It was the first case in which the court declared that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation violated constitutionally protected rights. v. EVANS et al. ROMER, GOVERNOR OF COLORADO, ET AL. 517US2$53Z 02-07-99 18:56:56 PAGES OPINPGT 620 OCTOBER TERM, 1995 Syllabus ROMER, GOVERNOR OF COLORADO, et al. [�� Students will consider the constitutionality of special legal protections that are afforded members of some minority groups in an effort to achieve equality. ROMER v. EVANS, 517 U.S. 620 (1996) ROY ROMER, GOVERNOR OF COLORADO, ET AL. <> So, the State says, the measure does no more than deny homosexuals special Romer v. Evans. H�tTkTSW�����"���{#"�7(���"#uDEH�@Bx3�A�B�"�D0 �!�",���2��Z�S�2��١�N'�cV׬�?g���}���^��0׌�aج`ezV�&?$O��P*�a�#�83�fF72\#me��H�s���&���������+}�|||�U�|Mr��,�D�*� ��(�R��k����_Ӯ�5�]�w��XCݢ>�����v�9�����~�ѼjF]S�=z����V�P]s�������ܷ~[ ��E�J5�iȤ (=��QP�X���4�HJ�4U���b�0`n�P9�����TvoDJzJ2ďa�p��O����Bl�$�8�`���8ly�Ly.���p���p>*���7�'�v�8u`Z�@.pp(k"W��A;�_�}�;�����UL2w�LM��%d�(��r��M^�7��wܸ�^/��U3��S �b��BDr�M�d޺ Bw�w��D�L�< :���`z��)r����K���8��oIdC쨾UwΠn��%E��JJ+�.ݼ=�pP�02Y w&nS�������4>�d�:���� 1�< ����6}�w@���.r��+Gw뀾V�k�1�Y`�V�ĝ��s������S|�ȑ�F�@��~��gRؿ ���(�+�d���"Z�]3�/�����P1� � ����Q@P�P��Fq\"MQ#A�X�G�I=*�j#�C����������w��޹���������r U����C��ъmA���̶�����S�'�hJ�*���Y���Po{��*�^?��5P��ij��v>�[!���0��� n�Kܪ�M�ÁV[9-�Û�4f=_��fڙ����O>�� `�X��گ�.�'Ƀ�����O�0��i偼��b�k�j��������b�2?IܢH-K�+���s����K�g�0�n�;�F�-N���_�� It was the first Supreme Court case to address gay rights since Bowers v. Hardwick (1986), when the Court had held that laws criminalizing sodomy were constitutional. YMn�>���qfE�=j��LFu�Zu�:P�:�g��M@I+>#3�$"� �Ȝ5D�����p0ㅀ�g��~��_4G)�V ��^ǓFߙD^,? certiorari to the supreme court of colorado In response, voters passed Amendment two, an anti-protection law against discrimination. 8 0 obj *e��M����cyL偌��"d���\d�dp�}L�����%�Lq}s� Qoۧ��L���_�y�3��g�����O ������ P��䏶P(8��&��AB�O��P��8`�����`�{! stream v. EVANS ET AL. Romer v. Evans, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on May 20, 1996, voided (6–3) an amendment to the Colorado state constitution that prohibited laws protecting the rights of homosexuals. * ;䀬h�=��F>��#�v�e3��+uy龑$�f�����'��ֽ=գ;��W�� ,*4-�-�����Q�7G��� �� V���q.Nq�ʼn����p��t����U���0L��?IBm���a @�Vz0��Wh�'AgD�����/��F�P� w�g,�HƗ�1�! %���� CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF COLORADO No. Romer v. Evans, 517 U.S. 620 (1996), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case dealing with sexual orientation and state laws. �T�����,eZ�xM�\�Q�4�YJ��X�25U��]�x�2S��1���i�J����`l+�p�51��g5��c��6▸?��k�~�hn1���6oo-��ί8 j�����+so�m��Z����ֲ�r�j�U���u��$1��I;g��$]�RA�� ��J{����?w���y���ݡ¨G�u��\pJs:��ra��|�J�Ef���-z���˛ű���%�lI����6׷n�ݥ�r�R�6�)�_={��(�0x���L���S����5oo��2�t_K��{|_/��g��ޯ�����耏~Z��t`�_��-+ T^*�\N,Y~W�GzHZ%���H�K{�Cқ�q�����8kɒ,ú�~�� e7�Ѭ�U��l[�~ʞ`�Y�g��>�*{��Ŏ���o�i���dB���^6_�,s���d�P�Y�L)S�rey�#�Df>P3�\�u8��D� �t��*0DE��̓&.��=IE�J�8����g�ڲ��� ]��xE�eY������.g�l���U��b���;8d���I�%]�'����_�ϓ��!��OEY����C�����m���o���b������폀2nhǮ��D�qh�^r$m|�T�d�~Z~�D����Ǩʪ������s��q�8�‰�0��FB`^���Q@,�LC�`��pƞ���S�-݆�����:�r��Z�W�o�b <> �)/Z�&�9�9�6ޫ6���=t豑G7�a�u9���g����� {������n����b՟#?��YQ�x,�����Q����7?�v^���.���M~]�d�Ë�7�ťv��0�� ��>m����Q� �f�]��*�?��TIJ���Wc=�W�8�5�О&_��E���:8�B���� d�N�`q�3����{�Q3{�&h�����C�T|��tmR����\��� ���( ' 517 U.S. 620 Brief Filed: 6/95 Court: Supreme Court of the United States Year of Decision: 1996. Following is the case brief for Romer v. Evans, United States Supreme Court, (1996) Case summary for Romer v. Evans: Colorado passed a law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. CERTIORARI TO THE SUPREME COURT OF COLORADO No. 5 0 obj endobj OCTOBER TERM, 1995. The Equal Protection Clause and Romer v. Evans Overview Students will learn about the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution through a documentary about Romer v. Evans. %PDF-1.4 S�Rr-K2��� ,N5��e��Vދ����D�H�. ��M'�v2�6�m��K���70�Dyބqv�p����P�4['�UK �l��"�0v��Y��m�Ir���}����X_�NR�Ӄa�Igt��w=�W��=��jo�z�Sz`����|������vq���vs�>�J0/NZVOA �\O�����U'���:�tTb.Q|T�{�s��$�$�5)`� l�F�7:�&�lu�����p�����]_�Sl��ǩ�+��wͿ'B�8-*�n/h��n���zG��]��W�Q�;�;��l~���������Z�l�J��s���[�w]�im�@�I��2��k���>�����W�B>��}_F��w�Z� Read the full-text amicus brief (PDF, 550KB) Issue. … Syllabus. PETITIONERS v. RICHARD G. EVANS ET AL. 812512016 Romer v. Evans, 517 US 620-Supreme Cot.rt 1996-Gocgle Scholar The State's principal argument in defense of Amendment 2 is that it puts gays and lesbians in the same position as all other persons.