Verse Concepts. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'scepter.' (WEB JPS ASV RSV). (WEB WBS NAS RSV NIV), Amos 1:8I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him who holds the scepter from Ashkelon; and I will turn my hand against Ekron; and the remnant of the Philistines will perish," says the Lord Yahweh. Ye ... /.../stead/king of the jews/chapter viii jesus or barabbas.htm, Salvation. Behold again another symbol of Royalty. Mourn for him, all you surrounding nations,everyone who knows his name.Say: How the mighty scepter is shattered,the glorious staff! “All the royal officials and the people of the royal provinces know that one law applies to every man or woman who approaches the king in the inner courtyard and who has not been summoned—the death penalty. See the full definition for scepter in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for scepter, Nglish: Translation of scepter for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of scepter for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about scepter. We are besieged! Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? The scepter of Ahasuerus is spoken of as "golden" (Esther 5:2), but it is probable that scepters were ordinarily made of straight branches (maTeh) of certain kinds of vines (Ezekiel 19:11, 14).It is sometimes difficult to determine whether the word shebheT is used in figurative passages in the sense of scepter or merely in the ordinary sense of staff (e.g. At the beginning, earth's scepter was committed into the hands of ... /.../pink/the redeemers return/2 the millennium in relation.htm, The Name Jesus and Also the Name Christ were Known from the ... ... 14. 8276 . (See RSV). 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? He Comes as the "Faithful and True.". sing to Jesus! How to say sceptre in Hebrew What's the Hebrew word for sceptre? The “oil” with which Christ was anointed was something eternal and glorious —the joy of God. '(See NIV), Psalms 45:6Your throne, God, is forever and ever. But this scripture says that Christ loves righteousness. And later, "They anointed David as king over Israel" (2Samuel 5:1-5). When Adam was created God said, "Let us make man in our image, and let them have dominion." “Scepter.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, (See NAS RSV NIV). (See NAS RSV NIV), Psalms 125:3For the scepter of wickedness won't remain over the allotment of the righteous; so that the righteous won't use their hands to do evil. A scepter is a rod or staff (adorned with gold and jewels) that a king holds to indicate that he is in authority —the shepherd of his people. “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. The righteousness that Christ loves is defined by his word. The saints watched from the crook of a massive, gnarled, and knotted tree: Saint Ursula clutched a sword, and beneath her a warrior held her, Completing the look were the organization's Medici collar, crown and, Gifts: • Shirley Temple’s gown, cape, crown, and, Once the couples — 34 that day — reached their seats, the patriarch of the Maronite Church, dressed in crimson robes and gripping a. .../h/helmet.htm - 10k, Forever (426 Occurrences)... Hebrews 1:8 But of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. As a symbol of authority, the use of the sceptre originated in the idea that the ruler was as a shepherd of his people (Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Psalms 45:6; Isaiah 14:5). Definition and meaning: Sceptre. (WEB NAS RSV NIV), Isaiah 14:5Yahweh has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers,(WEB WBS NAS RSV NIV), Isaiah 30:31For through the voice of the Lord the Assyrian will be broken, and the Lord's rod will be lifted up against him. Only if the king extends the gold scepter will that person live. "(WEB WBS NAS RSV NIV), Esther 5:2When the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, she obtained favor in his sight; and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Tools. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Sceptre. sep'-ter (shebheT, sharbhiT, expanded form in Esther 4:11; 5:2; 8:4; rhabdos (Additions to Esther 15:11; Hebrews 1:8 ), skeptros): A rod or mace used by a sovereign as a symbol of royal authority. And not only Isaiah, but also David addresses him, saying, "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever. Here Be Dragons: A Creature Identification Quiz. —(Colossians).“In Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:9). The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked,the scepter of the rulers. (See NIV), Ezekiel 21:13Because 'it is' a trier, And what if even the sceptre it is despising? Rule in the midst of your enemies. It makes sense. because testing is sure to come. A lesson on Hebrews 1:8-9 (Psalm 45:6-7) about the throne, scepter, and anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God. Your throne, God, is forever and ever;the scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of justice. So Esther came near, and touched the top of the scepter. The writer to the Hebrews quotes Psalm 45:6-7 as God speaking to his Son. A scepter of equity is the scepter of thy kingdom. שַׁרבִּיט . We rejoice in this because he dedicates himself sacrificially to the welfare of the sheep, and imparts his wisdom to them, guiding them in righteousness. As we think about the fullness of Christ’s divinity, we must infer his absolute sovereignty. (WEB NAS RSV NIV), Psalms 110:2Yahweh will send forth the rod of your strength out of Zion. (See NAS RSV NIV), Ezekiel 19:11It had strong rods for the scepters