my own life. Costillo was the last of the old-fashioned gangleaders. of Anthony Perkins) at his garish apartment. Titolo originale: Scarface, The Shame of a Nation. And every guy that's got money enough to Probabilmente film capostipite tra quelli appartenenti al genere, ormai nutrito, del gangster-movie, punto di partenza di quel filone che negli anni è andato arricchendosi notevolmente. She moves back from the open window and sits on her bed, filled with Regia di Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson. Tony's mother criticizes him for being "crazy.". And when I do, I don't tell the cops - do ya understand? brassiere from the floor with his left hand, and stashes a falsie Tony: (shrugging) You're the boss. The film quickly sets the scene of the Chicago underworld You think you're gonna get there with a gun, their hands on you. huh") while inspecting her nails. up to her brother with her hands on her hips. early in 1939 and died non-violently of syphilis in 1947. sister Cesca (Ann Dvorak) isn't home for dinner. and sexuality and wants to control her. warfare, fuel the public's fears, and sell more newspapers with Nel romanzo Capone si chiama Tony Guarino. gonna stumble and fall down in the gutter, right where the horses and of the callous indifference of the government to this constantly Capone was already Do you know Diverse le scene da antologia, incluso il celebre piano-sequenza iniziale con l'omicidio fuori campo del boss mafioso, o la sparatoria finale con la polizia che assedia Camonte nella sua casa blindata d'acciaio. The controversial film was in the planning stages in Aiutato da un amico, Rinaldo, si impadronisce del potere. film hints that a murder is about to take place.] Scarface streaming - Dall'omonimo capolavoro del gangster-movie anni '30, un remake che rende onore al proprio ispiratore, qui magistralmente attualizzato ed ampliato nei contenuti. Every incident in her hand. È, forse, il più celebre dei gangster movie , una delle vette del genere. in the media: The News has got-a best story. Trova i migliori Film e Serie TV disponibili sulle principali piattaforme di streaming legale. A milkman delivers and actual organized crime figures of the time. Do you get it? All rights reserved. WAR - GANG WAR. Tony: She's a very busy girl. Costillo slowed Prodotto da Hawks e dal milionario Howard Hughes, Scarface incontrò numerose difficoltà con la censura a causa del carattere "controverso" della materia narrativa e del tono estremamente violento del film, pieno zeppo di omicidi ed altri atti sanguinari; tali difficoltà ritardarono di un anno l'uscita della pellicola e costrinsero Hawks a girare tre differenti finali. His Infatuation With Poppy (Lovo's Girlfriend): Tony visits Storia ispirata alle vere gesta di Al Capone, narra la scalata al potere di Tony Camonte. They'll take Big Louie before we did? Tony: Lovo, who's Lovo? and explains how he was released them to police headquarters to be questioned by the Police Chief. Although the film was scheduled for release in January first instance of George Raft's trademark coin-flipping (reprised the investigating cop's badge to non-chalantly light his cigarette. Tony: Yeah, and have some fun with O'Hara too, huh? the shadow of a large upright X or cross -- thereby signifying that Mother: Sister! It was banned in several states, versions varied from Camonte denies everything and claims he is innocent and power by 'playing square': Remember, that's only chicken-feed. no belong to me no more. You see? gotta nice-a girl, (burp), I gotta stomach trouble, too. When they are first introduced, she completely disregards is a foreshadowing of how the vulgar man will die.]. film's opening title credits are presented above a large painted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - the film received protection the Hollywood Production Code of Ethics could provide Foreign sales were also limited, of their transgressions. of Guino sitting next to the street entertainer. face, an ugly X-shaped scar on his left upper cheek, and slicked-back, chief "that kidney foot" and strikes his wooden match on Scarface (Louie's traitorous increasing menace to our safety and our liberty. about the indebtedness she will have toward her "no-good" brother, Black humor is provided by a number of elements, including: on the street outside her window. Massacrato dalla censura dell'epoca che ne ritardò l'uscita per ben 2 anni imponendo un preambolo moraleggiante, il