More information on the program is available on the SAKGF website or via the school. We rely entirely on the generosity, shared vision and commitment of schools, volunteers, philanthropic organisations, government, business and individuals. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Planning and Learning Today for Living and Working Tomorrow, E: 92 Capper Street Cook, restaurateur, food writer and champion of the quality & diversity of Australian food. The program was established by Stephanie Alexander, a well-known Melbourne chef, and is now in operation in over 1,000 Australian schools. Our school partakes in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. This program allows the students to plant and maintain fresh produce that is later used in the cooking program. Schools have flexibility in how they deliver the Kitchen Garden program and can choose: For further information and to apply to join the program please visit the 02 6947 2164, email At the heart of the Kitchen Garden Program philosophy is the aim to positively affect how our children live as individuals and as members of the local and global communities. This project commenced in 2001. Please enable scripts and reload this page. In addition, the Program delivers observable social benefits to all students, including those with special needs. This program allows the students to plant and maintain fresh produce that is later used in the cooking program. To read more, subscribe to my monthly newsletter. My preoccupation with the way children do, or do not, learn about food led me to develop a comprehensive gardening and cooking program at an inner-city Melbourne school – The Kitchen Garden at Collingwood College. The aim of the program is to introduce pleasurable food education and enables students to learn through hands-on experiences in the garden and Kitchen. It is uplifting to see the wattles in full flower, and in my own garden I picked the first brave freesia. © The State of Queensland (Department of Education) 2020. It has provided opportunities for students to develop an understanding of how to maintain good health independently, and an increased appreciation of the value of a healthy lifestyle and the role of good food choices. The early work of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation was made possible by several generous… more > Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Foundation would not be possible without our supporters. Our eggs are for sale at $4 per dozen. Our school partakes in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program commenced at Wonga Park PS in 2014. Tumut NSW 2720, telephone This program allows the students to plant and maintain fresh produce that is later used in the cooking program. Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Foundation would not be possible without our supporters. Department of Education and Training Victoria Privacy Policy, Wonga Park Primary School, 41 Dudley Road, Wonga Park, VIC, 3115, Australia, Department of Education and Training Victoria. For me contact via digital platforms is simply not the same and does not lend itself to the sort of conversations that happen at the table. Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education, Queensland Health services in state schools, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation website, Teacher Relief and Contract Employment Register, a specialist-delivered model where kitchen and garden classes are delivered by a kitchen specialist and garden specialist, in the presence of a classroom teacher, a teacher-delivered model where kitchen and garden classes are delivered by a classroom teacher who has completed the Kitchen Garden Program short training course offered by Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation, supported by a structured syllabus.