Sleight of Hand – Increase weapon swap speed – Get 110 kills with 10 different guns each (total 1,100 kills), Spirit – Mod Power Generation – Cultist starting trait or Complete Supply Run on Earth, Suspicion – Reduce incoming friendly fire damage – Getting killed by teammates 10 times, Swiftness – Increase movement speed – Yaesha Bell Puzzle 1-1-3-4-1-1-3-2, Teamwork – Damage Resist, EXP & Mod Power – Join a multiplayer game, Triage – Health regen effectiveness increased – Survive the battle of the two tribes on Yaesha, Trigger Happy – Increases fire rate – Get any standard gun to +20 (boss weapons do not count), Vigor – Health – Automatic on all classes, Warrior – Melee damage bonus – Starting Trait for Scrapper or Complete Lands End on Earth, Will to Live – Wounded health increase – Get revived in multiplayer a lot of times, World Walker – Stamina cost reduction – Reach Rhom. Shadow Walker is a default Hunter starting trait. Achievements Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Not So Special (50 points): Defeat 100 special enemies. Features / To obtain this trait you must complete the quest to free the Root Mother. Lasts 20 seconds – Defeat Thrall boss fight, Tentacle Shot – Launches a projectile which will spawn a TENTACLE upon impact. Defeat Thrall or Canker to unlock the Catalyst trait. His love for competitive gaming started with Counter Strike and Call of Duty. Guides, PC, PS4, Remnant: from the ashes, Xbox One /. Scavenger is obtained by giving Reggie the Tarnished ring. Achievements and Trophies are an optional challenge to Remnant: From the Ashes. Enemies which enter the aura are Corroded, reducing their defense by 20%. Arcane Strike – Increase melee mod power – Defeat Ravager or Totem Father, Bark Skin – Armor Increase – Wearing the Twisted Mask, speak with the Living Tree on Earth, Catalyst – Increases chance to proc Status effects on enemies – Defeat the Canker boss fight or Thrall boss fight, Cold As Ice – Increase back attack damage – Meet Brabus on Earth, kill your team, Elder Knowledge – Experience point bonus – Listen to tape recording inside Ward 13, after using key, Endurance – Stamina – Automatic on all classes, Executioner – Crit Chance bonus increase – Defeat Ixillus on Crosus, Exploiter – Weak Spot damage bonus – Get 150 weak spot kills, Glutton – Increase speed at which you use consumables – Defeat The Unclean One boss fight, Guardians Blessing – Reduce incoming melee damage – Defeat the Root Horror in the Curio Dungeon, Handling – Gun spread and recoil decrease – Obtain a lot of weapons, Keepers Blessing – Elemental Resistance increase – Reach the Labyrinth, Kingslayer – Critical damage increase – Defeat The Undying King on Rhom, Mind’s Eye – Range damage bonus increase – Defeat Dreamer & Nightmare, Mother’s Blessing – Ranged damage reduction – Save Root Mother (Earth), Quick Hands – Weapon Reload Speed – Defeat the Ent on Earth, Rapid Strike – Increase melee attack speed – Get any standard melee weapon to +20 (boss weapons do not count), Recovery – Stamina regen increase – Defeat Claviger boss on Rhom, Revivalist – Revive speed increase – Revive teammates a lot of times, Scavenger – Scrap gathering increase – Deliver Tarnished Ring to Reggie or sell lots of consumables. To get it working again all you have to do is reset the zone via checkpoint and run on the tiles to spawn more monsters. The wielder will also take 25% less damage and be immune to Status effects for 10 seconds – Comes on the Ruin weapon, Veil of the Black Tear – Creates a 5-meter energy field that absorbs up to 300incoming Ranged damage. Will To Live (+Wounded Health Increase): Get knocked down and revived in multiplayer a certain numbers of times (number unknown). It can be unlocked as soon as you enter Rhom. Can be obtained by being revived in multiplayer 10 times. To get the Elder Knowledge secret trait go to Ward 13 B2 area and open the locked doors with the Ward 13 Keycard. Lasts 60 seconds – Defeat Gorefist boss fight, Mender’s Aura – Creates a healing pool that heals 10 Health per second for 10 seconds – Buy or starting mod for Cultist, Radioactive Volley – Fires a volley of 6 Radioactive projectiles that bounce off of the environment and deal 56 RADIATION damage each – Comes on the Defiler weapon, Rattle Weed – Shoots a projectile that spawns a Rattle Weed upon impact with 224 Health and draws aggro on all enemies within 10 meters. Will To Live increases the health you have when you go down in coop, hence increasing the time your teammates have to resurrect you. Kingslayer: +Critical Damage – Defeat the Undying King. To level up quicker, use items like Sage Ring and Elder Knowledge trait to increase the amount of experience you gain. Band of Strength – Increases Melee Damage by 10% for 10 seconds after a melee kill. Once you unlock a trait, it is forever available on that character through the Trait menu (T) in game. When you are wounded, your