging, music, dancing Buttercup They send Max to the kitchen to gets snacks and Ramona makes no promises to kiss Bobby at midnight. Ramona flushes his dirty diaper down the toilet, causing it to overflow. New Kids in the House - It's D.J. Lola is the first friend Ramona made at Van Atta Middle School (thanks to Jackson's antics and her attempt to ditch school), and she is the first of Ramona's friends to visit the Tanner House. Three Weddings and a Musical - Both Ramona and Jackson audition for their High School musical play "Pippin". Kara gives Ramona, Kimmy and Fernando a tour of the school. Ramona gets Jeffrey Campbell shoes from her parents and they take her to Pizza Hut for lunch and get the family deal. Kimmy cancels spa day and has Ramona help Jackson with his chores. If the Suit Fits - Ramona binge watches the final season of her favourite family sitcom. Ramona tells Ethan he means the world to her. As the sprinklers activate and rain down over all the volcano's making them erupt, Ramona is caught by a security guard and brought back to class. Ethan escorts Lola to where the guests will be sitting. Bobby texts Jackson to see if he and Ramona would like to join him and some friends to the movies. 's credit card so she can throw the kids a pizza party. is busy with her wedding only a week away so Rocki takes care of Jackson, she can totally pretend to be nurturing. He helps her out, as shown when Bobby Popko makes her the hippo. is confused, this is not what they practised. The She-Wolf Pack make Ramona an honorary member of the group as a pup-in-training. Ramona arrives home from her date to find the backyard turned into a Renaissance Faire with everyone in costume. Jesse asks Danny for his name to go on his gift. March 2, 2003 Danny, D.J., Stephanie, Kimmy, Jackson, Ramona, Max, Tommy and Fernando have dinner together in the backyard. Ramona and Bobby attend Laser Tag together. May 17, 2020 - Explore Ella Davey- I Follow Back's board "Ramona Gibbler", followed by 610 people on Pinterest. Stephanie, and Kimmy say "I do" as they place rings on their respective grooms fingers. Ramona and Lola receive a video called 'Ramona Gibbler - The Dancing Hippo'. Max and Steve explain Real Housewives, which Ramona calls anti-feminist and anti-humanist before getting swept up into the drama. Fast Times at Bayview High - Jackson and Ramona start high school at Bayview High School. Nickname(s) The Legend of El Explosivo - Ramona and Lola are in the Van Atta Middle School Dance Team with two other girls, the team practice their dance moves. Though she's bi-racial, Ramona fully embraces her Latina heritage. Ramona bounces up and introduces herself. Gibbler Style Party Planning sponsor the team so Kimmy put her fathead logo on the back of their uniforms, and then shows them the Gibbler Gallop, Ramona and the other girls are not impressed. Max is the host, Ramona is the announcer, and Jackson will be running the cameras: holding the iPad. Ramona exclaims "evil but extremely effective". But when they find out that they won't leave if they're in trouble, Ramona and Max admit to destroying their own toys. When Stephanie and Kimmy ask to stay, D.J. Kimmy and Jimmy play-act their parents for Stephanie and Fernando. calls everyone to the living room. The kids are throwing the adults a very Fuller-Tanner-Gibbler wedding shower extravaganza. Kimmy and Fernando go first, followed by Stephanie and Jimmy, and last D.J. When Ramona feels like she is going to lose her best friend, Kimmy hatches an idea. Before the party Fernando does Ramona's hair giving her keratin treatment, extension, beach waves, highlights and volumizer in other words the 'Full Fernando'. Wedding or Not Here we Come - D.J., Stephanie, Kimmy, Fernando, Jackson, Ramona, Max, Matt and Steve are getting ready to go to Tokyo for five days. Ramona and Lola invite Jackson and Max to come with them and 12 of their friends to Sephora and hang out on Saturday. D.J. Soni Nicole Bringas is an American actress whom portrays Ramona Gibbler on the Netflix series Fuller House. Fernando and Ramona take Jackson up to his room. With Kimmy adding "And the