Smokey and the Bandit quotes are taken from the film itself which was full of fun. He shuns help from other law enforcement departments, often alienating them, so that he can personally apprehend the Bandit. Buford T. Justice: Ya know if Junior is able to get up in the morning, tie his shoelaces and take a pee, I'm not proud. In Smokey and the Bandit and Smokey and the Bandit Part II, Sheriff Justice is the primary antagonist to the Bandit (played by Burt Reynolds), while in Smokey and the Bandit Part 3 he is the primary protagonist, as Big and Little Enos Burdette challenge him to make a run for them from Miami, Florida to their ranch on the outskirts of Austin, Texas in 24 hours, while carrying a stuffed shark on the roof of his squad car (which is the logo of their "Fish & Chips" fast food franchise), for a prize of $250,000 (Justice would have had to have given his sheriff's badge to the Enoses if he lost the bet). Buford T. Justice: That's an attention-getter. Soon as we get home, I'm gonna put a lump on your mama's head. Buford T. Justice: You can't kick that high, cricket crotch. Well, you caught me with my pants down. You did that on purpose. Buford T. Justice: Where are you, you sombitch? Buford T. Justice: Ooo, Hee-Hee. Bandit: Before I tell you where I am, Sheriff, there's just one thing I wanna say. He makes many unpleasant remarks about her, alluding that she is probably ugly, overweight, and smelly. Buford T. Justice: You got trouble comin... Bandit: Well what's your handle son, and what's your twenty? Justice has two brothers who are also in law enforcement, Gaylord Justice and Reginald Van Justice, both played by Jackie Gleason. I just wanna say that. [Put's the truck in reverse and proceeds to push Sheriff Justice's car backwards]. Find Funny GIFs, Cute GIFs, Reaction GIFs and more. Buford T. Justice: [Bandit takes off from between two semi trucks] It's the Bandit! You must be part coon dog, 'cause I've been chased by the best of them, and son, you make 'em look like they're all runnin' in slow motion. Junior: You know, Daddy, I like this place. Buford T. Justice: That is why you gotta have a sixth sense. Justice proceeds to have an open "heart to heart" conversation with a hallucination of the real Bandit (Reynolds in a cameo), where he finally discovers that he had developed an unexpected fondness for the Bandit and despite the fact he was planning to retire after this run, the memory of his disastrous retirement in Miami Beach at the opening of the film and the idea of living a life with no excitement as the voice of his son overplays in his mind, Justice has second thoughts and lets him go (giving him a five-minute head start) so he can resume chasing him, thus ending the film, and the franchise, in another hot pursuit. If you ever embarrass me like that again, I'm gonna get an ax, and you're never gonna have to open your fly again. Thank you to Cody Davis for the Trans-Am Mod!Buford T Justice (Buch)- (Jake)- Gaming PCs (10% Off using Discount Code: \"Squad\")- SERVERS- Squad Instagram- (Places where I get mods) (No Ads on this site at all, site is hosted by me) (Has a few more mods then Mod-network) (The best truck mods and other misc mods out there! Buford T. Justice: Oh, you can THINK about it... but don't do it! Buford T. Justice: You would be, you shit! Buford T. Justice: Well, thank you, Mr. Bandit… They went right through our roadblock. Search millions of user-generated GIFs Search millions ... # jackie gleason# movie#smokey and the bandit # Buford#Justice. I think the trouble is he just got in with real bad company. New to the job as film boss, Needham brings a silly but energized sensibility to the production and an action man's need to see things moving. For those who love Smokey And The Bandit as much as we do…we give you 30+ Smokey And The Bandit quotes for your enjoyment. Come on! ) (Good equipment comes from this group)How to Install Mods-*I have stopped linking specific mods due to reducing the risk of releasing a private mod.