The way the war is going, I will be there before you. You will remember the name. We're having a tough time keeping stuff hidden from the Krauts. Here you see a typical meal the prisoners are getting. All American airmen: radio operators, gunners and engineers. Sefton will get mad. That was in Boston. The pleasure's all mine. A pawn moves this way, and a bishop this way. Sharing our bunks, eating our chow. ♪ Their choicest treasures then display, hurrah, hurrah! We've all done a poor job. And he'd better watch out, the guy that left me holding the stick. "In a way, I'm glad you're not in America right now, "with everything rationed here, like gas and meat.". What do they always say? Shut up the moaning or you'll have the machine guns on us. I'm your best friend here. Thank you, no. Only they washed me out. Eight-year-old bottled-in-bond? My cousin works for the Los Angeles Gas Company. Furthermore, the iron stove in Barrack 4. the one camouflaging the trap door, will be removed. "Stalag" is the German word for prison camp. I'm crazy about that little nose of yours. You won't squeal this one, brother. The Gestapo is arresting the wrong people. Just don't drool on it. Sharp. I don't know about you, but it always makes me sore, We steal a rowboat, get some fishing tackle. Nun spitzt sich die Lage für Sefton immer mehr zu. What are we gonna do with him? Make sure you get the right throat. Getting Married May 13, 1951 May 20, 1951 . Er hofft auf eine reiche Belohnung durch Dunbars Familie. ♪ The men will cheer, the boys will shout The ladies they will all turn out, ♪ And we'll all feel gay When Johnny comes marching home. Yeah, one little thing. Am I asking too much? It ain't fair, Harry. Ain't she beautiful? Let's see how good you swim. A little something what? Yeah, we'll put pink ribbons on the bedbugs. Jack Cushingham and Larry Blake will play Frank de Notta and Mike Cohen. Many people say that and then they get married, The Krauts are expecting a move like this, The way things have been going, I've done a poor job. Easy, boys, easy. Are we gonna listen to him until the Germans find out where Dunbar is? I haven't slept in three days. Cut the beefing and get up! Look at him, Dunbar's being crucified and he's trading again. Because I got the goods on Mr Sefton. Just put an agent in with us, a trained specialist. Furthermore, the iron stove in Barrack 4, the one camouflaging the trap door, will be removed. Well, you know what happened to the cavalry. Scrambled eggs with little sausages? The Krauts'll shoot them! more…, All Billy Wilder scripts | Billy Wilder Scripts. Don't be no rat! You would be very sorry to get a new Feldwebel without a sense of humour. Get the antenna, get the antenna, get the antenna... Got the antenna! That'll do. In the piccolo, may... Oh, no, not in the piccolo. I'll get the men from the other barracks. You know, checking our dogtags and our pans against their index file. And with Christmas coming, I have a special treat for you. What would he be doing with these? What do you say, Hoffy, we hit the air-raid trenches. Help yourself. He spoke our lingo, so they sent him to spy school. It's about time I told you a few more things about that Sefton guy. Five on Sea Biscuit. Nach Wilders Film wurde 1973 ein Reggae-Instrumentalstück Stalag 17 benannt, das später zu einem der bekanntesten Reggae-Riddims wurde, der Stalag Riddim. The Krauts are expecting a move like this and they've put on extra guards. I don't know about you, but it always makes me sore when I see those war pictures about flying leathernecks and submarine patrols and frogmen and guerrillas in the Philippines. Don't cry over a dame that doesn't even know you're alive. In Berlin, they have forgotten that Colonel von Scherbach even exists. Didn't you get enough last night? There are a couple of blonde snipers over there, real man-killers, they... What happened, Cookie? like our escape equipment, so we're always looking for new devices. Fell right on my head. We had everything figured out to the last detail. Looks like Macy's basement, don't it? Look, your dough won't help. He ran a bar right in our barracks, selling schnapps at two cigarettes a shot. Stalag 17 May 08, 1951 Jun 21, 1952 . Here's a present for you, Joey. Dennoch perfekt inszeniert und hervorragend besetzt.“, 1953 wurde der Streifen von der Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft abgelehnt, da durch die einseitig negative Darstellung der deutschen Wachmannschaften alte Ressentiments aufbrechen könnten; erst 1960 kam der Film in deutsche und österreichische Kinos.