He’s an absolute rat," he scathed. The couple gave the public its first glimpse at the newborn royal two days later during a photo op at Windsor Castle. The aftermath: An impeachment inquiry is ongoing. As well as her two weeks in jail, Huffman also got a $30,000 fine, 250 hours of community service and a year of supervised release. Police launched an investigation, but the story sparked questions over whether it was all a hoax, and whether Smollett had actually paid his attackers. The image was put together using the Event Horizon Telescope. His death was ruled a suicide by the medical examiner, but that didn't stop the conspiracy theories pointing to concerns over his connections with famous figures including Prince Andrew and President Donald Trump. What happened: In June 2013, Edward Snowden, a former contractor for the CIA, leaked thousands of secret documents he stole from the National Security Agency. The aftermath: CEO Noel Biderman stepped down from company weeks after the hack, but the website continued its operations. He agreed to let authorities keep his $10,000 bail money. "I shouldn't be up here," the 16-year-old from Sweden told the United Nations Climate Action Summit. A senior executive of marketing company Novaestrat, a former contractor for the Ecuadorian government, was arrested for illegal possession of the data. As of December 10 2019, at least 52 deaths across 26 states and Washington, DC, have been linked to vaping-related illnesses. In one of the largest hacks of 2019, around 100 million customer records were stolen from online invitation service Evite back in February. Four months after they seized the Glitterball Trophy, Stacey Dooley's romance with Strictly partner Kevin Clifton was rumbled. He made a comeback weeks later. Smollett denied all charges, and he never faced a day in court: in March, all charges were dropped, leaving this as one of the year’s biggest mysteries — for now. This scam became widespread in 2019, particularly in the UK. Shocking news: world's most ... Two new species of electric eel have been discovered in the Amazon, ... Tue 10 Sep 2019 21.35 EDT. Like what you see here? Potential victims receive an automated call telling them that someone has signed up for an Amazon Prime subscription on their account. In December, Time magazine named Thunberg its person of the year. It’s so hard, the rejection, the competitiveness, the need to constantly look like you’re ok, on social media. The researchers found each of the three species had a clearly defined habitat, with E. electricus living in the Guiana Shield region, E. voltai in the Brazilian Shield, a highland further south, and E. varii inhabiting slow-flowing lowland Amazon basin waters. He was also accused of sharing personal notebooks that contained confidential information with her. The year started with a shock: the star pulled the pin on her planned latest big budget Las Vegas residency, just days before it was due to open. No. “Electric eel physiology inspired the design of Volta’s first electric battery, provided a basis ... for treating neurodegenerative diseases and recently promoted the advance of hydrogel batteries that could be used to power medical implants,” de Santana said. In a statement put out following the attack, the company detailed its latest acquisitions before it mentioned the breach. He died in 2016. The aftermath: People thought that the couple had faked their romance for publicity. If you receive a suspicious phone call from someone claiming to be from Amazon, keep in mind what a company spokesperson told North Wales Live: "We will never call a customer for payment outside of our website." Three months later in December, he was charged with defrauding his investors out of millions of dollars. Sure, many had their suspicions about Michael Jackson’s unusually close relationships with young boys during his life. Picture: AFPSource:AFP. since. The BBC Radio 2 presenter's children have been keeping busy at the start of the second lockdown - and little Nelly appears to be a superstar DJ in the making! Celebrities react to Joe Biden’s win in US presidential elec... MTV EMAs red carpet: Best and worst-dressed celebs. What happened: On October 7, 2016, a month before the 2016 presidential election, the Washington Post published a recording from a 2005 "Access Hollywood" hot mic clip. Jussie Smollett breaks down discussing his ‘attack’ on TV.Source:Supplied. Weiner acknowledged the texts. pleading for her fans to help her regain control of her back catalogue; took the stage at the Billboard Music Awards in December. But in the face of financial hardship, Katie was as defiant as ever declaring on her My Crazy Life TV show: "I will be out of bankruptcy in a year. Bronte and Bucky take you through the highs and lows of the year that was in the season finale of The Latest. Edwards has maintained his innocence. Click or scroll through to take a look at the worst online scams and hacks of 2019. After applying for a fake job on LinkedIn, a Redbank employee's computer was hacked when they were asked to download a program as part of the interview process. He was a sex offender,” Maitlis replied. Additionally, regulations regarding data were imposed on Facebook. Last modified on Wed 11 Sep 2019 14.30 EDT. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. I get scared, and I get anxious. It became a major talking point for Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential election.