4. Tanning Beds Direct carries a huge selection of high-quality home, stand up, and commercial tanning beds for sale from the top brands in the industry! High-pressure lamps go the most skin-deep and give you the longest-lasting color on the skin. High-pressure lamps go the most skin-deep and give you the longest-lasting color on the skin. If you are just getting started, we suggest you use an accelerating lotion to stimulate the melanin in your skin more quickly. Nick Patel, the current owner and CEO of L.A. Tan, has operated this chain since 2001. In each level, we offer single sessions, 5-packs, 10-packs. Our highly advanced tanning equipment also allows you to adjust the exposure to your needs while relaxing in a lay-down bed or stand-up booth. To maintain a level of gold you are happy with, we recommend more frequent, but shorter sessions to keep your bronzed look in tact. Our state-of-the-art sunbed equipment helps to oxidize the browning pigmentation that darkens the skin, while UVB rays trigger the melanin production process. Our state-of-the-art sunbed equipment helps to oxidize the browning pigmentation that darkens the skin, while UVB rays trigger the melanin production process. These beds have low intensity UVB rays to stimulate your melanin production without overexposure. At Desert Sun Tanning Salons, we offer the latest full range indoor tanning beds and equipment to help you acquire the benefits of UVA and UVB rays that are naturally produced by the sun. This is the perfect level for preparing for vacations or being outdoors. We offer various membership levels and package deals to suit your needs. Tanning in a level 4 or 5 is the equivalent to tanning in a lower level anywhere from 2-3 times in 1 single session. For those with copper skin tones, you may opt for the gold level sunbeds to deepen and darken your existing color. Level 3 is most comparable to the natural sun. All Rights Reserved. as well as, L.E.D. At Perfextions we offer 3 levels of tanning and professional airbrush tanning. facial light therapy. The salon and equipment are routinely maintained and our lamps are replaced 100 hours before manufacturer's recommendations, so our lamps are never tired and always provide the best bronze color! Each tanning bed ships for free within the mainland USA, and our customers are charged no sales tax. Level 3 has a great mixture of UVA and UVB to give you the base tan you need, as well as the color you want. facial light therapy. It is the most advanced tanning bed as uniform tanning experience is guaranteed by it’s 12 Sun Fusion high power output lamps exclusively for face and arms. Level 1 is typically a 20-minute bed that offers the MOST UVB and very little UVA. We have a wide variety of tanning lotions, swimwear, and jewelry. Privacy Policy Reduces wrinkles, crow's feet and fine lines. Owned by SST Group, LLC. Regular tanning lamps emit more UVB rays and are most appropriate for those with a lighter skin tone. Charity Relations, Locations We have invested in a full line of quality sun beds so you have access to the bed or booth of your choice as promptly as possible. Level 3 is going to offer you more UVA and less UVB compared to levels 1 & 2 and gives you the best base tan. Levels 4 & 5 are our high-pressure levels that offer the most UVA and the least amount of UVB. What types of bulbs do tanning beds need? Copyright © Desert Sun Tanning Salons 2019. Traditional tanning beds lack these exclusive lamps and are likely to produce uneven tan lines. A Unique Tanning Experience. Blog Imagine turning up the sun in Washington once in a while. L.E.D. Tanning in a level 4 or 5 is the equivalent to tanning in a lower level anywhere from 2-3 times in 1 single session. Enhance your results by using Sunbed Tanning accelerators and bronzers. Our tanning salons in Seattle are equipped to serve various levels of tanning needs. ... Several different types of tanning beds and amenities from facial and shoulder tanners, cooling fans and even aromatherapy packages! L.A. Tan was first established in the early 1990s. We are a family-owned company and have been in business over 10 years in the same location! VIP Beds-32 100W Lamps-8.5% UVB-Sessions are 15 minute max. If you have fair