Back at the Annex, Silva finds out that his wife is pregnant. Plihal, Werner, & Born, Jan. (1997). Libya's Culture and Information Minister, Omar Gawaari, also criticized the film saying: "it shows the truth of libya", adding that Michael Bay "turned America's failure to protect its own citizens in a fragile state into a typical action movie all about American heroism". É essencial para o bem-estar físico e psicológico do indivíduo. [19] The film would focus on six members of a security team that fought to defend the Americans stationed there. She gave her first performance at London's Jazz Café when she was four years old,[1][4][8] and performed at festivals several times in her early childhood. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. The contractors are something of a mythologized ‘American hero’ archetype, large burly men with hearts of gold. When it comes down to it, it’s ultimately the film’s themes which are meant to reflect the subject of the film. Ambassador, and afterwards attacking a separate compound a mile away, killing two CIA contractors. The contractors are something of a mythologized ‘American hero’ archetype, large burly men with hearts of gold. At the Annex, the GRS team desperately wants to go to the compound to help, but the Chief refuses, fearing that the team's departure would expose the Annex. É durante essa fase que é feita integração da atividade cotidiana, isto é, a separação do comum do importante. [26][27], Paramount specifically marketed the film to conservatives,[28] in a method similar to previous films Lone Survivor and American Sniper, both of which had beaten box office expectations. "Tunde Jegede & Maya Jobarteh. Wickland takes Stevens and Smith, an IT specialist, into the safe room. This is a resounding problem in cinema, the authority of a character’s morality in docudramas are decided by the director—whose own agenda is often questionable. Fearing the worst, the operators prepare to make a final stand, until it is revealed that the convoy is an element of the Libya Shield Force militia escorting the GRS reinforcements. O sono REM (estágio R) caracteriza-se por uma intensa atividade registrada no eletroencefalograma (EEG) seguida por flacidez e paralisia funcional dos músculos esqueléticos. She has used the Kora as a bass instrument as well as tuning it to an "Arabic" scale. The only help they can get is from Glen "Bub" Doherty, a GRS officer in Tripoli, who forms a team including two Delta operators that fly to Benghazi after several delays. Volta de novo ao estágio N2 e assim se repete novamente todo o ciclo. [48] French defended the film's references to air support, writing that even if resources could not have been flown in during the time available, this would itself be "scandalous", given Libya's known instability. Um ciclo do sono dura cerca de noventa minutos, ocorrendo quatro a cinco ciclos num período de sono noturno. While my knowledge on this attack is rather limited, it doesn’t take a genius to see where Michael Bay may have abused his power of artistic license, or where he takes great liberties with the information he is given to work with. Freddie Stroma as Brit Vayner, an undercover CIA officer in Libya David Costabile as "Bob" aka. [33], The film was projected to earn around $20 million in its four-day Martin Luther King weekend debut. The film expanded to a wide release in Canadian theatres the following weekend, January 22–24. 5 (released on Triloka records, Virgin in the US). These tropes and clichés in 13 Hours are something he probably saw audiences connecting to, and for the most part he was right, they just didn’t necessarily make a good movie. After repelling the largest attack wave, the Annex receives word from ISR that help is en route. In the film's most controversial scene, the CIA chief in Benghazi (identified only as "Bob") tells the military contractors there, who seek permission to go defend the embassy, to "stand down", thus denying them permission. However, despite the quality of the editing, the voices of the news anchors guiding these images also seem to be dehumanizing the conflict—keeping the audience at a safe distance away from the Libyan individuals, whose everyday reality is defined by this conflict. "The Chief", the Benghazi CIA Chief-of … [3], Born in London,[1] Maya Sona Jobarteh is a member of one of the five principal kora-playing (griot) families from West Africa, and the first female member of such a family to rise to prominence on this instrument. "[55] The CIA base chief portrayed in the film has directly contradicted Paronto's claims, saying "There never was a stand-down order... At no time did I ever second-guess that the team would depart. "[7] Lindsey Bahr of the Associated Press was critical of the film's direction and cinematography, and found the screenplay to be confusing. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. These tropes and clichés in. Sona Jobarteh is a multi-instrumentalist and composer from the Gambia. 