The windows in the Westfassade have only been added 150 years ago. Acceda rápidamente a sus reservas. It is, however, also the space in which the Regensburg people have been performing their liturgical ministry for centuries in the musical organisation of worship services. Regensburg Cathedral (St Peter Cathedral). El espectáculo fantástico, con música. A bishop’s tomb was built in 1984 and is the cathedral’s most recently constructed feature. The St. Peter's Cathedral is open: April, May & October: 6:30 am - 6:00 pm. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. A lo largo de los siglos, la catedral sufrió varias renovaciones, incluida la adición de elementos barrocos. Puede reservar plaza hoy mismo y pagar cuando quiera. Esta es una catedral estilo gótico meridional. In addition to the high-quality goldsmiths – precious crucifixes, monstrances, cups and bishop stones – robes are to be seen in the finest gold embroidery. En el corazón de Ratisbona se impone su hermosa catedral gótica. En el lado norte de la catedral puede visitar el Palacio del Obispo, que ahora es el Museo del Tesoro. Since then, the cathedral has once again displayed a friendly, gothic-like appearance. The last major interior renovation took place from 1985-1988. Constituye el ejemplo más importante de la arquitectura gótica en. On the eastern quarter, the stone figures of St. Peter (on the left) and Paul (on the right), about 1320 and 1360/1370 stand respectively. Busque experiencias que tengan interacción limitada con aglomeraciones. Aunque una iglesia estuvo alguna vez en este lugar desde el año 700, la que se ve hoy se completó a principios del siglo XIII. Opening hours and prices for the treasure museum. Also created by Professor Josef Oberberger were the new windows, which in the sense of the gothic only let light. See more German catholic shrines and pilgrimages. Restaurantes cerca de Cathedral of St Peter's: Cosas que hacer cerca de Cathedral of St Peter's, Domplatz 5, 93047, Ratisbona, Baviera Alemania, Es una magnifica catedral de estilo gótico. Muy destacada es la fachada principal, con sus dos torres simétricas flanqueando el portal, decorado todo ello con profusas labores góticas y neogóticas. No hay pérdida. Estamos comprometidos a ayudarlo a sentirse seguro para volver a salir a descubrirlo. Patience achieves everything. The colorful windows of Regensburg Cathedral tell many stories. Cerca de 100 imágenes de San Pedro se pueden encontrar tanto dentro como dentro de la catedral. A light and airy space And why is praying the Rosary important! How to get FREE Lourdes water the quickest and the cheapest way! Los visitantes también pueden admirar la gran cantidad de vitrales detallados que han logrado sobrevivir desde la Edad Media. Reserve con facilidad y mantenga las opciones abiertas sin perderse nada. The Regensburg Cathedral of St. Peter is the spiritual heart of the diocese. It is one of the best examples of Gothic church architecture in Bavaria. La catedral fue reconstruida en época See Top 15 Catholic shrines in the world. It is an instrument of the 21st century and thus a modern cathedral organ; Is based on the foundations of classical organ building; Plays the tonal qualities of the romantic organ; Sundays and public holidays 12 am to 5 pm, Children and adolescents, school classes free, Reduced 1.50 € Students, disabled people (Upon presentation of the relevant ID), Groups of 15 or more, Johann Michael von Sailer (1829-1832), monument and grave in the southern secondary choir, Georg Michael Wittmann (1832-1833), monument and grave in the northern side choir, In addition, the grave of Archbishop Dr. Michael Buchberger (1927-1961). He who has God finds he lacks nothing: - St Teresa Of Avila, Regensburg Cathedral – The Cathedral of St. Peter in Bavaria, Augsburg Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Germany, St Peter Cathedral Marquette and the tomb of Bishop Frederic Baraga, The Gothic Clermont Ferrand Black Cathedral, Notre Dame Strasbourg Cathedral and famous Astronomical clock, The Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph with Odell Organ and 39 Stained Glass Windows, San Carlos Cathedral Monterey – The oldest continuously functioning Church in California. At the same time, the cathedral is the burial site of the Regensburg bishops. No dejes de visitar el museo. Between 1859 and 1872, the expansion of the tower helmets and the transverse gables were carried out. Let nothing disturb you, nothing frighten you. 