Unlike 3D CGI, we are unable to adjust scenes, camera moves, etc. The three-time Oscar nominee’s decidedly French take on The Simpsons saw Homer eat snails, Bart make his own foie gras, and Maggie trapped between Homer’s butt cheeks. Playing next. I wanted to do the same for the French -- use clichés and French stereotypes such as eating snails, making foie gras, etc., so that we are able to laugh at ourselves and also at how others perceive us. ( Log Out /  Otherwise, I like the humor and expression that you get from drawings without dialogue – it felt right this way. Watch the couch-gag here \r\rth1ngs Sylvain Chomet was personally invited by The Simpsons creator Matt Groening to create a couch gag for the iconic series. Each and every The Simpsons' opening is unique, here's one with Sylvain Chomet … Et les français sont plus gros que les américains? French Simpson couch gag by Sylvain Chomet. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Love him, love him, love him. J'ai pas trouvé ça hyper drôle non plus, pas de quoi s'esclaffer, mais ce n'est pas le but recherché ici. Soit on aime, soit on a pas d'autodérision, c'est ça ? Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. As far as requiring dialogue in the sequence, there was no restriction given to us by Matt Groening and Al Jean, the Executive Producers of The Simpsons. Like your feature The Triplets of Belleville, the couch gag has no dialog. Merci de me contacter par mail. Suivez Koreus sur : ▶︎ The ultimate challenge is always getting the best work done creatively, within the time and budget, and that’s nothing new! J'ai beaucoup aimé les triplettes de Belleville et ce style est tellement différent que je l'adore. Were there changes? On ne vit plus dans les années 50 comme lorsque les américains ont débarqués. Dominic Buttimore: Hand-drawn animation is probably the most difficult type of animation to create at a high level. Des paysages superbes, une vie délicieuse. What are some of the tools and techniques that help you meet these challenges? Describe the “unforgiving nature” of hand-drawn animation in relation to television production. Pourquoi font-il couler le France sur le tableau au dessus du canapé ? The production was highly efficient and the animation was beautiful. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Was that one of the elements that initially attracted you to the project? Browse more videos. It was a dream job in many ways – great freedom for Sylvain to create the sequence, a very appreciative client and a great crew. SC: I might say that there is a little bit of dialogue in the couch gag when Marge says “Où est Maggie?” (“Where is Maggie?). The Burden of Other People’s Thoughts: Don Hertzfeldt Talks ‘World of Tomorrow Episode Two’, A Candid Talk with Scratch Film Master Steven Woloshen, Chris Landreth Talks 'Subconscious Password', The Magical Junk-Filled World of Jiří Barta. The online reactions to the couch gag in France vary from “brilliant” to “are the Americans making fun of the French?”. On vois tout de suite la patte de l'artiste !! Déclaré à la CNIL N°1031721. Celebrated th1ng director/animator Sylvain Chomet (The Triplets of Belleville, L'illusionniste, The Old Lady and the Pigeons) recently released a making-of video for his Couch Gag for The Simpsons, which aired back in March. Contact Us | About Us | Terms Of Service | Privacy Policy | Media Kit, AWNtv.com: AWN Television | Videos | Channels | Categories | Playlists | Submit Your Films You guys know Sylvain Chomet. There’s always a sense of nostalgia mixed with a very critical eye towards people and society that observes and describes with no judgement. He is the genious behind L’illusionniste and Les triplettes de Belleville. Sylvain Chomet: The humor translates to some French audience, and doesn’t to others. Mais c'est bien glauque comme du Chomet. Ce qui serait plus juste ce serait un pastiche du gag canapé mais avec une vision européenne. SC: The budget wasn’t an issue in this situation as the project was such fun -- we gave it our all like we always do. La caricature est plutôt marrante mais alors je trouve l'environnement déprimant quoi, l'accordéon en fond, les couleurs, les traits des perso... Très sympa. ( Log Out /  He draws his characters with love, he sees people with a need to decode and portray, not to judge, I think. A un tel point que les autres pays devinrent jaloux et furieux et protestèrent en groupe. He is the genious behind L’illusionniste and Les triplettes de Belleville. 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 burmesa. I also love Sylvain Chomet’s look into the world and the human nature. Celebrated th1ng director/animator Sylvain Chomet (The Triplets of Belleville, L'illusionniste, The Old Lady and the Pigeons) recently released a making-of video for his Couch Gag for The Simpsons, which aired back in March. Autant les guignols le font bien mais la c'est juste nul. Cependant, Mr Chomet met en évidence que des français qui portent des lunettes, d'ou il voit que les français portent tous des lunettes. Si vous êtes l'auteur d'un élément de ce site, vous pouvez si vous le souhaitez, le modifier ou le supprimer th1ng and Chomet were both honoured and excited to receive the invitation, after all, its not everyday one is …