13 Hours never seeks to question their acts of violence, in Michael Bay’s train of thought, these are acts of self-defence—however, we are never presented with the question of why Americans are in Libya in the first place, or why the Libyans are so angry at their presence. [1], "Sona Jobarteh ofrecerá concierto en el Teatro Diana". Michael Bay’s ’13 Hours’: Truth or Fiction? The playing of this 21-stringed harp-like instrument was exclusively passed down from father to son. Arriving at the Annex, Silva is introduced to the rest of the GRS team and the CIA Chief of Station, who constantly gives the team strict reminders to never engage the citizens. [5] In addition to the Kora, she also sings and plays the guitar. [5], Her cousin is the well-known, celebrated kora player Toumani Diabaté. Woods rushes to aid Geist and is killed by another mortar round. Don’t get me wrong, fictionalizing “true stories” is absolutely essential to the filmmaking process, just because truth is stranger than fiction doesn’t necessarily make the truth a more engaging story. [1] Her second was Fasiya (2011). O organismo humano se recupera fisicamente durante o sono, curando-se e removendo resíduos metabólicos que se acumulam durante os períodos de atividade. Roland Corporation é um fabricante japonês multinacional de instrumentos musicais, equipamentos eletrônicos e software, fundado em Osaka, no dia 18 de abril de 1972, pelo engenheiro e mecânico de órgãos musicais Ikutaro Kakehashi. Pode definir-se sono como "um período de repouso para o corpo e a mente, durante o qual a volição e a consciência estão em inatividade parcial ou completa". 13 Hours runs at a sprawling two and a half hours, not a single minute devoted to the Libyans, their motives and personal lives are utterly disregarded. Em vez disso, eles isolam conjuntos de neurônios que desempenham um papel essencial na formação da memória a longo prazo. When they are shown, they are often seen at a distance, or in groups, shot in wide frames which further emphasize their lack of singular identity. To create this film score Sona explored instruments in different ways to that of their traditional setting. [25], Unusual for a major American film, the film was given only a limited release in Canada during its American wide opening weekend, playing in select theatres in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Ottawa. While much of Jobarteh's score drew primarily on the West African Griot tradition, she also had to reinvent it to accommodate for the demands of the visual realm. The Tripoli GRS reinforcements arrive and begin preparing the CIA and DS staff to depart for the airport. Existem várias definições do sono apresentadas por diferentes autores, e, no geral, complementam-se umas às outras. [54] In July 2016, the Republican-led House Select Committee on Benghazi released its report that included numerous witnesses indicating that U.S. military help was available, but not called upon. [34] Other films in a similar vein that had opened on the MLK weekend in previous years, American Sniper ($107.2 million in 2015) and Lone Survivor ($37.8 million in 2014), found success, although they had faced weaker competition, and were considered less politically divisive. Just knowing the fundamentals of the attacks, the idea of a “main character” is troubling, multiple perspectives could have been explored here with equal or more depth. What’s painfully evident is that these people (the Libyan citizens) are only set design for Bay’s glorified action spectacular. Filming began on April 27, 2015 in Malta and Morocco. She is the cousin of the well-known, celebrated kora player Toumani Diabate as well as the sister of the renowned Diaspora Kora player. | It was Michael Bay’s job to make a good movie, not to tell a completely accurate story. As ondas delta emitidas enquanto dormimos não são períodos generalizados de silêncio durante os quais repousa o córtex, como descrito há décadas na literatura científica. Ambassador Chris Stevens arrives in Benghazi to maintain diplomatic connections amidst the political and social chaos, with limited protection from five Diplomatic Security (DS) agents, principally, Scott Wickland and Dave Ubben, along with guards hired from the local February 17th Martyrs Brigade militia, nicknamed "17-Feb". Official Sites If the truth of it affects someone's political career? Softwares da empresa, página visitada em 19/03/2012. Sono (do latim somnus, com o mesmo significado) é um estado ordinário de consciência, complementar ao da vigília (ou *estado desperto), em que há repouso normal e periódico, caracterizado, tanto no ser humano como nos outros vertebrados, pela suspensão temporária da atividade perceptivo-sensorial e motora voluntária. [35] The film made $900,000 from 1,995 theaters during its Thursday previews and $16.2 million in its opening weekend, finishing fourth at the box office. Michael Bay gives us a sense of realism with the images, an ugly world of perpetual conflict and violence in Libya.