The weather in Tahiti can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. Expect 1.4 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Chance of rain 50%. Tahiti's average sea temperature will sit around 25°C, yet when El Nino is taking place the current climate of the water will incline by four or five degrees. Eight hours of warm sunlight per day combined with average temperatures ranging from 24°C and 30°C between the hottest and coldest times of the year create the perfect location to enjoy long hot days achieving a golden tan. Am Mittwoch muss vereinzelt mit Schauern gerechnet werden. Otherwise known as the Austral or Southern Summer; the humid and rainy season commences in November and concludes in March. However, there are two or three times as many tourists per resort – thus increasing demand for sightseeing activities and prices for lodging and events. Am Dienstag weht ein teilweise … (More Info), This refers to the sustained average wind speed, normally averaged over a period of 10 minutes for up to 3 hrs. With influence from constant trade winds, the El Nino effect on Tahiti and also the remaining of the western to the eastern Pacific Ocean; is responsible for releasing hot waters down the coastline of equatorial regions. Chance of rain 70%. Und wenn sich das Wetter wieder einmal von seiner extremen Seite zeigt, finden Sie auf dieser Seite eine entsprechende Unwetterwarnung für Tahiti. Ob Regen, Wind, Regenrisiko, Temperatur oder Sonnenstunden – alle Wetterdaten der Region Tahiti finden Sie hier im Detail. Scattered thunderstorms. Feels Like: 75 °FForecast: 85 / 76 °FWind: 3 mph ↑ from North, 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week, Passing clouds. Die Temperaturen erreichen Höchstwerte um 25 Grad. Tahiti, ältere Namen Otahaiti, Otaheiti, Otaheite, King George Island, Isla de Amat oder Sagittaria, ist eine Insel im Südpazifik, die politisch zum französischen Überseegebiet Französisch-Polynesien gehört. High 78F. Expect 1.9 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. The forecast for Tahiti in the coming two weeks is predicting the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 30°C, with a high for the two weeks of 32°C expected on the afternoon of Saturday 14th. Mit Höchstwerten um 26 Grad ist es in der Region Tahiti sommerlich warm. The mean minimum temperature will be 26°C, dipping to its lowest on the morning of Sunday 8th at 26°C. Chance of rain 60%. Bitte ändern Sie die Einstellung in Ihrem Browser, um die Seite in vollem Umfang nutzen zu können. Expect 0.5 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. High 79F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. (More Info), Temperature from our forecast perspective are fairly well defined, they are what we would expect to measure in a standard meteorological screen (in other words, shaded and well ventilated) at 2 metres above ground level. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Morgen ziehen in Tahiti bei wechselnder Bewölkung Schauer durch. Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. See weather overview. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Receiving an average of 2,500-2,900 hours of sunshine annually, Tahiti enjoys just enough rainfall to maintain its lush vegetation and colourful flowers. Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Use up and down arrows to change selection. Morgen ziehen in Tahiti bei wechselnder Bewölkung Schauer durch. Winds ENE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. This occurrence lasts up until the trade winds eventually deteriorate and reverse direction leading the winds as well as the warm waters from west to east. Bleibt es trocken oder ist mit Regen zu rechnen? Die Hitze in der Region Tahiti schwächt sich ab: Von 29 Grad am Samstag gehen die Höchstwerte auf 25 Grad am Montag zurück. The 7 day weather forecast summary for Tahiti: The outlook for Tahiti in the week ahead shows the average daytime maximum temperature will be around 30°C, with a high for the week of 32°C expected on the afternoon of Saturday 7th. Der kälteste Monat ist dagegen der August, in diesem werden Nachttemperaturen von ca. Tahiti and the surrounding Islands guaranteed a vacation with constant sunshine and enjoyable temperatures. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Thunderstorms. Expect 1.7 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Partly cloudy in the evening followed by scattered thunderstorms after midnight. July and August are the coolest months of the year due to southeast trade winds called the maraamu with temperatures averaging 25°C (77°F).. Scattered thunderstorms. Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms. Chance of rain 70%. Also known as the Austral or Southern winter, the dry season takes place from April through until October. Privacy & Terms, * Updated Sunday, November 8, 2020 2:16:34 am Papeete time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2020, Weather in Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. Chance of rain 50%. Seasons and climate. Variable clouds with scattered thunderstorms. Low around 70F. (More Info), The total amount of cloud as a percentage is derived from looking at cloud cover throughout the atmosphere and estimating how these combine when looked at from the ground. Scattered showers and thunderstorms. Vor allem am Montag weht ein teilweise kräftiger Wind aus nordöstlicher Richtung. Nachts ist es in Tahiti stark bewölkt. Tahiti liegt in der Zeitzone UTC10. Choose another month: During this time of the year, rainfall is evidently much more frequent than that in the dry season and tropical storms will commonly take place. Die Wassertemperatur beträgt 27°C. Expect 0.2 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. WetterOnline ( ). Chance of rain 40%. Expect 0.7 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. French Polynesia is a tropical destination with lots of sun and just … Mit Höchstwerten um 26 Grad ist es in der Region Tahiti sommerlich warm. Recently searched locations will be displayed if there is no search query. Expect 1.1 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Expect 1.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Thunderstorms likely. The indicators are that Thursday 12th will have the most precipitation with an accumulation of around 12.0mm. 84 / 73 °FHumidity: 73%. The day label given represents the local day relative to the local time for the location you are looking at. Last 2 weeks of weather. High 79F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. WetterOnline ( ). Mostly cloudy. View point-based 7-day wind and wave forecasts in Tahiti. Low around 70F. High 79F. Expect 0.3 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Chance of rain 30%. Even though Tahiti is situated in the South Pacific Ocean with similar climates to nearby countries, Polynesia is spread widely over a surface as large as Europe, therefore at certain times of the year, the typical climate of Tahiti will differ vastly from one area of Polynesia to the other. Vor allem am Montag weht ein teilweise kräftiger Wind aus nordöstlicher Richtung. Chance of rain 40%. (More Info), The wind direction we use on this page is the direction the wind is coming from, given in a 16 point compass format. The trade winds will typically create high-pressure systems and subtropical air will congregate towards the equatorial low-pressure systems, bringing along the hot oceanic waters from the eastern region of the Pacific to the west, This is consequently the point in the Tahiti and many other nearby countries result in profound rainy storms and also cyclones. Wird es wärmer oder kälter? Use escape to clear. Expect 0.4 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Wind: 6 mph ↑ from North, Lots of rain. Low 69F. With the location in an inter-tropical region, Tahiti features a particular climatic accord. have some days seeing a little precipitation and some days with rain. (More Info), The relative humidity is the percent of saturation humidity, generally calculated in relation to saturated vapour density. (More Info), The value given is a total predicted for the previous 3 hrs and includes the time of the forecast being looked at.