. John Pankow plays the guy in the mail room who helps Brantley. It's a good entertainment with a first rate cast and the scenes in the country are quite beautiful. A potential investor seduces the girl, Doug loves, with false promises of leaving his wife. Biblical success is not what you have but rather Who has you. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”, “Then He said to them, Watch out! Success in Spanish word is the word "éxito.". Joseph was prosperous . He wants you to experience success in every way that is good. “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. Brantley Foster, a well-educated kid from Kansas, has always dreamed of making it big in New York. Along the way, he meets his aunt Vera Prescott, played by the delicious Margaret Whitton who really steals the show in this role. What should he do? Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). Fox, Helen Slater, Richard Jordan, Margaret Whitton. However, when we focus on the Lord, put Him first in everything we do, He then gives us the desires of our hearts. Does this mean we will get everything we ask for, everything we want? When governments seek to excessively tax or control the earnings of those who experience Biblical success...the ultimate victims will not be the rich but the poor who are the recipients of their charity. Add the first question. In fact, most wealthy people are relatively empty. The acquisition of things and stuff and the “abundance of possessions” is the way the followers of this world determine success. The following two tabs change content below. . . Title: Be sure to obey all the teachings my servant Moses gave you. (1987). Five siblings are left alone all summer when their mom leaves town and the evil babysitter bites the dust. . If we truly trust in the Lord we’ve got to get serious about considering to change our ways. Soon things get unexpectedly out of hand, not in the least because of his aunt, his girl and leading a double life. Him. Our choice; chase after the things of this world, gain monetary wealth or chase after God, and have it all! Yes! A talented young man can't get an executive position without rising through the ranks, so he comes up with a shortcut, which also benefits his love life. Check your spam folder for confirmation & be sure to whitelist us! In life, we want to achieve so many things, but our inability to do so make us question if God really wants people to succeed. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.