Saurus are cold-blooded and seemingly impervious to pain, able to sustain horrific wounds and fight on without making a single sound of protest. All those spawned together bear the same coloration and markings as their brethren. Since it has never been known for a Saurus to die of old age, the longer a Saurus lives, the tougher and more ferocious he becomes. Like all Lizardmen, the Saurus possess a cold, alien intelligence and are essentially without mercy. This not only marks his status or rank, but also serves to warn the enemy that the vengeance of the Old Ones, made manifest in over eight feet of savage reptilian muscle, has come for them. What is assured, however, is their role and function. This is no surprise, for the Saurus were created solely for the purpose of war and protection. With a Saurus Oldblood or Scar-Veteran on its back, a Carnosaur is able to wade through enemy battle lines; a death-dealing colossus that can shatter … Their tough hides bear spines, bony crests and thick scales that can turn aside all but the surest of sword strokes. Lastly, those grizzled old Saurus who have survived many campaigns are known as Scar-Veterans and Oldbloods. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Games Workshop - Warhammer. There is no finesse to the massacre, the enemy is simply torn apart limb by limb. They serve as war-leaders and command the armies of the Lizardmen, often riding Carnosaurs. They start out as large tadpoles that grow continuously overtime, feasting upon large insects until they are fully grown. This page was last edited on 3 February 2020, at 19:38. [2a], These Saurus are without mercy and capable of slaughtering entire regiments with terrifying acts of savagery. [1b], 6th Edition. Their single-minded focus on warfare and training should not be mistaken for stupidity. These markings may be a subtle change in hue of their crest or more obvious signs, such as a pale or even albino tone. Lizardmen Saurus Warriors. The creatures they bred were more intelligent than their crocodilian ancestors and could walk upright on two powerful hind legs leaving their arms free to wield brutal weapons, but they lost the speed that crocodiles have on all four legs and the ability to swiftly move through water. A group of Saurus who spawned together will often fight together as one unit. (Saurus Warriors Musician and Banner Bearer). A Cohort of Saurus Warriors raised to defend their city. The Old Ones cultivated this race of reptilian warriors, although whether they created them entirely, or raised them up from some primordial life form of the jungles, is not clear. Following this king of predators was a living wall of armoured monsters whose tread flattened a path as easily as it shattered shieldwalls. For further defence, Saurus will at times bear shields - bladed crescents made from the cured hides of the large scaled beasts that prowl the deepest jungles. [1b], Although they can, at times, appear slow of reflex and sluggish, Saurus can still achieve speed on the march thanks to the power of their loping gait. [1b], It is said that the Old Ones cultivated this race of reptilian warriors although whether they created them entirely, or raised them up from some primordial life form of the jungles, is not clear. This is no surprise, for the Saurus were created solely for the purpose of war and protection. [2a], Total War WARHAMMER 2 - Introducing... Saurus Oldblood. What is assured, however, is their role and function. They were spawned by the Old Ones to act as the soldiers and guardians of their race. They arrive not individually, but as a cohort — an entire military unit that will stay together for the rest of their lives. They are over eight feet in length from head to the tips of their tails, and are covered in thick scales which act as armour. The Saurus have an instinctive grasp of warfare, and their bestial appearance belies their ability to enact perfectly timed manoeuvres - however, they can be quite savage in combat, raining multiple attacks on their unfortunate opponents in quick succession. Their scales become thicker and harder, and their sheer presence encourages the younger Lizardmen to greater acts of savagery. Saurus are large, blue, reptilian warriors. (Saurus Warrior with Spear and Shield), 6th Edition. From Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum, Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (7th Edition), Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen (8th Edition),, About Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum. Using their great strength, Saurus can leave the roads and hack through the dense jungle of Lustria using brute force alone; however, they are more accustomed to exerting it against their foes’ stoutest legions. Some models potentially contain small components and/or lead, These are unsuitable for younger children and adult supervision is essential. It takes to the field armed with a powerful Suntooth Maul or a swift Celestite weapon – either a Warblade, War-spear or Greatblade. [2a], Many Oldbloods bear markings on their bodies which help to indicate one or more of the inscrutable Lizardmen gods that favour them. These are referred to as Cold One Riders. Saurus are brutish yet disciplined creatures. [3] It sometimes requires a nearby Skink leader to restrain Saurus from pursuing targets to the detriment of their army's goals. All items are as shown in the image, If its not in the picture, You must assume it is not included. Seraphon box, including a set of Saurus Knights, a set of Saurus Warriors and an exclusive Warscroll Battalion. From the moment they crawl out of the pools, they are ingrained to know how to fight. The Old Ones cultivated this race of reptilian warriors, although whether they created them entirely, or raised them up from some primordial life form of the jungles, is not clear. Even unarmed, they are extremely dangerous — their sharp claws can gouge grooves into rock or tear out a foe’s throat with ease. A Saurus Oldblood is a single model. In the course of their long lives of battle, it is not unusual for a Saurus spawning to lose their champion. Armed with spears and carrying bronze shields, these veteran warriors are the best warriors the Al … With lethal efficiency, these cold-blooded killers dispatch their foes, each and every movement a killing stroke. What is assured, however, is their role and function. Saurus can live for thousands of years, and may well be immortal: it has never been known for a Saurus to die of old age, they always die in battle. The Oldbloods, ancient warrior-beings of many thousands of years. A Dark Elven expedition ambushed by a mighty cohort of Saurus warriors. Most Saurus fight in large infantry blocks of Saurus Warriors. Standing taller than a Man and as muscular as an Orc, the Saurus is truly the embodiment of a predatory warrior. When the Old Ones first created the Saurus they were tasked with eradicating the races that did not form a part of the Great Plan and have wiped out entire species in this quest. Indeed, so alien are they that they register no emotion save a single-minded savagery. [1b], Although unable to master more complicated devices, Saurus use simple weapons to devastating effect — wielding obsinite-tipped spears and heavy clubs spiked with jagged stones. A mass of corded muscle and thick, scaled hide, covered in an intimidating latticework of scars new and ancient, the Saurus Oldbloods are mighty war leaders of the seraphon. The Saurus species has several different spawnings that are distinguishable from the typical Saurus spawning. Warhammer Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Their language is little more than deeply growled one-word commands. "From its back, their war leader, the Saurus Oldblood Ax-Hotl, drove his spear through the bodies of the foe. These orders issue forth from a Spawn Leader - the greatest amongst their number since they first emerged from the spawning pool.