The first zombie movie was 1932’s White Zombie. Looking foward and praying to be available in official version of all collectors in Brazil shotly. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? That said, bringing someone who might not recognise, for example, a parody of The Lion King in the final seconds of the show proper (before the curtain call and playout), will still enjoy the show for what it is: a hilarious superhero story. External Reviews Although the jokes were there (and some very funny) there just wasn't enough gore for a Toxic Avenger movie. After much cartoon bloodshed, we flash back to when Toxie is going out of his mind because all the evil is gone from Tromaville. The pupils at a high school next to a nuclear power plant start acting and looking strange after buying contaminated drugs from a plant worker. Which is just as well, given that the central character, Melvin (Mark Anderson), who also becomes known as Toxie for reasons explained in the narrative, becomes, through no fault of his own, as green as Elphaba in Wicked. Continuing my descent into Troma's Toxic Avenger saga, I've arrived at the third film: THE LAST TEMPTATION OF TOXIE. The devastating results then have a transmogrification effect, his alter ego is released, and the Toxic Avenger is born, to deadly and comical results. Basically needed in most Troma films with some Kabukiman. 98 Lbs. Booking Period: 28th September to 3rd December 2017 This was not as good as the second by a long way. Was this review helpful to you? But most of the jokes fall flat. Ranging from the origin of home movies through the video store era, it's ... See full summary ». The Toxic Avenger A serious let down by Troma. From now on, I'm only watching TA 1 ever again. We get to see Toxie battle the Devil himself!! Everything about this sequel is recycled from the other two movies, such as the video store robbery, Toxie being depressed and the jokes involving his blind girlfriend. Awards I loved the fact that they turned toxie back into a 90 pound weakling(although i wish they would have used Mark Torgle). Classic. Oh what a disappointment!! How can you not like this movie? Definitly not the best in the series..but's got it's moments see it anyway...but probably only really worth it in the Unrated Directors Cut since the R version omits most of the gore in the first half. Since then, there have been hundreds of zombie movies made, and I think the best ones are a combination of both. Some were more subtly cited than others – Mary Poppins may not have been spotted by everyone, while The Phantom of the Opera couldn’t have been more obvious. In TOXIC AVENGER III, we return to that plot thread except now the timeline is all screwy. The Toxic Avenger is born when meek mop boy Melvin falls into a vat of toxic waste. Now evildoers will have a lot to lose. He ended production with too much material and made the decision to split it into two movies. Troma should attempt to make a serious horror movie. Cinema_Fan. This lively documentary explores the rise and fall of physical media and its effect on Independent and cult films. View production, box office, & company info. Others need not apply. A restaurant robbery, which features the slaughter of a blind girl's dog and theatrical robbers, is hilarious. Unfortunately after this it slowly started getting boring. I don't normally like cheesey films but found the first three to be laugh out load funny. Worth a watch if you are a Troma fan. Tromeo, a filmmaker, falls in love with Juliet, the daughter of a former partner who tried to steal his business from him. Yet clearly the brainstorming sessions didn't produce anything of note, as this third entry is not only clearly out of ideas, but uses deleted scenes from the previous instalment to stitch together what they obviously feel passes for a plot. The beginning was a really good! It was shot as a very long flick and has been divided in part 2 and 3, so it explains why we go back to Tokyo at the end and why part 3 starts were 2 ended. TA 2 and TA 3 prove that it's not exactly easy to make a movie so bad it's good. What should you know about history and current events? There are some nice and even clever camera tricks and angles (like the school bus terror) and naturally lots of ridiculous sexual situations and (some) ultra gore, but when compared to the originality and great dialogue of the first movie and the ultra wild and still pretty fresh feel of the second part, this third movie seems more and more just a money taker and not so great a (trash) movie anymore. There is one good joke involving Toxie's blind girlfriend seeing his face for the first time, but really that's it for laughs and the extent of entertainment in this dud. Not until the hilarious ending did we see anymore disgusting gore. Written by I'm probably the only person that likes this installment. response to his boss's "Melvin, clean up those toilets, they stink!" Favourite Quadrilogy Made by One Director? Is it true that there's an Unrated Director's Cut and an Unrated Extended Cut available? Indeed, you know a movie sucks when your superhero fights the devil and even that is neither amusing or entertaining. The film is essentially the second half of a three hour movie. 6-7 Great Newport Street, Anyways if you haven't seen this movie please go buy it, not rent it, buy it. Despite what people will say this is another great Toxic Avenger movie. Toxie finds he has nothing to do as a superhero, as he has ridden his city of evil. | If you really aren't bothered about the film, watch it and point out the continuity and poor acting. Tromaville has a monstrous new hero. She is by far too talented to be in a film like this but boy does she look good.