It would really be a great support for us! Ao acessar o site, você concorda com a nossa Política de Privacidade. © 1996 - 2020, 457 mil canciones, - Microsoft Store, Composición de James Hetfield / Lars Ulrich, Condiciones de uso y política de privacidad. View official tab. One accurate version. Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. Last updated on 11.02.2016 tablatura para bajo de la canción Sad But True - Metallica. - App Store, Aplicaciones We'll get snapshot of this page, ads identifiers and will analyze it. Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for you. View official tab. Tuning: D A D G B E. Author Nomad. Oops... Something gone wrong.Make sure that your image is .jpg, .png, .gif and is less than 30 MB.Best pictures will appear on our main page. Sad But True tab by Metallica. Sad But True Tab by Metallica with free online tab player. El mayor sitio web de educación musical en Latinoamérica. Metallica – Sad But True tab this should be pretty accurate. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal We have an official Sad But True tab made by UG professional guitarists. | Q +S S E E S S S E. |--2------------------(2)------2--------2----------5p0-5-5--|, |--0------------------(0)------0--------0-------------------|, Gtrs I,II 2/4, +H +E S S S E. +E +E Q +E E S S S S E E S S S S, |---------------------|------------------------------|-------------|, |-(5)----(5)-5p0-5-5--|-(5)b7r(5)-(5)--(5)-----------|---x-x-x-x-x-|, |---------------------|--------------------x-x-x-x-x-|-------------|, |---------------------|-----------------|, |---------0-----------|-------3---3---3-|, |---------0-----------|-------1---1---1-|, |-0-0-0-0---0-0---0-0-|-0-0-0---0---0---|, PM| PM------| PM----------| PM|, E E S S E E E E S S E E S S E E E E S S E E S S E E E E S S, |---------------------|---------------------|----------------------|, |---------------------|-------------2-------|----------------------|, |-----3-3-0-3-2-------|-----3-3-0-3-2---2-2-|-2-2-2-2---2----------|, |-----3-3-0-3-2-------|-----3-3-0-3-0---0-0-|-0-0-0-0-5-0-5-5-5-5--|, |-0-0-------------0-0-|-0-0-----------------|---------3---3-3-3-3--|, E E E E E E E S S E Q +S S E E S S S S S S 3x, |---------------------||----------------------------||, |---------------------||o--------------------------o||, |-----5-5-5-5---------||----------------------------||, |-5-5-3-3-3-3---3-3---||o-2--(2)---2-2-5p0-1p0-----o||, |-3-3---------0-1-1-0-||--0--(0)---0-0---------3p0--||, Q +S S E E S S S E. +W +H +E E S S S S Q Q H, |-----------------------|------------|----------------------|------------*|, |-2--(2)---2-2-5p0-5-5--|-(5)--------|-(5)----(5)-x-x-x-x-x-|-2----------*|, |-0--(0)---0-0----------|------------|----------------------|-0----------*|. 1 contributor total, last edit on Jan 17, 2017. Sad But True Guitar Tab by Metallica learn how to play chords diagrams Sad But True tab by Metallica with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. [a] 919. Sad But True Tab [d49oryvw1249]. ... IDOCPUB. Please explain why did you choose such low rating for this tab. Sad But True Tab by Metallica with free online tab player. Enter the password to open this PDF file. Guitar, guitar pro, bass, drum tabs and chords with online tab player. On this page you will find the Guitar Pro tab for the song Sad But True by Metallica, which has been downloaded 22,797 times. Get the best Sad But True Guitar Pro tab by Metallica @ 911Tabs.Com - tabs search engine. H +E E E E H. Q H +E E E E W, ||-----------------|------------|-----------------|---------------||, ||o----------------|------------|-----------------|--------------o||, ||--2----(2)-2-2-2-|-3-------3--|-2----(2)--2-2-2-|-3-------------||, ||o-0----(0)-0-0-0-|-1-------1--|-0----(0)--0-0-0-|-1------------o||, | H +E E E E H. Q H +E E E E H. Q, ||--2----(2)-2-2-2-|-3-------3--|-2----(2)--------|---------------||, ||--2----(2)-2-2-2-|-3-------3--|-2----(2)-/7-6-5-|-3tr5----------||, ||o-0----(0)-0-0-0-|-1-------1--|-0----(0)--------|-----------x\-o||, PM| PM| ~~. You can now report bad ads if you suffer from sound/video ads. Q=86 1. Tuning: D G C F A D. Author Unregistered. Guitar & bass tablature PDF transcribed by Jimmy Brown. Aviso: Este fichero es trabajo propio de su transcriptor y representa su interpretación personal de la canción. Tu voto nos ayuda a mejorar la calidad de los contenidos de nuestra comunidad, valoramos y agredecemos mucho tu ayuda, No pudimos sumar tu voto, vuelve a intentarlo nuevamente por favor, Ya has votado por esta canción anteriormente. El material contenido en esta página es para exclusivo uso privado, por lo que se prohibe su reproducción o retransmisión, así como su uso para fines comerciales. 30 millones de personas registradas This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. The tablature provided is our visitor's interpretation of this song but remain a property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Sad But True Solo tab by Metallica. Tuning: D G C F A D. Author Unregistered. Moderately Slow q = 86 We have an official Sad But True tab made by UG professional guitarists. 