Der nahegelegene Hamburger Hafen ist in Europa und weltweit eine beliebte Drehscheibe für Technologie- und Medienunternehmen jeder Größe. / / / / WELCOME TO THE APPLICATION PORTAL OF THE SRH UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENES Four steps to apply for our degree programs: Step 1: Create a user account: Account : Step 2: Start your application by filling in your data and uploading your documents: It maintains campuses in Berlin and Dresden.. SRH Hochschule Berlin is the home of approximately 2000 students from 85 different countries. Bonhoefferstraße 9, For rental please refer to Ms. Waleria Kostin, contact below, Bonhoefferstrasse 13, Maria-Probst-Strasse 3 - For renting please refer to Mr. Andrés Hippel, E-Mail: Take a look at the gallery to see what SRH is about. Please don't hesitate to contact the director of our Campus, your study programme director, your professors and lecturers or our administrational staff any time. Here you will find a selection of websites to help with your search: HousingAnywhere Sign up here to get a verified student account and check out the rooms available in Berlin, Telephone: +49 30 374 374-0 International Business and Leadership, Registration for Semester Courses | October 2019 - February 2020, TOEIC - Certificado de Proficiencia en Ingles, Deutschlandstipendium - Germany Scholarships, Institute of Applied Resource Strategies (IARS), Grenke Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies, Institute for International Strategic Management & Innovations (SMI), Institute for Management and Organisation Studies (IMOS), International Institute for Sustainability Management, The Institute of Service Management (IDM Dresden), DAAD: East-West-Dialog - Dialog of Institutions of Higher Education in western Balkan Countries and Germany, Health Care Contracting in the Philippines, DAAD: Gastprofessur 2019-2020 Prof. Osvaldo Romero, EU: Make Creative Villages - Inititate Cooperation between CCI and Villages, BMBF: ENGHACO - ENergize GHana by Cocoa Husks, DBU: Climate scepticism - argumentation patterns and psycho-social background, EU: ITG4AU – IT Governance for Albanian Universities, BMVI/ BBSR: Cultural Authenticity as a Driver for European Economy, EU: ITG4TU - IT governance for Tunisian universities, EU: CiSOSS - Cloud and internet services with open source software for SME, EU: EUBILD-UNAKLIM - European Educational Concept in Environmental-, Nature- and Climate Protection to safeguard a cross-border sustainable development, DAAD: Visiting Professor 2017-2018 Prof. Osvaldo Romero, Research Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, BMBF: OpSIT - Optimal employment of Smart-Items-Technologies in inpatient care, SRH Förderstiftung: Pracitising Risk Management in SMEs. With approximately 1000 students from over 70 nations, SRH Hochschule Berlin is a place where people of different nationalities and backgrounds meet and exchange ideas and experiences. The popular Neckar meadows are only a few minutes’ walk away, while the nearby Odenwald and the sunny vineyards of the Bergstraße will satisfy the needs of athletes and connoisseurs. SRH Hochschule Berlin. Klicken Sie auf „Ich bin damit einverstanden“, um Cookies zu akzeptieren. 01097 Dresden. The Dresden School of Management now awards an International Scholarship: “DRESDEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP”. Urban creativity meets romance – university-town tradition meets modern campus architecture. This website uses cookies. SRH Hochschule Berlin is close to the underground station Ernst-Reuter-Platz. Werde zum Softwareexperten von morgen, denn die treibende und transformierende Kraft der Software ist praktisch überall.