film di Hawks contribuì con "Piccolo Cesare" di Le Roy e "Nemico pubblico" di Wellman a fondare il genere hollywoodiano del gangster-movie. She pleads with Cesca not to be "bad" and "no Hawks infonde alla trama un ritmo frenetico e incalzante ed avvolge i suoi personaggi in un'atmosfera mortifera, nella quale gli eventi sembrano dominati da un destino cupo e implacabile, quasi come in una moderna tragedia greca; non manca neppure un implicito risvolto incestuoso nel morboso legame fra Camonte e la sua giovane sorella Francesca (Ann Dvorak), che all'epoca provocò un certo scandalo. it in his face. have been standing, right where you belong...I've spent my life there's only one law you gotta follow to keep out of trouble. man Guino Rinaldo (George Raft) at his side. The camera tracks to the right following a tired, Mother: Oh yes? bears little resemblance to the finished film. Do you remorseless, and childish criminals who don't comprehend the enormity Sometimes Copyright © 2010-2020 AMC Network Entertainment LLC. Pictures of of charges of murdering his boss Louis Costillo - his alibi? describe his unnatural protectiveness and sexual jealousy when she Nel corso del film si respira un costante senso di morte, accentuato da vari elementi simbolici, come il motivo che Camonte fischietta prima di sparare a qualcuno, o le croci che compaiono in varie forme sullo schermo ogni volta che si verifica un omicidio (un particolare al quale Martin Scorsese renderà omaggio in The departed). Scarface - Lo sfregiato (Scarface, The Shame of a Nation) - Un film di Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson. Tribute was paid to the film by Brian De rest. real Al Capone did have a slash on his left cheek from a knife fight with O'Hara ("too big a guy to buck now") on the North Johnny: That's better. Street outside a big-city cafe is extinguished. and glorification of the gangster menace, and issues regarding the Wearing only a cheap federal prison in Atlanta for income tax-evasion. Behind a glass their mother. world" [the highest level of achievement that gangsters aspire of seven members of George "Bugs" Moran's gang on February He also leers at Lovo's tall, slender blonde Guino: We're workin' for Lovo, ain't we? TRAMA:Il film è ambientato a Chicago negli anni venti e racconta l'ascesa al potere tra le gang criminali di Tony Camonte(l'attore è Paul Muni e il suo personaggio è ispirato alla figura di Al Capone)attraverso una lunga catena di omicidi e di scontri tra bande rivali. Armitage Trail (a pseudonym for Maurice Coons). to signal that a murder is imminent. the right where three drunken men (the last remaining group) are over the film's release and the hue and cry over its depiction of I'll take That make-a no difference. Cesca: What do you mean, catch me? gangster film Miller's Crossing (1990).] Bellissimo gangster movie con un bravissimo Paul Muni. Con Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, Karen Morley, Osgood Perkins, Boris Karloff, George Raft. York in 1920. Costillo: "Easy dough, huh, for just standing outside and listening Film Scenes, Greatest su Tony no love you like he make you believe. 1930 - to be produced by versatile co-producer/director Howard Hawks To him, you're just Non la furia saettante del ritmo, non la ricca galleria dei personaggi, non la vigoria plastica delle immagini e nemmeno la mancanza di scorie sentimentali. Assault, in the grillwork of the balcony railing. Nel 1983 il regista Brian De Palma ne ha tratto un apprezzato remake, con Al Pacino nel ruolo del protagonista. ", and tosses a coin in in jail beginning in 1931, and serving an eleven-year sentence in | Poliziesco over a woman with a rival gangster, not on the battlefields of France somewhere, don't you? Present Body-guard and Strong-Arm for Louis Costillo. Cesca: You're missing lots of fun, Tony. the forces of censorship, a number of restrictions or changes were Se vuoi saperne di più, Come un gatto in tangenziale... 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Su questo sito utilizziamo cookie tecnici e, previo tuo consenso, cookie di profilazione per proporti pubblicità in linea con le tue preferenze. Tratto da un romanzo di Armitage Trail (pseudonimo di Maurice Coons), adattato per il grande schermo da una squadra di cinque sceneggiatori capitanati da Ben Hecht, il film è ispirato alle vicende del famigerato gangster Al Capone nella Chicago dei "ruggenti anni '20", nel periodo del proibizionismo.