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Opening hours are April through October 6:30am to 6pm daily, and November through March 6:30am to 5pm. Here the Regensburg bishop and the chapter of the cathedral celebrate the worship together with the faithful. Its present form was the Gothic building in many construction sections: Worship services on Sundays and holidays: © 2020 is under protection od St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel. La catedral de Ratisbona (en alemán: Dom St. Peter o Regensburger Dom) es un templo de la Iglesia católica, sede de la diócesis de Ratisbona; es la iglesia más importante de la ciudad y uno de sus símbolos. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. Catholic Church items used in Mass with pictures, Jesus heals the blind Man – John 9:1-41 Summary and Meaning, You should always do the House Blessing prayer with Holy Water, See more German catholic shrines and pilgrimages, See more European catholic shrines and pilgrimages, Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Savannah, Parable of the Ten Virgins – Matthew 25 1 13 – Meaning and Commentary, What is my purpose in life? Alrededor de 739, san Bonifacio eligió la zona de la Porta Praetoria (Puerta Norte de la antigua fortaleza romana) para sede catedralicia, y el emplazamiento ha permanecido desde entonces. The cathedral’s two spires were added in the 19th century, creating the city’s present skyline. Esta es la versión de nuestra página web dirigida a los hablantes de Español en España. Part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, unique example of French Gothic in Southern Germany, emblem of the city of Regensburg – St. Peter’s Cathedral (started in 1273) is one of the most important churches in Bavaria and beyond. They are from Professor Josef Oberberger, who also created the Pentecost window in the western part of the northern crossship at the end of the domestication. Bonita catedral aunque actualmente en obras en el exterior.Preciosas vidrieras en el interior y gran altura en nave central. Regensburg Cathedral, built in the sixth century, still stands tall in Regensburg, Germany. Guarde sus experiencias favoritas. La visite por la noche, y había un espectáculo de iluminación. Según los viajeros de Tripadvisor, estas son las mejores formas de disfrutar de Cathedral of St Peter's: ¿Qué hoteles hay cerca de Cathedral of St Peter's? All things pass. By Michael.chlistalla – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Lunch meditation – 15 minutes of reflection and organ music April to October: 12 noon. In the rear part of the nave is the great bronze monument to Prince Cardinal Philipp Wilhelm (died 1598), brother of Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria, who built this tomb in 1611 by Hans Krumper, Munich. Fue espectacular, Esta es una catedral estilo gótico meridional. Se ha producido un error. ¿Es necesario reservar con antelación para visitar Cathedral of St Peter's? Busque entradas y tours por todo el mundo. Visitas guiadas sobre cerveza y cervecerías. Bless the ones who come to this website, protect and pray for those who leave, and give peace to those who stay here. The Dome organ is deliberately presented as a testimony of our time, but without being perceived as a foreign body in the Gothic cathedral. Many stone figures can be seen in Regensburg Cathedral. La catedral fue reconstruida en época. Why do Catholics pray the Rosary? They come from different times: Most of the very valuable color windows were created between 1220/1230 and 1320/1370. Though the cathedral contains remnants of Romanesque architecture and its 17th century renovations incorporated some Baroque elements, it remains predominately a Gothic structure. November - March: 6:30 am - 5:00 pm. Alrededor de 739, san Bonifacio eligió la zona de la Porta Praetoria (Puerta Norte de la antigua fortaleza romana) para sede catedralicia, y el emplazamiento ha permanecido desde entonces. See more European catholic shrines and pilgrimages. Buscar y reservar excursiones y entradas para Regensburg Cathedral (St Peter Cathedral) en Viator. The cathedral treasure – Domschatz museum – is located in the historical rooms of the former episcopal residence with Renaissance frescoes. St Rita of Cascia Prayer, Feast Day, Patron of, Novena, Church, Tomb, Canonization, St Therese of Lisieux Prayer, Feast Day, Patron of, Novena, Church, Tomb, Canonization, St Leopold Mandic Prayer, Feast Day, Patron of, Novena, Shrine, Tomb, Canonization, In Regensburg’s Organ, tradition and innovation are reflected. La planta presenta un ábside poligonal sin capilla radial ni deambulatorio. Una de las catedrales más antiguas en Alemania. God does not change. Es uno de los puntos de referencia más reconocibles en Ratisbona y sus dos torres altas se pueden ver desde toda la ciudad. Es uno de los mejores ejemplos de arquitectura de iglesia gótica en Baviera.