David Wenham stars as Jim Doyle, a math wizard that's come up with BTSE, an experimental banking program. List 3 : A Little before, And Comming soon !! That causes the Davises to lose their lawsuit. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Apple's new film starring Samuel L. Jackson and Anthony Mackie is now streaming. Stream It Or Skip It: 'Carmel: Who Killed MarĂ­a Marta?' Nicholas Hoult and Nia Long co-star in this drama inspired by true events. The married couple Davis bring an account statement at an ATM, on the unexpected $727,000 credits - a reference to the opening credits - are. Directed by Jah. However, O'Riley has other, more aggressive ways of boosting his bottom line; Centabank has been shutting down small-town branch offices that have been faithfully serving customers for decades, and has developed a new enthusiasm for foreclosing on loans from smaller customers having trouble making ends meet. They decide to keep the money. Apple Inc. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s, Jenny As it is, the film takes too long to become truly compelling. Jim, meanwhile, becomes romantically involved with Michelle (Sibylla Budd), a Centabank employee, and through her gets a clearer idea of just what O'Riley is trying to do. 393, This story has been shared 355 times. O'Reily demands a proof of loyalty from Doyle, requiring Doyle to falsely state in court that he was present as an intern in the bank's loan counseling of the Davises and that Wayne Davis was sufficiently informed. Jim's program attracts the interest of Simon O'Riley (Anthony LaPaglia), the head of a major Aussie financial services corporation, Centabank; O'Riley is looking to cut costs and increase profits, and he's convinced BTSE can help him do just that. Those who got hit by the financial crisis will adore this movie, because - even if it's just for the span of the film - you get a slice of something that I bet many people would love from today's banks. [This section is a rough translation from German. Information Genre Drama Released 2020 Run Time 2 hr Rated PG-13 Languages Primary English (AAC, Dolby 5.1, Dolby Atmos, AD, CC, SDH, Subtitles) Additional Which way will he go? The two stories come together in the hurtling final lap as Wayne confronts Simon in his country house while Jim puts his perfected program into operation. Review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes scored The Bank at 65% from 36 professional reviews (average rating 5.8/10), but 45% from 11 "top critic" reviews (average rating 5.5/10). With Anthony Mackie, Samuel L. Jackson, Nicholas Hoult, Nia Long. One of the main ideas of the film is that it might be possible to predict the stock market using some mathematical formula.