He’s able to communicate with Pestilence through the Goblet of Blood, who wants to see the virus released as soon as possible to the world. Airdate Check box if your review contains spoilers, To save humanity and demonkind alike, Crowley offers to help the Winchesters find Pestilence so they can get his ring. The demon who is management at Niveus is Brady, someone from Sam’s past. Dean and Sam are heading east in their Impala tracking down a swine flu outbreak. One of Crowley’s requirements of helping is not to have Sam come along. More than 20 years ago, Sam and Dean lost their mother to a demonic force. But Dean refuses and returns to the house. Crowley has an offer: he’ll give up Death’s location if Bobby gives up his soul temporarily. In the very beginning of the episode (after the recap), a poster for Herpexia, the medicine for genital herpes that the Winchesters are forced to do a commercial for in, In the beginning of the episode, while Sam and Dean are investigating the trail on Pestilence, the store clerk from. Behind him, the first man rises. Sam: You set us up. Suddenly Crowley appears in the Impala, he knows the boys are searching for P… (Why didn't they get the black guy from the pilot?) Crowley unsuccessfully interrogates Brady; however, when they hear a hell hound howling, the demon Brady changes his attitude and gives the location of the Pestilence. https://twitter.com/inlovewith_d/status/496477452667854848. The Devil You Know is the 20th episode of Season 5. Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Devil You Know What if he could take control of his body while Lucifer is possessing him? They have been chasing Pestilence but are one step behind - a call to Bobby gets them heading east after more omens. Did you like the connection to the pilot episode? Bobby is on the phone with Rufus Turner, trying to find out where Death will be. He wants to help, having been in hiding because Lucifer knows he was the one to give the Winchesters the Colt. However, Brady refuses to give up their locations and sets Pestilence after the Winchesters. However, Crowley gets the drop on Brady and knocks him unconscious. Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your... S5:E7. Will Broad City stream on Netflix or Hulu? However, Brady refuses to give up their locations and sets Pestilence after the Winchesters. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? 2010. Before his meeting with Mitchell, Brady is reading a memo on his laptop which we briefly see onscreen. Supernatural Season 5, Episode 20 brought Crowley back as a temporary ally to the Winchester. "I wage you a thousand my pup wins."