ones you dress up like". Ramona is glad her family is going to be under one roof. While Jackson and Ramona hug D.J., Stephanie and Kimmy walk in and think they're adorable. When Beth concludes the campus tour, Kimmy points out a squirrel to Ramona. Likes When Ramona walks in on the chaos, she refuses to play along and starts to chant "Fifteen months till college". Stephanie goes after her. Ramona enters wearing a kimono holding a flashlight and points it at Kimmy who is also wearing a kimono at the top of the stairs. As D.J. The end result: Berkowitz has a personal best with 12 sandwiches but Ramona wins with 13 sandwiches. As D.J. When Let's Get Married starts playing a flash mob emerges on the street. First appearance Ramona believes she's just met her true love. Steve hands Ramona the Golden Sub trophy. For high school sweethearts Ramona Gibbler and Jackson Fuller, senior year is going well. When Ramona calls Kimmy saying she won't make it there in time to go on, Kimmy takes Ramona place as the Mouse King. Ramona gets that her Papa is feeling nostalgic but she wanted to go out with her friends. Ramona thinks her mother is fantastic for accepting people for who they are. Two weeks later: Ramona show's the viewers of Ramona's World why her new coach has been returning to the house the last couple of weeks. Instead of getting Joey they end up slimming D.J., Stephanie and Kimmy as they walk through the front door returning from their night out. Fernando, Steve, and Jimmy say "I do" as they place rings on their respective brides fingers. After the musical dance number the Dr. Fred Harmon's Indian themed retirement party, Max is feeling generous and lets Ramona and Jackson out of being their slaves, but they still have to pay back the $50. Jackson told Max that he implanted a tiny explosive in Max's brain that he could detonate at any moment. She talks about making the school system better. Ramona is upset with Jackson - who doesn't even understand the issues - for taking credit for her rally. A Tommy Tale - Jackson and Ramona dress up for Pioneer day at school, which includes not using any modern day technology. Ramona's Not-So-Epic Party - It's Ramona's 13th birthday. D.J. can say goodbye to Stephanie and Kimmy alone. With D.J. Being "half Gibbler," Ramona displays some of the odd quirks her mother is known for. Max admits it was a tough investigation. Status Then she invites everyone to grab their food. D.J. They begin to sing 'Happy Birthday' to her believing Ramona is the birthday girl. Bobby apologises for messing up their relationship, he can't believe he let go of someone so amazing. is about to whack it, Jackson and Ramona yell for her to stop. and Stephanie. Fernando will buy her a real mustang, Kimmy will take Ramona and Buttercup to Paris and ride her straight up the Eiffel Tower, Fernando will get Ramona Adrien Brody's Academy Award. Rocki introduces herself to Lola. Seeing Bobby surprised her and she didn't take it well. 's surprise party. Cold Turkey - It's Thanksgiving day. Jackson lets Ramona know he can bust her out of school. She believes the Fullers are the whitest family in America, saying they're like albino polar bears drinking milk in a snowstorm watching Frozen. Ramona apologises with the magic word "Will you tango with me Papa?" Cheers! That way Jesse can match the bite mark to the bite mark on Pamela's arm. Buttercup (pony) D.J. Fernando agrees with Stephanie. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After Max calls Joey back the kids finally get Joey with Slime Rifles. When the computer gets a virus, Jackson and Ramona need $100 so D.J. Jackson is given a can of SILLY STRING and sprays Ramona with it, after she gets him back Max is feeling left out and want some too, so they both spray him. Max has a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle on the line who wants to talk to athlete-activist Jackson about the rally. Cast & Crew that Tommy flushed his diaper down the toilet. When she refuses to go inside the house saying there's nothing Kimmy can say or do to get her to go inside, Kimmy throws her phone onto the couch in the living room.