760,958 views, added to favorites 549 times. Disclosure: Please note that some of the links on our website are affiliate links and we get compensation should you decide to purchase via our link. Hi! After the payment succeeded, enter your e-mail in the text field at the bottom of the PDF and click the Log in button. Recommended by The Wall Street Journal On this page you will find the Guitar Pro tab for the song Sad But True by Metallica, which has been downloaded 22,804 times. Aprende a tocar en Cifra Club - tu sitio web de cifrados, tablaturas y videoclases Gtr I (D G C F A D) - 'James Hetfield - Rhythm w/dist' Gtr II (D G C F A D) - 'Kirk Hammett - Rhythm w/dist' Gtr III (D G C F A D) - 'Kirk Hammett - Lead w/dist' Gtr IV (D G C F A D) - 'Fils - dist electric' Intro Q=86 1. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. Image uploaded!Thank you for uploading background image!Our moderators will review it and add to the page. Home (current) Explore Explore All. fresh tabs top tabs … Q +S S E E S S S S S S 3x Q +S S E E S S S E. ||----------------------------||-------------------------|, ||o--------------------------o||-------------------------|, ||o-2--(2)---2-2-5p0-1p0-----o||-2--(2)---2-2-5p0-5-5----|, ||--0--(0)---0-0---------3p0--||-0--(0)---0-0------------|, PM| PM| ~~~~~~~~~. E S S E S S H E S S +S S S S T T S Q. Do you want to subscribe to the Guitar Tab Archive? Aprende a tocar el cifrado de Sad But True (Metallica) en Cifra Club. 2 contributors total, last edit on Dec 18, 2017. One accurate version. The tablature provided is our visitor's interpretation of this song but remain a property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Sad But True Tab Song: Sad But True Band: Metallica Tabbed by: Sabbat666 Tuning: Drop D I know that drop D isn't the official tuning for this song, and its even a little more difficult to play, but once you get it right, it fuckin kicks the shit out of "tuned down one whole step." Bass tablature for Sad But True by Metallica. Sad But True is a song by Metallica from the album Metallica. Encontrá más canciones de Metallica con acordes y tablaturas en Uploaded by: Francisco Alarcon; 0; 0; November 2019; PDF; Bookmark; Embed; Share; Print; Download. 3 contributors total, last edit on Oct 25, 2020. View official tab. Learn how to play your favorite songs with Ultimate Guitar huge database. We have an official Sad But True tab made by UG professional guitarists. / I'm your dream, mind astray / I'm your eyes while you're away / I'm your pain while you repay / You know it's sad, but true / Sad But True, Metallica (tablatura) . The monthly subscription enables printing and downloading of limitless tablatures and can be canceled anytime before the next renewal date. Please note that you need to have the Guitar Pro software before you can start using these. Upload; Login / Register. +Q, ||o-10b12=======================|=(10)r================(10)-----|, | H H +H Q +Q, ||o----------------8b10r========|==(8)---------8b10=====(8)-----|, ----------| PM----------| PM, E E S S E E E E S S E E E E E E E S S E, |--------------------------------|--------------------------||, |--------------------------------|-------------------------o||, |---2--2-2-2----2----------------|---------5-5-5-5----------||, |---0--0-0-0-5--0-----5---5--5-5-|---5---5-3-3-3-3---3-3---o||, |------------3--------3---3--3-3-|---3---3---------0-1-1-0--||, |-(10)---------10b12====(10)-----|-(10)r-------------------o||, |--(8)r========(8)---------------|--(8)\-------------------o||, Q +S S E E S S S S S S Q +S S E E S S S S S S, ||----------------------------||--------------------------||, ||o--------------------------o||--------------------------||, ||o-2--(2)---2-2-5p0-1p0-----o||-2--(2)---2-2-5p0-1p0-----||, ||--0--(0)---0-0---------3p0--||-0--(0)---0-0---------3p0-||. |-------------------------------|-----0-----------0-----------------------------|, |-------------------------------|-------3b5==(3)r---3-0-------------------------|, |-------------------------------|-2b4-------------------2pb4r(2)p0--------------|, |-2-2p0--2----2p0-2-------------|----------------------------------2------------|, |-------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|, E E E E E. +S S E. E S S S S S S S S S S S S S S, |---------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|, |---------------------------------------|----12-12-12--12-14----12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12----|, |-4b7-4b7--4b7---4b7-4b7r==(4)-0--------|----12-12-12--12-14----12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12----|, |--------------------------------2------|-14-----------------14----------------------------|, S S S S +S S S S S S E Q, |----------12--------------12-------12----------------------|, |-------12----15b17==(15)r----15b17----15b17-(15)\----------|, |-14b16-----------------------------------------------------|, |-----------------------------------------------------------|, | PM------| ~~~~.