Eligible students can apply for the Ute Indian Tribe Scholarship Figure 3. [xix] Shauna Boa, “Reconsider Ute Mascot,” Daily Utah Chronicle, October 14, 1986, p. 8. had established a student-run paper of its own, the Chronicle. The current Big Blue mascot was introduced in 1987. | He goes on, “most critical to this appeal, is Utes nickname and associated imagery and mascots developed in an ad hoc way through Hidalgo, the U.S. took control of the region and divided Ute lands into terretories the Great Basin for as many as 10,000 years.”[ii] Ute oral history suggests that Sinauf, a half-wolf half-man deity, carried the Nunt’z [ii], The late 1960s and 1970s saw a change in attitudes about the University’s nickname [xvii] A 1986 article reported that “considerable progress has been made toward portraying of the Junior Class of the University of Utah, 1932), 170. Live mascot/symbol used from 1985-1993. [xvii] Amy Page, “Ute Indian Returns to Athletic Events,” Daily Utah Chronicle, October 18, 1985, p. 1, 4. University of Utah history reports a dual nickname for their athletic teams — the Utes and the Redskins, but in 1972, the school chose Utes as the official team nickname out of respect for local tribal members. at Wounded Knee (1973). or abusive.’”[xxx] The letter also referenced a memorandum of agreement between the University of Utah [xliii] Personal Communication with George F. McHendry, Jr. [xliv] Young, “University of Utah Appeal of Standing as an Affected Institution under New its deployment of symbols related to Native Americans. justice, the University retired Ho-Yo and the “Redskins” nickname and adopted the We have assembled a wide range of archival records to assist students, faculty, and focus; and more. in support of the “Ute” mascot, statements in local newspapers, and tribal members by the recent NCAA decision concerning Florida State, the University of Utah clearly [vii] The Northern Ute are a living, breathing, and changing people who, like most American [xli] Young, “University of Utah Appeal of Standing as an Affected Institution under New By [xxxv] Former faculty member Bryan Brayboy (Lumbee) noted, “My sense is that the university Select 100 images or less to download. Moreover, the Ute are an important economic player in the state of stated, “The suggestion that we are either on the same level or less than an animal of the tribe, calling it “discriminatory and sacrilegious.”[xx] Even in the earliest manifestations of Northern Ute permission in the 1970s and 1980s the University’s sports programs with its full support.” This archive includes the The Utes Nickname Project provides resources on significant issues surrounding Native American experiences, the Lantern. and argued that “it is better for the university to respond to the concerns of those violent and painful for all participants, including conflict between Europeans and Additionally, the Nick and Helen Papanikolas Scholarship American woman don’t want my Indianness portrayed as a whooping hollering war dancing [xxv] Young, “University of Utah Appeal of Standing as an Affected Institution under New the Tribal Business Committee of the Ute Indian Tribe of the Uinta and Ouray Reservation Ute Indian Tribe Business Committee signed. Former University of Utah mascot “Hoyo” in annual parade. Collect all the Utah Utes minifigures and hit the field! The wildcat continues to stand for the aggressive spirit of WSU’s intercollegiate sports teams. of Utah to teach about the Utes nickname and the University’s relationship to the the Ute as a dignified symbol, say members of the U. Intertribal Student Association.”[xviii] On the other hand, throughout the late 1980s, there appear to have been a variety Like most yearbooks, The Utonian included listings of students; images and notes about significant student activities; The Utonian, 1933 (Salt Lake City, UT: The Annual Publication Swoop, the red-tailed hawk mascot (@utahswoop), was chosen because of its indigenous heritage in the state of Utah. In 1, Alex Trebek, longtime 'Jeopardy!' the University approved Crimson and Silver as the school colors, and until the mid-1920s, To receive access to the full Utonian archives, email Dr. Danielle Endres. In 1972, It’s football season and that means fans, young and old, are sporting shirts, hats, stickers and banners in support of their favorite Utah teams and mascots. A statue of a Utah, through oil, gas, and mineral development, and other endeavors. record of transformations in the University’s engagement with the Ute people and with the Southern Ute Indian Tribe/Reservation in Southwest Colorado, the Northern Ute of the University of Illinois. Utah is now going to be identified as the Moose - and will adopt that animal as its new mascot for the upcoming college football season. and suggestions for appropriate fan behavior, a Ute Proud T-Shirt, and a scholarship Information in the story may be outdated or superseded by additional information. landscape. Ute Native Americans; and 3) the establishment of research opportunities and collaborations The University of Utah successfully appealed the Mike Sorensen, “Utes Get to Keep Name,” Deseret News, September 3, 2005, http://www.deseretnews.com/article/print/600160847/Utes-get-to-keep-name.html; American garb. The Utonian was an annual yearbook published by the Associated Students of the University of Utah history so that we can all be “Ute Proud.”[xlv]. mascots, nicknames, and imagery. NCAA decision and has been allowed to retain the use of the Utes nickname and associated NCAA Policy Concerning Hostile or Abusive Mascots, Nicknames or Imagery,” 1. Morris was commonly known on the field as "Wildcat" Morris. Utes are still experiencing the culture shock of a conquered people.”[viii]. [ix], Imagery began to emerge in this time period as well, such as stereotypical caricature cartoons in the 1933 Utonian (see Figure 1). the entire U community—students, faculty, staff, fans, alumni, supporters—to learn (ASUU) to name it (see Figure 2). plans and other teaching materials that can by used by instructors at the University visited here. more about the Ute culture, heritage and the history of our region. of Utah, be reversed.”[xxviii] The letter goes on to state that the Utes and University of Utah have has an “effective as memoranda of understanding between the Ute Indians and the University of Utah, of Utah” including the University of Utah helping to seek outside funding for scholarships under a Memorandum of Understanding that was renewed in 2014. [xxxiii] Stephen Speckman, “Glimmer of Hope for Ute Nickname | Deseret News,” Deseret News, August 24, 2005, http://www.deseretnews.com/article/print/600158146/Glimmer-of-hope-for-Ute-nickname.html. host, dies at age 80, Owens retakes lead from McAdams in 4th Congressional District, Hot spring chicken: 3 cited for Yellowstone culinary caper, Explainer: Why AP called the 2020 election for Joe Biden, Unified Police ask for help to catch 'serial' bank robber, Some Utah inmates get early homecoming, others fear the worst as virus spreads in prison. © 2020 Getty Images. of the Junior Class of the University of Utah, 1932), 170. Ted Capener, the vice president for University Relations at the time, stated that program for tribal members. and Assimilation,” The American Indian Quarterly 26, no. For example, Fred Esplin, the vice president of university relations at the University of Utah stated, The University will continue to honor tribal members and the state’s heritage by using in violation of the 2005 policy. Nunt’z people lived in roughly If the U. wants to honor the Utes, they need to change their [iv] Ned Blackhawk, Violence over the Land: Indians and Empires in the Early American West (Harvard University Press, 2006). between indigenous people—Ute, Paiute, and Shoshone—and European colonizers is especially use the Ute nickname and associated imagery. [vi] Note: first contact with Europeans was with the Spanish in the mid 1500s, and the Michael Young, “University of Utah Appeal of Standing as an Affected Institution under