Through this group, children gain knowledge of vocal techniques, entertaining skills, and most importantly, confidence. The views, thoughts, and opinions (“ideas”) expressed by each individual industry professional during the first prize winner’s meet-and-greets belong solely to each individual, and not necessarily to the individual’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual. It can be reactivated once new representation is secured. Upon the request of the Sponsor, the potential winner may be required to return an Affidavit of Eligibility and Release & Prize Acceptance Form. SCHAUSPIELAGENTUR FÜR KINDER, JUGENDLICHE UND JUNGE ERWACHSENE AKTUELLES All Rights Reserved kayapati. The more variety the better! The Spotlight Performers. It is the UK's definitive platform of performers aged 4-25 and the best way for any young performer to promote themselves to casting opportunities. Group members perform throughout the community and nation. WINNER SELECTION The contest is subject to all federal, state and local laws and regulations and is void where prohibited by law. The winners will permit ClipKick to feature their profiles on the app and ClipKick website. For more information about the cookies we use, see our SPONSOR AND ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONAL AGENCIES, AND ALL THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENTS DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE TO ANY COMPUTER SYSTEM RESULTING FROM ACCESS TO OR THE DOWNLOAD OF INFORMATION OR MATERIALS CONNECTED WITH THE CONTEST. and School of Rock – to name but a few! Spotlight features profiles for young performers from the UK's leading agencies and theatre schools. > Please refer to Spotlight’s Terms and Conditions for more information. Please note that monthly direct debit is not currently available for new members, only for those renewing or reactivating existing memberships. ClipKick Judges will review all contestants’ profile Line-Ups in search for the top ten ClipKick performers profiles. Each entrant is responsible for monitoring his/her e-mail account for prize notification and receipt or other communications related to this Contest. Please contact Teresa or Ashley at (720) 44-DANCE to schedule an audition for this group. The winners will be announced on or about July 30, 2020 on or about noon PST. In the event any tampering or unauthorized intervention may have occurred, Sponsor reserves the right to void suspect entries at issue. Sponsor has the right to verify the eligibility of each entrant. Privacy Policy. Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, suspend or amend the Contest, without notice, and for any reason, including, without limitation, if Sponsor determines that the Contest cannot be conducted as planned or should a virus, bug, tampering or unauthorized intervention, technical failure or other cause beyond Sponsor’s control corrupt the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper play of the Contest. The "Spotlight Entertainers" rehearse one hour per week solos, duos, and small group numbers. All rights reserved. Hello again! NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. If you have not been in Spotlight before you’re entitled to a 30 day cooling off period before any payment is deducted and if you wish to cancel the membership during this period please email [email protected] with your request. At this point in the summer, we would've been fully wra... pped up and done with our annual summer production and not to mention it would've been our fifth year making it happen. (“Contest Period”). Only children who are represented by an approved agent are eligible for Spotlight young performers membership. Alas, due to the ongoing pandemic we decided to cancel our production as it just felt like the socially responsible thing to do. Auditions are held year-round. You may create as many “lineups” as you wish, as long as the videos featured are of the performer demonstrating a theatrical skill or entertaining segment. © 2020 by Spotlight Performing Arts Center, 6328 E County Line Rd #102A * Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 * 720-44-DANCE (720-443-2623), 6328 E County Line Rd #102. To enter the contest, individuals must use the provided link in the contest instructions to download the app and create a profile. Copyright © 2020 Clipkick, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Clipkick and the Clipkick icon are ® registered trademarks. Group members perform throughout the community and nation. The three industry professionals providing the grand prize private meet-and-greets will review the top ten finalists and choose the top three winners.