health will increase by +5% per point. Shots also have a chance to set the target on fire, dealing 100 damage over 10 seconds – Buy or starting mod for Scrapper, Howler’s Immunity – Projects a 20 meter aura that moves with the caster and reduces incoming damage to all heroes standing in the aura by 30% Lasts 30 seconds – Defeat Maul boss fight, Hunter’s Mark – Marks all enemies within 40 meters for the caster and their allies for 60 seconds. Traits aren’t just unlocked by making progress. Traits are special passive abilities you can unlock and upgrade in Remnant: From The Ashes. Items like Tome of Knowledge can also be found, which grant 1 Trait point each time you find one. Traits are an important part of the game, and will help increase the … Ezlan’s Band can be found in Rhom → Monolith area near a corpse. In this Remnant From the Ashes Traits Guide, we will detail all the Traits, their abilities and their locations in the game. Once the final boss is defeated, return to Ward 13 and activate the Red Stone. Mother’s Blessing: +Ranged Damage Defense – Free the Root Mother. Overflowing from the enemy drawn in, the black hole will become unstable and explode dealing 250 damage within 5 meters – Comes on the Particle Accelerator weapon, Hive Shot – Fires a hive projectile that deals 20 damage upon impact within 2.5 meters and releases a cloud of deadly insects – Comes on the Hive Cannon weapon, Hot Shot – Imbues ammunition with Fire for 30 seconds increasing damage dealt by 20%. Kill either the Ent or Singe to unlock Quick Hands trait. Successfully complete the story and defeat the final boss. Without the perk you can be downed for about 1min 30sec before dying. In solo play you use it to heal yourself. The Elder Knowledge perk is located in the Ward 13 B2 reactor area. Glutton: +Consumable Use Speed – Defeat the Unclean One. Vigor is the trait that increases the health of a player. You can also obtain it through a random chance dungeon on Earth. Defeat two dungeon boss (boss with fog on entrance). Sleight of Hand: +Weapon Swap Speed – Reward for killing 100 enemies with 10 different guns, for a total of 1000 kills. There are lots of traits, and most of them are pretty easy to miss — some are completely hidden, so if you’re looking to improve your character in every way possible, we’ve got a complete list explaining how to get every trait in the game. Will To Live: +Wounded Health Increase – Get knocked down and revived in multiplayer. To start a fight versus the Mad Merchant you’ll have to carefully pick dialogue options: “Are you okay”, “Are you a scavenger”, “What’s with the mask”, “That mask is doing something to you”, “Let me see the mask now”. Kill the root monster to unlock this trait. Guardian’s Blessing is unlocked in the Dungeon you open by using the Curio. The Wailing Tree will start talking in an alien language once you get near it. Once a trait is unlocked, you’ll have it forever — by spending trait points, you can level up your favorite traits up to 20, making your hero even more powerful in the process. It will be obtained as a reward when you defeat Ixillis. The Sniper Rifle can be looted in the basement of the Church in the Church zone. Mind’s Eye can be obtained by defeating The Dreamer/Nightmare final boss. Catalyst: +Proc Chance – Defeat Thrall or Canker. Will To Live Increases Health while wounded Wounded Health: +5% - Arcane Strike Increases Mod Power gained on Melee hits Mod Power Gain: +2.5% Beating the lightning hound boss on Yaeshia. There are 40 regular achievements and trophies, 19 hidden achievements and trophies.. Defeat the Totem Father or The Ravager to unlock Arcane Strike trait. Give Tarnished Ring (random (Earth) to Reggie on Ward 13. The Drifter’s Armor set can be found in a hidden room inside the Founder’s Hideout. Endurance – Flat Stamina + Endurance is a default starting trait for all classes/paths. Elder Knowledge: Access the Tape Recorder located beneath Ward 13. In this Remnant From the Ashes Traits Guide, we will detail all the Traits, their abilities and their locations in the game. Remnant: From The Ashes New Game+ mode. [Exploit] Infinite Monster Spawn — Easy Materials and XP Farm. If you’ve got a Pocket Watch you can talk to a Bandit boss in an Earth dungeon. Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy & achievement. With this Trait, you can revive faster by +5% per point. Swiftness: +Movement Speed – Play the ‘Guardian Song’ at any bell in Yaesha. Remnant From the Ashes Traits Guide – Where to Find. Triage – % Health Regen Effectiveness Increase. Hunter starting trait. As players begin experimenting with the varying combinations of gear, mods, and abilities to achieve overpowered builds, a few have already come to dominate the fan boards. In case you didn’t get the helicopter spawn, you can re-roll the world and try again. It can be taken from the second Dungeon Boss that you encounter and defeat.