skin, you may want to start with Platinum Level beds. (F) 206.830.9718 Sunfire 16- Customer-friendly in Every Way Facial Light Therapy offers a natural and healthy way to improve the overall look and feel of your skin! Beach Bum Tanning is an award winning tanning salon franchise based in New York City specializing in airbrush tanning, sunbeds, sunless booth, and massage. Please also take a peek at our extensive selection of skincare products, developed to strengthen, soothe, and enhance your skin goals. Sundance Tanning offers the area's cleanest, most professional tanning services. Make your tanning experience a shade more rewarding. Regular Beds-32 100W Lamps in bed-7% UVB-Sessions are 20 minute max. Sunbed options and amenities include: Whether you want a relaxing 20-minute bed session or a quick-bronzing 10-minute bed session, we have an option that suits your preferences. For specials, coupons, and more, Sunday 10am – 6pm Monday 9am – 9pm Tuesday 9am – 9pm Wednesday 9am – 9pm Thursday 9am – 9pm Friday 9am – 9pm Saturday 9am- 8pm. All new clients will be given 3 free tans to try out our beds. We are a family-owned company and have been in business over 10 years in … These rays do not go as skin deep, so they also do not last as long on the skin. Call us 1-800-716-3373 for pricing. NEVER rush a tan. 2nd Sun Tan offers a variety of Pre owned tanning beds at discounted prices. Our Guarantee, Customer Service Sundance Tanning offers the area's cleanest, most professional tanning services, as well as, L.E.D. There are two types of bulbs that can be used for a tanning bed: a tanning bulb and a bronzing bulb. We offer 3 levels of advanced tanning equipment. Marketing & Press, 11155 120th Ave NE #100 Kirkland, WA 98033 We offer unlimited tanning starting as low as $17.50 per month. FAQ's Stop by, meet our certified tanning consultants and learn more about our state-of-the-art sunless spray tanning and sunbed tanning. Let our Smart Tan certified staff help you choose the level and package that best suits your needs at our comfortable, clean and appointment-free salon! Level 1 & 2 are beginning levels that are going to emit the most UVB rays that take the longest to see your color develop. A 30-minute session is completely non-invasive, involves no harsh. Levels 4 & 5 are our high-pressure levels that offer the most UVA and the least amount of UVB. Levels 4 and 5 offer you the deepest, darkest tan and the most color in one single session. Give Your Feedback Depending on your skin type and tanning goals, you will want to select a bed that meets your desired outcome. Recommended Schedule 2-to 4 sessions per week to maintain tan. Our History Optimum results are achieved by using a Sunbed 1-3 times per week. Gold level beds combine higher-intensity lamps with higher UVA concentration to darken your bronze in a relaxing lay-down bed or standup booth for 10-15 minute sessions. Find Used tanning beds for sale online. Bronzing lamps emit more UVA rays and are more beneficial for those with a darker skin tone. Our tanning salon in Vestavia Hills, AL is dedicated to 100% customer satisfaction and we’re excited to help you find your perfect shade. Careers Enhanced results can be seen with use of Indoor Tanning specific lotions, 10-20 minute sessions | starts at $14-$30, Recommended usage of 3-4x per week until desired results. help@desertsuntanning.com. For best results, do NOT wear makeup or use moisturizers that have SPF. At Desert Sun Tanning Salons, we offer the latest full range indoor tanning beds and equipment to help you acquire the benefits of UVA and UVB rays that are naturally produced by the sun. Platinum level beds merge maximum intensity lamps and UVA rays to deepen and maintain color in a relaxing lay-down bed for 12-22 minute sessions. To find the nearest Seattle tanning salons for you, check out our list of locations. Silver level beds offer lower-intensity lamps with higher UVB to help stimulate melanin production in a relaxing lay-down bed for up to 20 minute sessions. Level 2 typically offers a bed or stand up option and gives you a bit less UVB and more UVA rays so you are able to see your color more quickly. (D) 425.429.7420 chemicals, lasers or peels and requires zero down-time!