Product Support. Control-IQ™ advanced hybrid closed-loop technology on the t:slim X2 insulin pump. † Tandem Diabetes Care has a compensation agreement with Kerri Sparling, Ben Tzeel, and Matt Vande Vegte. All of Tandem’s research, development, manufacturing, and customer support teams Données internes. En effet, il existe des scénarios courants au cours desquels les systèmes automatisés ne peuvent pas prévenir l'hypoglycémie. Please consult your physician or qualified health care provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. We are taking the current COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and have taken steps to protect the health, safety and well … This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit. The Company takes an innovative, user-centric approach to the design, development and commercialization of products for people with diabetes who use insulin. This design approach has been used in the development of all our products. With the t:slim X2 pump, I can easily decrease my basal rates before I get behind the wheel to avoid unsafe lows. * Si les alertes et les lectures de glucose ne concordent pas avec vos symptômes ou avec vos attentes, ou si vous prenez des médicaments contenant de l’acétaminophène, vous devez procéder à un prélèvement au niveau du doigt pour confirmer la glycémie. a broad, unbiased look at the small-cap market as a whole. How do I get started with the t:connect web application? © 2020 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. All rights reserved. Also, don’t forget to sign-up for our daily To get more information on Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. and to follow the company’s latest updates, you can visit the company’s profile page here: © Tandem Diabetes Care 2020. We believe that by listening to their needs, we have a better chance of delivering products that will help improve their lives. It should also not be used in patients who require less than 10 units of insulin per day or who weigh less than 55 pounds. Diabetes never stops, and because of Basal-IQ technology on my t:slim X2 insulin pump, my snowboarding adventure doesn't have to stop either. To read our full disclosure, please go to: Mais sa prise en charge devrait l’être. Our commitment to innovation through partnerships also extends to leading artificial pancreas researchers around the world, who have used Tandem technology in their studies. The t:slim X2 pump, transmitter, and sensor must be removed before MRI, CT, or diathermy treatment. The t:slim X2 insulin pump, Basal-IQ technology, and Control-IQ technology are intended for single patient use. And since I love to rock climb, it was really important for me to be able to adjust basal rates, so I don’t go low. Control-IQ technology is available only to customers who reside in the United States. t:slim X2 Pump User and International Fitness Model†, t:slim X2 Pump User and Obstacle Course Racer. Importantly, the system cannot adjust your insulin dosing if the pump is not receiving CGM readings. The tubing leads to an adhesive patch and fine tube under the skin. Its CEO is John F. Sheridan. Si les alertes de glycémie et les relevés de votre dispositif SGC Dexcom G6 ne correspondent pas à vos symptômes ou à vos attentes, utilisez un glucomètre pour gérer le traitement de votre diabète. La fonction Basal-IQ repose sur des mesures continues du dispositif SGC et n'est pas en mesure de prédire les niveaux de glycémie ni de suspendre l'administration d'insuline si celui-ci ne fonctionne pas correctement ou est incapable de communiquer avec votre pompe. Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. (TNDM) had a rough trading day for Wednesday October 21 as Our products only tell half the story. La pompe à insuline t:slim X2™ est simple à comprendre et à utiliser par les utilisateurs novices et expérimentés. pumps, have consistently received some of Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. is a component of the Russell 2000. The Company takes an innovative, user-centric approach to the design, development and commercialization of products for people with diabetes who use insulin. Au moins deux prélèvements sur le doigt par jour doivent être effectués pour l’étalonnage. What is the process for updating a pump using the Tandem Device Updater once I have my Update ID code? The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors, and do not represent the views of For a complete fundamental analysis of Tandem Diabetes Care Inc., check out’s Stock Valuation Analysis report for Even with advanced systems such as the t:slim X2 insulin pump with Control-IQ technology, you are still responsible for actively managing your diabetes. Dedicated to making the lives of people with diabetes better and better, through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience. Informations Importantes Relatives à la Sécurité, Jusqu’à 38 % plus petite que les autres pompes†. Its CEO is John F. Sheridan. How do I load a cartridge on my t:slim, t:slim G4, t:slim X2, or t:flex insulin pump? † 38 % plus petite que la pompe MiniMed 630G et 670G et au moins 28 % plus petite que la pompe MiniMed 530G, Animas Vibe et le système Omnipod. Veillez à toujours utiliser votre pompe, vos réservoirs, votre dispositif SGC et vos ensembles de perfusion selon les instructions et vérifiez-les régulièrement pour vous assurer qu'ils fonctionnent correctement. At Tandem Diabetes Care, our whole reason for being is to make the lives of people with diabetes better and better, through relentless innovation. Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. is based out of San Diego, CA and has some 1,043 employees. The Russell 2000 is one of the leading indices tracking small-cap companies in the United States. For more news on the financial markets and emerging growth companies, be sure to visit’s † Tandem Diabetes Care has a compensation agreement with Kerri Sparling, Ben Tzeel, and Matt Vande Vegte. Tandem Diabetes also sells pump-related supplies and accessories. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. is a medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with diabetes through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience. Basal-IQ technology: Who should I contact for issues with my Dexcom CGM? Basal-IQ technology is intended for use with a compatible integrated continuous glucose monitor (iCGM, sold separately) and ACE pump to automatically suspend delivery of insulin based on iCGM readings and predicted glucose values. The t:slim G4 Insulin Delivery system is a continuous glucose monitoring enabled pump with a touch screen. The firm has three key insulin pump products. Our whole reason for being is to make the Future updates for all or some of Tandem's products may not be developed and may not be offered everywhere, and would be subject to applicable regulatory approvals. Disconnect the infusion set from your body before flying in an aircraft without cabin pressurization or in planes used for aerobatics or combat simulation (pressurized or not). Diabetes is all we do. Lorsqu’elle est utilisée avec un SGC, la pompe à insuline t:slim X2 à technologie Basal-IQ peut être employée pour suspendre l’administration d’insuline en fonction des lectures du capteur de SGC. Diabetes (suikerziekte) is een stofwisselingsziekte waarbij de bloedsuikerspiegel niet op peil blijft. La pompe à insuline t:slim X2 à technologie Basal-IQ (le système) est composé de la pompe à insuline t:slim X2, dotée de la technologie Basal-IQ, et d’un dispositif de surveillance du glucose en continu (SGC) compatible (vendu séparément). The system is designed to help reduce glucose variability, but it requires your accurate input of information, such as meals and periods of sleep or exercise. La pompe et le système sont indiqués avec de l’insuline NovoRapid ou Humalog U-100. La pompe et le système sont destinés à l’usage d’un seul patient. “In tandem” means together, and at Tandem Diabetes Care, we strive to embody that in every aspect of our business. I'm sorry, but in order to complete what you're trying to do, you must be logged in. #ResourceNotFound: MegaMenuResources, ToggleNavigation#. Visit for additional important safety information. The choice is easy. We believe that design, planning, and problem solving all happen best face-to-face. You have to be logged in to leave a comment. Always pay attention to your symptoms, actively monitor your glucose levels, and treat according to your healthcare provider’s recommendations. The pump is indicated for use in individuals six years of age and greater. The Company takes an innovative, user-centric approach to the design, development and commercialization of products for people with diabetes who use insulin. We are taking the current COVID-19 pandemic very seriously and have taken steps to protect the health, safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and communities >>. We believe that true progress is made through collaboration. TNDM. Be sure to always use your pump, cartridges, CGM, and infusion sets as instructed and check them regularly to make sure they are working properly. Learn More. De nieuwe t:slim X2 ™ insulinepomp: klein, handig in gebruik en makkelijk te updaten. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. is a medical device company dedicated to improving the lives of people with diabetes through relentless innovation and revolutionary customer experience. Passez à une pompe t:slim X2 avec technologie Basal-IQ. © 2020 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. All rights reserved. The t:connect ® Diabetes Management Application for Healthcare Professionals is a simple tool to view all your patients currently using Tandem pumps. Resources for using products from Tandem Diabetes Care, including our insulin pumps and predictive technologies, infusion sets, t:connect... Back to Main Site. Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. is a … Go The t:connect Diabetes Management Application is intended for use by In the development of our first product, the t:slim® insulin pump, we conducted thousands of interviews with people living with diabetes and their healthcare providers. © 2020 Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. All rights reserved. Pump sales contribute the majority of revenue. A prescription and additional training may be required to access certain future software updates. Products from our Friends email newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out on any of our best stories. Apprenez-en plus >. You will find key shareholder information and financial reports available to help put Tandem Diabetes Care's financial performance into perspective.