This is a beautifully well done crochet book. It is well written, and has nice illustrations, but it is too long to tell to the young children, who will be coming to the story time, at our Nativity Event. Raecke's text is drawn from the Hoffman original, so it is a bit simpler than the ballet with which more of us today are familiar. The prince takes Clara to his castle in the land of sweets where she meets the Sugar Plum Fairy. Hoffmann, though since coming to Goodreads, I have other stories of his on my list. The original story is vastly different from the beloved ballet. This would be fine… if it weren’t for the fact that, Till now I've liked everything I've read by ETA Hoffmann and I don't understand why he isn't more known and read, seen also that he is important in literature seen that several important and more famous authors took inspiration from his works. Since 1892, children and adults alike have enjoyed this delightful favorite. A classic story with unique illustrations. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. And though I haven’t experienced a live performance since 1993, every. Maybe get one a month. See, I had to get this one and read it because we went to SEE "The Nutcracker," but the problem is, I thought that this one would be a story about DANCING, not soldiers. As night falls, the Nutcracker soldier comes to life and rallies an army of toys. That's. I also knew there was a play; I have heard some of the music but I never saw the play or read this story. We’d love your help. If that is what you're looking for, this edition is for you. She has worked in all areas of illustr, Alison Jay was born in Hertfordshire, grew up in Derbyshire and studied graphic design in London where she now lives. Really weird. All at once, they heard a double crack. ... Let's Celebrate The Nutcracker includes the themes from the eight pieces of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. I've heard some people were in an uproar over the film because it's different from the ballet. 71). Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann, better known by his pen name E. T. A. Hoffmann (Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann), was a German Romantic author of fantasy and horror, a jurist, composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist. The stage was set for Tchaikovsky to bring the story into the 20th century in his famous ballet. October 14th 2010 “He, dear child, should work hard for all of us. The nutcracker she received came to live and was extraordinary. Let me explain, during Christmastime when I was really little, I saw the store versions placed around the stores but we never owned one. asks Madame Rosa. I bought this for my children who are both in the Nutcracker. Fritz kept shoving in the biggest and hardest nuts. Ella Bella, would you fetch the music box? Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Let's Celebrate The Nutcracker includes the themes from the eight pieces of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite. So when I saw this with some other Christmas offerings. A super cutesy version of the nutcracker, this removes all of the slightly scary undercurrents present in other retellings. Or, if you just trying to fathom what on earth Tchaikovsky is portraying in his ballet, reading an early English translation that aimed to be faithful to the original is a great start. The story is told in a very readable and accessible way that will invite children who don’t know the ballet story to hear it for the first time. Ειλικρινά, με έκανε να λυπηθώ λίγο που δεν μπορώ να μπω κι εγώ μες στις ζωγραφιές και να χορέψω με την Ζαχαρένια Νεράιδα... Μπράβο στις εκδόσεις Χάρτινη Πόλη :). a young orchestra conductor down on her luck, is secretly hired by an alien king to conduct The Nutcracker on Kwadra Island as a Christmas ... As Merrae dances with her friends and family to the sound of washboards and banjos, ... As Merrae dances with her friends and family to the sound of washboards and banjos, “Oh, my poor, dear Nutcracker,” Marie exclaimed, whisking him out of Fritz’s hands.”. At Christmas, you want to read aloud to your children the same stories that delighted countless other children over the decades and centuries over the holidays. Hoffmann's classic children's tale, "Nutcracker and Mouse-King,' which was penned in German in 1816. Ever since the reading of this story and my daughter seeing an abridged version of the Nutcracker ballet, my daughter has been enchanted. Who owns that darling little man over on the tree there?” “He,” the father answered. September 13th 1984 Written on the grand staff, the short 8-12 bar excerpts allow students to perform music from the entire suite. I read if for school in 6th grade, all the 6th grade English classes read it and then we got to go see a production of the Ballet. The classic story gets a beautiful treatment from Alison Jay's illustrations and her unique style adds a welcomed, unique element to the tale of a girl, her nutcracker and a magical dream. This version told a wonderful magic tale that would capture any child's attention. Hidden in darkness, the evil Mouse King plots and schemes. December 1967, my parents took me to see my first Nutcracker performance at the Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City. Start by marking “The Nutcracker” as Want to Read: Error rating book. We’d love your help. I don't think that all those years passed, but only a few weeks from the beginning of the story. The nutcracker became alive and promised to take care of everything if he got the sword - Fritz helped with that. They are quirky and what you expect from Maurice. Hoffmann's fairy tale The Nutcracker … Perhaps they have not read this original story? The Nutcracker story is told with each Click or Press Enter to view the items in your shopping bag or Press Tab to interact with the Shopping bag tooltip. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Till now in all his stories I was enraptured by this mix, that at the end I wasn't able to say what was true and what was magic. I don't have any childhood connection to the Nutcracker so I don't have the same nostalgia others do. Auto Suggestions are available once you type at least 3 letters. And though I haven’t experienced a live performance since 1993, every Christmas season I try to catch a performance on PBS. Refresh and try again. You can view Barnes & Noble’s Privacy Policy. Translations are, as a rule, pretty bad. Oh lovely, lovely! View the charming tale of the Nutcracker from a new perspective! Is it just me or does anyone else think that, [ turns out the nutcracker turns back into the guy he was before he was cursed and he proposes to our protagonist. The universally beloved ballet about Clara and her nutcracker gets the Guinea Pig Classics treatment!As