Along these banks you will see an enormous variety of wildlife. About this time, I also learned that Ray had only ever kayaked before, never canoed. We pulled up in one spot near the final point of land before “the forks” to have a snack, and to admire the remaining timbers from a pier. When you see solid ground, look closely, because many of the spots are old homesteads from when this river was the highway through Burlington County. Terrain – the river passes through the middle of town, as well as through forests and swamps. Creek Obstructions:Between Clark's Canoe Rental and Birmingham: for experienced kayakers only due to multiple hazards, not enough clearance for canoes. From its headwaters in the pitch pine lowlands of Ocean County, the North Branch of the Rancocas Creek meanders its way over about 30 miles through Mirror Lake in Browns Mills and on past forests of maple, hickory and oak, to the main stem in Hainesport Township. And that creek has some flow. Maps, tidbits of maritime history, listings of local events and 24/7 access to our Kayak Store are at your disposal. Holly to Hainsport, Burlington County, NJ Distance – roughly 8 miles Time – usually 3 to 4 hours (took us just over 3) Type – down the North Branch of Rancocas Creek, then up the South branch! Feb 8, 2004 740 258 63 38 Barringtonl, NJ Water-tight bags for keys, cell phones, etc. Website – Ranococas Creek National Water Trail (proposed) Open – Sunrise to Sunset. Ray had never been in the park before, so we walked the twenty or thirty feet down the trail to take a peek up at it. Check the weather forecast. The RCWT offers kayak rental services, as well as year-round kayak eco-safaris. Check out the online Rancocas Creek Online Map portal that blends culture/heritage and natural areas specific to the Rancocas Creek “Wishbone”. Planned with the out going you could leave the northbranch and pullout at Milll Creek parks (Muscle beach)its maybe 150yards to the A parking lot and that would be alot easier paddle. Holly and the Bouldering grotto, Up County Bouldering Grotto Rates n Programs, Rancocas Creek Water Trail Online Resource, Natural History and Heritage, Rancocas Creek National Water Trail (RCNWT)  Initiative. THANK YOU for your support – MS 150 City-to-Shore Bike Ride! A good spot for a warning – the South Branch of Rancocas Creek was filled with motorboaters… like, easily a half dozen of them. Our snack complete, it was back into the canoe to head down to the hardest stretch. Beautiful stretches of river… and we saw a bald eagle! Whether your interest is volunteering, educational activities, recreational events or simply finding an ideal location along Rancocas to do little more than soak it all in, we aim to lend a hand. Holly Oxbow, Rancocas State Park Blue Water Trail; South Branch Lumberton-Hainesport-Melpine Landing. Along these banks you will see an enormous variety of wildlife. North Branch, Mt. Back in the canoe, it was one last push to freedom. The Rancocas Creek Canoe Trail, part of the Burlington County Parks System, is 14 miles of diverse paddling. This is your First Stop as you prepare for a journey along Rancocas Creek. Rancocas State Park is beautiful from the water, you get a really interesting look at Mount Holly, and we saw a bald eagle!!!! Oct 8, 2016 #1 Few weeks ago, I finally got to canoe the forks of the Rancocas. Stars: Activities: river-canoe river-kayak Seasons: summer fall From: baseballsh2. Time: 8 hrs. Shuttle included. I did this. The first part of the paddle is a short run around the perimeter of Iron Works Park to where the dam is (we didn’t realize this before hand, but totally would have gone this way even if we had known). They were all really considerate, and slowed down (they had to be careful, there were boats stopped fishing, and a crew of tubers out there too), but there might be an idiot out there, so stay alert. edit text Excellent canoeing and kayaking … Creek Obstructions:Between Clark's Canoe Rental and Birmingham: for experienced kayakers only due to multiple hazards, not enough clearance for canoes. Enjoy from a distance. Canoeing on the Rancocas Creek Canoe Trail. Glad I picked an 8 mile run with part of it upstream. Kayak rentals, guided paddle trips, group paddles, 1 hr oxbow, 1/2 day to full day rates. Please stay on the trail and respect private property. The distinctive "cedar" color of the creek obscures the streambed and any hazards. The Batona Trail – Backpacking Day 1 – Bass River and Wharton Sta... Appalachian Trail – Longhouse Dr (West Milford, NJ) to Elk Pen Parking ... Across the Roof of New Jersey – Day 2 – High Point Shelter to Poc... Batona Trail – Backpacking Day 2 – WSF – Buttonwood to Lowe... Batona Trail Reroute – Parker Preserve – Chatsworth, NJ, Red Trail – Parker Preserve – Chatsworth, NJ, Copyright © 2020 South Jersey Trails, All Rights Reserved. Confluence to Main Stem to Delaware; Whitesbog Big Pond Connection; Medford Canoe trail, Burlington County Canoe Trail…..80 miles of tidal and non-tidal waters to paddle. The Rancocas Creek is one of the most prominent and important waterways in Burlington County. add review. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Parks System property. But we immediately made the turn and began to head UP the South Branch of Rancocas Creek. Add photos. We grabbed the canoe and The Pres, and, on the weekend after Labor Day, went out to try this run for ourselves. Enjoy your time on the water and be careful! Please stay in your canoe / kayak at all times. And then there is coming into Rancocas State Park. Holly Oxbow, Rancocas State Park Blue Water Trail; South Branch Lumberton-Hainesport-Melpine Landing. Activities: This stretch saw us go under many bridges and flat past many an old building. Getting caught on the water in a thunderstorm can be dangerous! Regardless, we were back in the river without much trouble. The options are yours, rentals set to your schedules, check w RP for best daily paddling conditions and tides. Can I put metal and plastic hangers in curbside recycling? Do not feed or approach wildlife. Use waterproof bags for car keys, cell phones, food or extra clothing, and secure it in canoe. baseballsh2. Find canoe / kayak rentals in the area (PDF). Find canoe / kayak rentals in the area (PDF). Rates for Kayaks: Sliding Scale Rates w Discounts for Nurses and local residents of Mount Holly, Westampton, Hainesport and Lumberton. Getting caught on the water in a thunderstorm can be dangerous! And coming back to non-marshy land after furiously paddling upstream. Leave all valuables (cameras, jewelry, money, etc.) The Pine Barrens. Bring your own snacks and water, Bring a hat, Dress for weather conditions. Painted and Box Turtles sun themselves on fallen logs while herons and kingfishers hunt in small coves. One life jacket per person must accompany each canoe. Loved, loved, loved this paddle. Wishbone Trail – Rancocas Creek National Water Trail paddle – Mt. Includes kayak, insurance, paddle, PFD, shuttle. The Rancocas Creek is one of the most prominent and important waterways in Burlington County. Cedar Creek Campground Canoe and Kayak Rentals 1052 US Highway 9 Bayville, NJ 08721 732-269-1413 Rivers Served: Cedar Creek, Double Trouble State Park. In a few minutes the Greenwood Branch of the Rancocas flows in from the left, and Rancocas Creek widens to 2 canoe lengths. Oh, and this is still in town. One fellow on there keeps posting photos of his kayaking trips on Rancocas Creek at “the wishbone”, coming down the North Branch of that creek to the forks at Rancocas State Park, then paddling upstream on the South Branch to the landing in Hainsport. To the left, you’ll sometimes have grasses, but also sometimes have more solid ground. Past a concrete abutment, there are houses for quite a while. RP wants your paddle to be wet, wild, and wonderful but dry, assistance at launches and landings provided. but also good natural beauty. Holly to Hainsport, Burlington County, NJ Distance – roughly 8 miles Time – usually 3 to 4 hours (took us just over 3) Type – down the North Branch of Rancocas Creek, then up the South branch! Clark’s Canoe Rental 201 Hanover St. Pemberton, NJ 08068 (609) 894-4448 Rivers Served: Rancocas Creek. WELCOME to Rancocas Creek Water Trail online, public information clearinghouse! Much needed snack and cool down break. Many of the places to kayak in this region of Jersey are tributaries to bays along the Atlantic, giving you the chance to see some great scenery and possibly aquatic life. I won’t lie to you, this is the part of the trip where you are a complete idiot to be in a canoe. 16 different landings and launches. Today, the Burlington County Parks System is eager to invite you to experience this beautiful waterway by paddling the 14-mile Rancocas Creek Canoe Trail. Town: Pemberton, NJ. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Some houses, marinas, etc. The trail head is located behind Burlington County College in Pemberton. 14 miles 8hours moderate Canoeing, River Kayaking Summer, Fall Pemberton, NJ. It supported Native Americans and European settlers for centuries and, as witness to the evolution of its watershed, the Rancocas has in turn provided a means of transportation, commerce, industry and recreation for generations. It’s okay little shopping cart, its okay. Last stretch of houses before entering Rancocas State Park. If an obstacle is encountered, only portage if you can safely do so. White-tailed deer come to drink while beavers glide silently by as they go about their chores. All Ways Paddle Fun. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. While the creek itself is about 30 miles long, the canoe trail offers about 14 miles of quiet pinelands stream to a steeper-banked, slightly more challenging waterway deep in closed-canopy forests. Winds through Rancocas State Park. Rentals include: Life Jacket, Paddle, Kayak, Safety briefing, basic kayak instruction as needed, other. Holly itself. Shuttle included. Luckily, I’m not easily discouraged by hard canoeing, and my buddy Ray has good upper body strength, so we made very respectable steady progress up the South Branch of Rancocas Creek. More info on the trail, including a map, can be found at: We put in on Mill Creek and followed it out to the Rancocas. One of the most glorious kayaking spots New Jersey has to offer, and very little-known, it comes with multi-use water trails. It supported Native Americans and European settlers for centuries and, as witness to the evolution of its watershed, the Rancocas has in turn provided a means of transportation, commerce, industry and recreation for generations. I didn’t even try to take a picture, because camera phone. The distinctive "cedar" color of the creek obscures the streambed and any hazards. Favorite shot of the trip. How should I dispose of my used syringes? MikeBickerson Explorer. You turn off the Pemberton By Pass on to Runcocas Rd. Forty-five minutes later, after getting the other car back from Mt Holly and some cold, cold, cold drinks from the convenience store, we put the canoe up and happily headed for home. I want to do. All Ways Paddle Dry. Launches –  Mount Holly – Launch at 39°59’24.58″N, 74°46’46.55″W (end of Wollner Drive in Iron Works Park) OR just the other side of the dam at Iron Works Park at the footbridge at 39°59’31.00″N, 74°46’55.59″W. Because I’m so used to woodsy canoeing or paddling through people’s backyards, I find my rare trips through more built up town centers or urban areas to be really fascinating. Rates start at 45 per kayak for 1/2 day. Type: out-and-back. This site contains much of what you need to know about the Rancocas Creek National Water Trail (RCNWT)  Initiative , the Rancocas Creek Watershed and the Rancocas Creek’s Paddling with Public Access Plans (maps). Public access points are clearly signed.