[1]. I understand we are minus two men this morning. Too much. He hid a time bomb on him, right? This is private property. Did you guys have some machine-gun practice last night? It cost a cigarette or half a bar of chocolate a peek. And about three minutes later you can hear it... boom! I didn't do it. Especially if you've gotta cut your way through barbed wire. All the house guarantees is you don't go blind. Mauvaise graine | Get him out of my hair so I can go. Hey, look at all that meat. She's built like a brick Kremlin. If I have to trade with the enemy to get some food or a better mattress, that's OK by Sefton. It may be crazy, but it's better than having Dunbar dead. Take a look for yourself. Funny, ain't it? We truly appreciate your support. The Pentagon will hear about this! Stop shaking, Price. There were about forty thousand P.O.W.s there, if... OUR COMPOUND In the foreground the big gate. Those crazy jerks! 200 cigarettes! Maybe, in the Lieutenant's bunk? Hey, this is with a typewriter. Now, where's that distillery? Maybe the Krauts knew about the tunnel all the time! Let's hit the trenches. Understand? It's gonna be a longer war than you figured, Duke? Because if anything goes wrong, this time you won't have a patsy. Cagney couldn't have pulled a sweeter job. He can do anybody. I don't care. The Kommandant also sends every man a new clean blanket. Anybody cover? Better not be anything missing. I'll look pretty stupid in this, yodelling my way across the Alps. Five minutes after he was gone, the blankets were gone. Stalag 17 ist ein US-amerikanischer Kriegsfilm unter Regie von Billy Wilder aus dem Jahre 1953. I'm blind, Harry. Is it all right if we smell it? The film was adapted by Wilder and Edwin Blum from the Broadway play by Donald Bevan and Edmund Trzcinski which was based on their experiences as prisoners in Stalag 17B in Austria. Any more sports in the crowd? Little love notes between our security officer and Von Scherbach. Maybe I can... Maybe they are too wunderbar for my wife, but there's a piano teacher in the village... And 200 cigarettes for yourself? I went into the men's room, fixed a little time bomb, broke open the window and when the train pulled out I tossed it into an open car. I have orders from the Kommandant to report everyone who complains. All scripts are copyrighted to their respectful owners unless stated otherwise. Yeah, maybe. She'll never forgive me. I'm not through. You'll come out as the Jerries are changing shifts. A pawn moves this way, and a bishop this way, and the queen moves every which way, doesn't it? Am I asking too much? Stalag 17 wird mehrfach in der TV-Serie Magnum P.I. Borscht? Sabotage. STANDS4 LLC, 2020. He's a saboteur. In a latrine? Suppose you sit down and keep your mouth shut! You heard what he said. I want everybody out. Maybe he would. We were playing pinochle. He can trade the Krauts for a six-burner gas range. Now, if anybody wants to withdraw, speak up. At ease! I'm telling you, the Krauts wouldn't plant two stoolies in one barracks. And Number 17 was somewhere on the Danube. I might as well also confiscate the antenna. Anybody throwing rocks at German aircraft will be thrown in the boob. Cookie, have you seen Sefton? Those dames really know how to throw a party. Next. Suppose you help us escape. Ich küsse Ihre Hand, Madame | Just give me five minutes on that couch, will you? We're gonna plant it, Animal, and grow a chicken for Christmas. If I ever run into any of you bums on a street corner, let's pretend we never met before. Cut the horseplay, Harry. I'm gonna make myself as comfortable as I can. How are you going to get me a date with Betty Grable? The radio's static, Patton's static and we're static! It's a mousetrap. Searchlights sweep over the barracks, the muddy ground with the snow patches, and the pine forest, beyond the barbed-wire. Twenty parts of cellulose, one part phosphorous. Don't encourage them. When it comes to the part about your arrest. You think you can snatch Dunbar from the SS? Everybody in the trenches. Lindbergh – Mein Flug über den Ozean | Remember, just because the Krauts are dumb, it doesn't mean they're stupid. I haven't got any k-k-keys. There must've been a slip-up, because suddenly we wound up with 2,000 ping-pong balls. Here's a little something from Father Murray.