During a recurring nightmare in which she experiences Christmas morning with a child-like Crowley, the dream is suddenly interrupted by Santa Claus kicking the door down and impaling Crowley with a candy cane, when Rowena asks who he is because he is a new element in the dream, Santa pulls down his beard and reveals himself as Lucifer, causing joy to fall on Rowena. Red (by Lucifer) Auntie Rowena (by Oskar)Ro (by Clea)Raggedy Ann (by Catriona Loughlin)Queen Mother (by demons)Witch Bitch (by Lucifer) Billie tells her to stop but Rowena threatens to kill Sam. While Rowena argues with the man, Crowley comes to get her help in imprisoning Lucifer. In Season 12, Rowena's personality shifts slightly. Outside, they all look towards the sun which begins shining bright once again, as Rowena and Crowley exclaim that Dean "did it.". Elle fights Sam, but when the spell runs its course she dies like the waiter. Amara (formerly)Lucifer (formerly)The Grand Coven (formerly)Winchester FamilyCrowley (on-off)Mega Coven (only member) God (formerly) CastielOskar (formerly) MacLeod FamilyMark of Cain removal team (formerly)Alternate Charlie BradburyAlternate Michael (formerly) With the vengeful spirits Sam and Dean collected from Waverly Hills, on top of Billie's raid of the Veil, Rowena creates a soul bomb. As Rowena screams for help, Dean suggests she shoot the zombie in the head. As the healing sessions continue, Amara asks Rowena why she is helping her, as she doesn't detect the capacity for concern or kindness within Rowena. Ultimately, Rowena values her own safety and survival above all else. She reveals that after Lucifer killed her, it took her a long time to heal, and since she doesn't wish to go through that again she wants the Black Grimoire. Immediately after he exits the room, she pulls out a hex bag from under his throne. Rowena arrives at the Plum household and begins berating the sisters for going off their plan and forcing her to use the Winchesters to find them. A hooded and shackled Rowena is brought before Crowley and the Winchesters. Magnus, Rowena, and The Island of Doctor Moreau…on identity, isolation, and people who think they should be able to do whatever they want no matter who gets hurt, Lucifer vs. Rowena: A Study in Character Development, All in all, Funeralia is my favorite Rowena episode, http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Rowena&oldid=193065, Resurrection Spell – A spell devised by Rowena and completed by Sam Winchester which causes a spirit to become human. She smiles and follows him out the door. Since her first appearance in Season 10, she has been both an enemy and an ally of the Winchesters over the years. As time runs out thirty-one hours later, an exhausted Rowena performs a spell from the Black Grimoire to augment the power of the rift and keep it open a few minutes longer. In Various & Sundry Villains, when faced with a magic-proof zombie, Rowena didn't know how to fight back without being able to use her magic to attack. Rowena then accepted her loss and sided with the Winchesters to save their mother and Jack. With the assumption that the Grand Coven from which she has been hiding for centuries and from which she has been fearfully groveling is no longer powerful and authorized, Rowena begins to kill Olivette with a spell, but quickly stops when she realizes death would be a release for Olivette. When Crowley asks Rowena where she's been this whole time, she tells Crowley that, like him, she has been in hiding from Lucifer. According to a statement on Twitter by a Supernatural writer, Rowena has now been on the show longer than every character aside from Bobby, Castiel, Crowley, Dean, Sam, Lucifer and Mary. While waiting, Rowena explains her current motives to Dean, knowing he won't remember it. Rowena eggs him on, telling him if she is dead, there will be no one to remove the curse from Castiel. However, it is highly implied she never cared for her son as a child, apparently trying to sell him for pigs on one occasion and abandoning him so she could live out her own selfish desires. As Sam and Dean try to figure out what happened, Rowena grabs a knife and cuts her last resurrection sachet out of her left shoulder, to Sam's shock. Rowena MacLeod was an extremely powerful natural witch, and the mother of Crowley, who was originally named Fergus Roderick MacLeod. As Crowley tries to flee, Lucifer flings him to the wall and approaches Rowena. Dean asks Rowena to create some more Soul Catchers, but she informs him that it wouldn't matter and insists that it's over. Rowena stands before a trio of witches in an abandoned warehouse; at her altar she declares that they shall be known as the "Mega Coven," to the confusion of the trio. Two demons named Raul and Gerald are running a brothel, using women to make deals, selling sex for souls. After Dean is hexed, Sam calls Rowena for help. S11, Ep4 28 Oct. 2015 She sends Guthrie to retrieve it, pretending it is at Crowley's behest. Sam and Dean convince Lucifer (unknowingly, thinking he's Castiel) to send them back in time to find a hand of God which could destroy Amara. Rowena is highly ambitious and believes strongly in ruthlessly fighting and striving to gain power for the sake of greatness. Dean volunteers for that job. Despite this, Rowena was resurrected again, though it took her a very long time to heal from the damage Lucifer caused. She hates Crowley for two reasons: The first reason is that before she was a witch she was a destitute girl who she viewed as disgusting and weak and sees her old self every time she looks into Crowley's eyes. When Gavin discovers that his fiancé had boarded the ship and suffered brutal assault from the crewmen, he decides to travel back in time to protect her and ensure she does not become a vengeful spirit. However, more souls are escaping from Hell, and the containment spell won't hold for much longer. When Lucifer confronts Crowley in his throne room, Rowena appears and uses a spell to paralyze Lucifer and enable Crowley to throw acid on him, weakening his vessel. Jenna winds up in a dangerous situation and calls Dean for help, leaving Sam to deal with monsters on his own. However, Rowena displays great admiration and affection for Lucifer but justifies it with the explanation that he is not a man but is what she views as "perfection". Eventually, she is confronted by an Archangel from another reality, where she, albeit reluctantly, becomes his vessel for him to use in his desire to destroy the world, with Michael threatening to kill those she cares about if she refuses. Rowena makes her move. Realizing his vessel is already decaying, Lucifer requests Rowena's help in strengthening it. As a result of her incredible powers, Rowena relies on magic for basically everything to the point that she either doesn't consider or simply dismisses non-magical solutions, often to her detriment. The trio go to meet Gavin at a bus stop. With the help of Eileen, Sam finds Rowena's magical stash, including journals of her spellwork throughout her life, and he becomes emotional at the reminder of his dead friend. Rowena later went on a killing spree of Reapers to coerce Death into resurrecting her son, as she felt guilty for having failed him. As the rupture is a wound rather than a gateway, she can use the spell to heal the wound, causing the hole to close itself up. Crowley later confronts Rowena about her manipulations. However it turns out to be a ruse set up by Sister Jo in exchange for releasing them from Hell. Sheriff Donna calls Sam and Dean for help after a horrific murder with supernatural elements happens in her town. Rowena also warns him about the Winchesters. When Crowley finally decides to see Rowena, he berates her for being a horrible mother to him, but Rowena deflects that by saying she was motivating him for bigger things. However, Castiel soon reveals himself to actually be Lucifer, who had gained consent from Castiel before Rowena finished the spell. When Dean successfully beats the men without killing them, Rowena uses a Gaelic spell on Dean which is supposed to rip him apart, to no avail since Dean bears the very powerful and ancient Mark of Cain. Privately, Rowena admits to Sam that after seeing Lucifer's true face, she is terrified of her future, especially as she believes that Lucifer will eventually return.