What makes the Ruger Blackhawk a popular revolver, both in terms of current production and as a collector's piece? Ruger does not approve of modifying their revolvers, and liability wise you are on your own. Please try again. Last year I picked up a 6.5" .357/9mm Blackhawk made in 1976. I got mine new in the box by simply placing a want to buy add on a couple of forums. .. Vaqueros come with a "color cased" and blued finish or an overall gloss stainless steel. Naturally, these greedy idiots refused to accept responsibility for their actions. All rights reserved. Timing, as they say, is everything. . The original cylinder top strap was flat-shaped and, in 1962, was reshaped to offer more protection to the rear sight. Caribou Media Group earns a commission from qualifying purchases. In 1955, Ruger’s first single-action centerfire revolver was introduced with a suggested retail price of $87.50 and was called the Blackhawk. Rather this one is one heck of a beast that promises to deliver up to 1000 FPS. The New Model Blackhawk that is externally almost identical to the traditional Old Model is model BN36. There has been an error with your Email Subscription. Later, cylinders were made available to allow "Convertible" Blackhawks that could shoot .357 Magnum/.38 Special in one cylinder and 9mm Luger (9x19) in another. Because this revolver can shoot.38 spl as well, ammo is plentiful and cheaper than the magnum. This model became the mainstay of the Ruger line. Unless the trigger is pulled, the gun cannot fire. The front sight is a rounded blade, much like the Colt SAA. The flat-top is on the smaller frame but it's a heavy little sucker. I just polished the hammer strut and installed a lighter trigger spring in mine tonight. Not long after the .44 Magnum Blackhawk hit the market, Ruger began to receive complaints about the six-gun’s stout recoil. Early classic single actions were all essentially “five shooters,” and wise shooters always carried them with the hammer resting over an empty chamber. Note: Complete reviews of .357 Mag. Thank you! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ruger Blackhawk .357 Cal. i just picked up a new old stock 357 Anniversary for $500 shipped from a shop up in north MS. i love that little gun! In all of these years I have never shot a .357 Blackhawk with a 9mm cylinder in place. I REALLY like the reverse indexing pawl, makes it so much easier to eject the empties. 96/44 covers it. Thank you! Many reloading manuals have special sections devoted to high pressure .45 Colt loads for Ruger Blackhawk revolvers and T/C Contender single shot hunting pistols only. There was somewhat of a race between Ruger and S&W to get the first .44 Magnum revolver to market. One of the first was the addition of a new cartridge for the Blackhawk.