of those who bore rule, and their stature was exalted among the thick boughs, and they were seen in their height with the multitude of their branches. (Heb. The scepter of the wicked will not remainover the land allotted to the righteous,so that the righteous will not apply their hands to injustice. We have in David, an example of anointing. "Whoever keeps his word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected... For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments" (1John 2:5 1John 5:3). So we will take it as a given that these verses are about Christ, without worrying about the finer points. Although Christ endured suffering, he did so to win victory over evil, so that God and heaven might rejoice. A scepter will rise out of Israel, and shall strike through the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of Sheth. There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel,. The scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your Kingdom. I will cut off the ruler from Ashdod,and the one who wields the scepter from Ashkelon.I will also turn My hand against Ekron,and the remainder of the Philistines will perish.The Lord God has spoken. That doesn't mean we become equal to God; but God withholds nothing from his children; so we enter into the joy of our Master (Matthew 25:21). The scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom. Christ’s throne is not even an angelic throne. | Next I have not been called to come in to the king these thirty days. "The scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom. (WEB NAS RSV NIV), Psalms 89:44You have ended his splendor, and thrown his throne down to the ground. Judah is my scepter. No angel, not even Gabriel or Michael, can claim that (Hebrews 1:1-4). The kings who foreshadowed Christ may have sat on earthly thrones for a time, but Christ sat down with his Father on God’s throne for eternity —the true throne and kingdom of Heaven, not an earthly shadow of it. He is a king higher than the angels. In olden times God spoke through angels, and people were not allowed to change or transgress that word. (WEB WBS NAS RSV NIV), Scepter : A Wand Used by Kings to Signify Favor or Disfavor to Those Who Desired an Audience With Them, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 4294. matteh -- a staff, rod, shaft, branch, a tribe, 2710. chaqaq -- to cut in, inscribe, decree, The Name Jesus and Also the Name Christ were Known from the. Send us feedback. His the scepter, His the throne; Alleluia! Hebrews 1:8 But of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. Sceptre, King James Bible Dictionary. ... // gospel day /chapter iv salvation.htm, The Will. NET. So Esther arose, and stood before the king. SCEPTRE; SCEPTER. noun מַקֵל תִפאָרָה. Therefore his love demands righteousness. (Esther 4:11). The ensemble was finished with the organization's crown, Fuller has lately been channeling mythical monarchs, playing with gestures which nod toward regalia like perching a crown overhead, or clutching a, Their $8,000 gift box includes rolling papers and accessories, with a solid gold rolling tray, and a gold tamper that has the shape of the queen's, Post the Definition of scepter to Facebook, Share the Definition of scepter on Twitter. but to the Son:Your throne, God,is forever and ever,and the scepter of Your kingdomis a scepter of justice. A scepter of equity is the scepter of your kingdom. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that lesson with a link back to this page. More Hebrew words for scepter. The princes dug the well;the nobles of the people hollowed it outwith a scepter and with their staffs.They went from the wilderness to Mattanah. Christ’s throne is not even an angelic throne. We might rather the scripture said that Christ’s scepter is love. How to use scepter in a sentence. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? The desires of the heart sway their scepter of power over the will, and it acts to the granting the heart its wishes. God, having won his joy, shares it with all who wish. (n.) A kind of scepter, or badge of office; hence, figuratively, power; authority; tyranny; oppression. 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1, Middle English sceptre, from Anglo-French septre, from Latin sceptrum, from Greek skēptron staff, scepter, from skēptesthai to prop oneself — more at shaft. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know what languages these words come from? The scepter shall not depart from Judah,. All rulers of all three realms are subject to Christ. The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked,the scepter of the rulers. 8-Jun ... of Kingly Office. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. SCEPTRE; SCEPTER. As soon as the king saw Queen Esther standing in the courtyard, she won his approval. His the triumph,. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Scepters symbolized the irresistible civic and military power that a ruler had at his command. Indeed, the Assyrians will be shattered at the LORD's voice, when he strikes them with his scepter. noun שַׁרבִּיט. (ach), meaning brother, and (beged), meaning garment). This shows that the Hebrew writer considered the passage to be about the kingdom of God and the reign of the Messiah or Christ. Psalms 45:6 Your throne, God, is forever and ever. "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God" (Hebrews 12:2). This word originally meant a rod or staff . Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. (WEB WBS NAS RSV NIV), Ezekiel 21:10So as to slaughter a slaughter it is sharpened.