According to Cooley, primary groups play crucial role in the formation of self and personality of an individual. It is because people do not always judge the reactions of others accurately, of course and therein arise complications. Following the rules of a game of baseball prepares children to follow the rules of the game of society as expressed in laws and norms. (Manheim, 1982: 87-89). In this stage children copy the behaviour of adults without understanding it. Hence, every society builds an institutional framework within which socialisation of the child takes place. During this period children develop the ability to hold an image in their minds permanently. Political socialization occurs mainly in three ways – imitation, instruction, and motivation. As they I trade off role in their play, children gradually develop a ‘me’. The ego is held accountable for actions, and it is rewarded or punished by the superego with feelings of pride or guilt. The, Political socialization is part of the continuous process of social order which is responsible for teaching certain political behaviors to the new members of a society in order to make them think in keeping with the changing political system they are living in (Almond & Verba, 1963 as cited in Essays UK 2013). The mass media of communication transmit informations and messages which influence the personality of an individual to a great extent. An individual from birth to death undergoes training and his, behaviour is controlled by numerous ways. 3 Different Levels of Organisational Advisory Bodies–Explained! According to Piaget, each stage of cognitive development involves new skills that define the limits of what can be learned. The child learns much from the family. He is now capable of taking the same view of himself that he infers others do. Socialisation stands for the development of the human brain, body, attitude, behaviour and so forth. These agencies are however interrelated. The third stage is known as the phallic phase. The primary stage involves the socialisation of the young child in the family. Socialisation teaches skills. On a baseball team, for example, each player follows a set of rules and ideas that are common to the team and to baseball. The first is imitation. He may show a disciplined behaviour to gain social approval. Agents of Political Socialization. He is socially active. In order to understand and tackle, Held, A. McGrew (1998) defines political globalization as “the shifting reach of political power, authority and forms of rule. As a person learns the proper beliefs, values and norms of a status or group to which he aspires, he is learning how to act in his new role. Childhood is the most influential period of socialization which agents of socialization impact the way children behave that, in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children. These procedures become part of the man’s/life and man gets adjusted to the society. Through the means of reward and punishment the desired behaviour pattern is reinforced whereas undesirable behaviour pattern meets with disapproval, ridicule and punishment. Before they reach this stage. Before the development of library literature and formal training, librarianship was based more, © Copyright 2013 - 2020, All Rights Reserved | Library and Information Science Network, The University of Queensland MBA Scholarship for 2020-2021, RMIT University (Australia) post graduate scholarship 2020-2021, University of Twente (Netherlands) Masters Scholarships for 2020-2021. It is through it that a society maintain its social system, transmits its culture from generation to generation. The American psychologist George Herbert Mead (1934) went further in analysing how the self develops. Media supply the political information to the viewers that help them to make their opinion. He becomes a ‘Purush’ and the culture that his group inculcates in him, humanises him, and makes him ‘Manusha’. All the infant’s activities are focussed on getting satisfaction through the mouth not merely food, but the pleasure of sucking itself. Distinction between political institutions and persons engaged in the activities associated with those institutions. According to Giddens and Sutton (2013), socialization is the social process through which children or any other new members of society. Socialisation takes place at different stages such as primary, secondary and adult. He generally possesses, the inherited potential that can make him a person under conditions of maturation and conditioning. The self emerges through the process of socialisation. According to Horton and Hunt, Socialisation is the process whereby one internalises the norms of his groups, so that a distinct ‘self emerges, unique to this individual. Orville F. Brim (Jr) described socialisation as a life-long process. The family plays an outstanding role in the socialisation process. But family plays the most important role in the formation of personality. Parents and peer groups are not the only agencies of the socialisation in modern societies. Each time they see themselves from someone else’s viewpoint, they practise responding to that impression. The concept is an image that one builds only with the help of others. After his education is over, he enters into a profession. Socialisation takes place rapidly if the agencies’ of socialisation are more unanimous in their ideas and skills. The looking glass self is composed of three elements: 1. Successful socialization manifests as a uniformity within a particular society. Publish your original essays now. For Cooley, however, their influence is of lesser significance than that of the primary groups.